Roger Johansson
I downloaded "The Mason book" as a tar.gz file together with a .pl
file to compile the pod files into html files.
(I cannot afford to read the book online on a modem line)
From http://www.masonbook.com/book/ which is one of the links at
I have problems compiling this book. The book_as_html.pl file seems
not to work. I try to run "perl book_as_html.pl" in the dos window, in
the same folder where I have unpacked the tar.gz file.
I first got a message that it could not find the sample.pm file, so I
copied it to the folder the .pl file seemed to expect it to be.
The .pl file looks like this in the beginning:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package MasonBook::ToHTML;
use Pod::Simple 0.96;
use base qw( Pod::Simple );
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
Then it said that the version and package check failed, in line 7 of
the script.
I changed the version number to the same as in the sample.pm file.
Then it said that the Sample class was empty and said there was a
fault in line 8.
Is there a better way to compile this book, or is there a way to
rewrite this script so it works?
file to compile the pod files into html files.
(I cannot afford to read the book online on a modem line)
From http://www.masonbook.com/book/ which is one of the links at
I have problems compiling this book. The book_as_html.pl file seems
not to work. I try to run "perl book_as_html.pl" in the dos window, in
the same folder where I have unpacked the tar.gz file.
I first got a message that it could not find the sample.pm file, so I
copied it to the folder the .pl file seemed to expect it to be.
The .pl file looks like this in the beginning:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package MasonBook::ToHTML;
use Pod::Simple 0.96;
use base qw( Pod::Simple );
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
Then it said that the version and package check failed, in line 7 of
the script.
I changed the version number to the same as in the sample.pm file.
Then it said that the Sample class was empty and said there was a
fault in line 8.
Is there a better way to compile this book, or is there a way to
rewrite this script so it works?