Puppet_Sock wrote: [snip]
As at least one person said, you're doing it backwards.
I should have given credit. I was lazy. Mea culpa and
I apologize.
When I was younger I was just as bored and uninterested
in documentation as the next guy. The spec? Feh. The
coder's manual? Feh. We don't need no stinking manuals.
I know what's in my code.
Then I got on a project where I was actually going to
be paid. And the client was actually going to insist
that the software have some particular set of abilities.
And that they be able to maintain it when I was gone.
And that it be done on time and satisfy their needs.
And that the users be able to use it, and train new
users after I was no longer there.
And, Lo! I became a believer in certain aspects of
project control. You make a spec before you start.
You set a schedule. You do some "Hollywood Interface"
design. You create some test cases and use cases.
You make some of the more fundamental architecture
decisions, such as how files will be arranged and
so on. You make resourcing plans. You make plans for
how things will be reported to see that you are on
track to finish on schedule. Yada yada, all that
tedious boring stuff that most people hate.
And one rather wonderful thing I experienced for the
first time, and highly recomend for anybody who wants
to write good software, but hates all that QA stuff.
Get a project manager. That's not a "pointy haired
boss." That's a guy who knows how to do all this
schedule and spec and reporting stuff. So I got
together with this guy about once a week. And he
had all these fill-in-the-blank questions ready,
and he updated the schedule, and filled in the plan.
And he knew what all the charge numbers were, and how
to ask for resources, and who had to be informed
when a version rollout was going to happen, etc.,
etc., and tedious etc.
And *HE* made the report for the pointy haired boss.
I had to talk to the PHB exactly three times on a
one year project. Bliss!