Ramon F Herrera
My only Java environment so far has been JBuilder (Developer), and I
was very satisfied with it. Now I see the writing on the wall and am
considering migrating to Eclipse. I just got the Eclipse traditional
download plus Turbo JBuilder 2007 and began playing with them. (cost
is a consideration).
One thing I cannot stand is having to code dialog boxes, buttons, etc.
by typing. One of the features that I like best from the non-Eclipse
versions of JBuilder is the two-way interaction between drawing and
typing source code.
I cannot find anywhere a "studio" for drawing GUIs under Eclipse. How
can something call itself RAD (*) if it doesn't provide such an
essential tool?
What alternatives do I have for getting a visual studio in:
- Pure (i.e., non Borland) Eclipse
- Borlanized Eclispe
-Ramon F Herrera
(*) directed to Borland
was very satisfied with it. Now I see the writing on the wall and am
considering migrating to Eclipse. I just got the Eclipse traditional
download plus Turbo JBuilder 2007 and began playing with them. (cost
is a consideration).
One thing I cannot stand is having to code dialog boxes, buttons, etc.
by typing. One of the features that I like best from the non-Eclipse
versions of JBuilder is the two-way interaction between drawing and
typing source code.
I cannot find anywhere a "studio" for drawing GUIs under Eclipse. How
can something call itself RAD (*) if it doesn't provide such an
essential tool?
What alternatives do I have for getting a visual studio in:
- Pure (i.e., non Borland) Eclipse
- Borlanized Eclispe
-Ramon F Herrera
(*) directed to Borland