Samuel Fung
Hi all,
Can ASP retrieve UTF-8 encoded data in query string properly, when
used with IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 Pro/Server?
With some trial and error, it seems that adding the directive
@CodePage = 65001 to an ASP page makes the ASP page decode UTF-8 data
in query string properly. Without the directive,
Request.QueryString(var) returns garbled data. With the directive,
Request.QueryString(var) decodes UTF-8 encoded data properly. (I tried
passing it to database with ADO; and VBScript function Len() also
returned the correct string length. I passed UTF-8 encoded Chinese
characters during my test.)
My search on the Web and newgroups, however, returned mostly results
that say ASP does not support UTF-8 encoded data in query string.
One of the search results is
It was written in March 2000. Could things have changed since then?
Can anyone share their views and experience on this matter? Is the
@CodePage directive all that's needed to handle UTF-8 encoded data in
Can ASP retrieve UTF-8 encoded data in query string properly, when
used with IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 Pro/Server?
With some trial and error, it seems that adding the directive
@CodePage = 65001 to an ASP page makes the ASP page decode UTF-8 data
in query string properly. Without the directive,
Request.QueryString(var) returns garbled data. With the directive,
Request.QueryString(var) decodes UTF-8 encoded data properly. (I tried
passing it to database with ADO; and VBScript function Len() also
returned the correct string length. I passed UTF-8 encoded Chinese
characters during my test.)
My search on the Web and newgroups, however, returned mostly results
that say ASP does not support UTF-8 encoded data in query string.
One of the search results is
It was written in March 2000. Could things have changed since then?
Can anyone share their views and experience on this matter? Is the
@CodePage directive all that's needed to handle UTF-8 encoded data in