Drop down "menu" in html


John Roenigk

Is it possible using only html to construct a drop down "menu" from
which one could choose html links to other web pages?

John R.
Austin, Texas

Barbara de Zoete

Is it possible using only html to construct a drop down "menu" from which
one could choose html links to other web pages?

How do you immagine that to work? HTML, being a markup language, only tells
what something is supposed to be, like a list of links for a menu. It doesn't
say how it is supposed to render.

With proper markup and some simple CSS one can get a nice 'drop down' of 'fly
out' or whatever effect. Doesn't work in some antique browsers though,
including IE.

,------------- PretLetters: 'woest wyf', met vele interesses: --------------.
| weblog | <http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/_private/weblog.html> |
| webontwerp | <http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/webontwerp.html> |
| zweefvliegen | <http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/vliegen.html> |


John said:
Is it possible using only html to construct a drop down "menu" from
which one could choose html links to other web pages?

John R.
Austin, Texas

Nope, sorry, can't be done.


x theSpaceGirl (miranda)

# lead designer @ http://www.dhnewmedia.com #
# remove NO SPAM to email, or use form on website #


John said:
Is it possible using only html to construct a drop down "menu" from
which one could choose html links to other web pages?
John R.
Austin, Texas

You can. But not without a lot of extra work.
The text would not show an underlined link as in normal layout.


Shows several examples of the ins and outs of doing this.
See the section titled "client-side scripting".

Using <li> might be a better approach for links.

Of course, we'll now hear the numerous whinings about why one should not use
javascript for the 10% of the population that has it turned off.
Which is also covered by showing an example using server side cgi.


rf said:
And just what will that do without a bunch of javascript behind it or some
server side processing?. Last time I looked those things were not "only

Server side processing is OK.
How would that work as a drop box?

<form name="menu-group" action="index.php" method="post">
<select multiple size="4" name="menu-item">
<option value="page1.htm"> page 1</option>
<option value="page2.htm"> page 2</option>
<option value="page3.htm"> page 3</option>

Set the on-click to reload the page somehow...


Richard said:
John Roenigk wrote:

You can. But not without a lot of extra work.
The text would not show an underlined link as in normal layout.


Shows several examples of the ins and outs of doing this.
See the section titled "client-side scripting".

Using <li> might be a better approach for links.

Of course, we'll now hear the numerous whinings about why one should not use
javascript for the 10% of the population that has it turned off.
Which is also covered by showing an example using server side cgi.

The OP said in HTML. You've given a Javascript example. Care to try
again, but this time IN HTML??? :) Like I said, it can't be done in HTML!


x theSpaceGirl (miranda)

# lead designer @ http://www.dhnewmedia.com #
# remove NO SPAM to email, or use form on website #


paul said:
Server side processing is OK.
How would that work as a drop box?

<form name="menu-group" action="index.php" method="post">
<select multiple size="4" name="menu-item">
<option value="page1.htm"> page 1</option>
<option value="page2.htm"> page 2</option>
<option value="page3.htm"> page 3</option>

Set the on-click to reload the page somehow...

onclick does not exist in HTML. That's a javascript (dhtml) thing.


x theSpaceGirl (miranda)

# lead designer @ http://www.dhnewmedia.com #
# remove NO SPAM to email, or use form on website #

Bernhard Sturm

John said:
Is it possible using only html to construct a drop down "menu" from
which one could choose html links to other web pages?

yes it's possible. even without javascript and server-side coding.
thanks to CSS you can do this. it works very well on latest browser, but
not IE (which is not to be considered as a 'modern' browser).

see the famous suckerfish solution:


the good thing is: you only need the javascript for IE users, for all
other users the drop-down will work without javascript (for those
interested: this is because IE doesn't understand correct CSS as IE can
only add pseudo elements to the a tag, and not to other tags, such as li...)

if you want to see a running suckerfish drop-down:




Bernhard Sturm

Richard said:
You can. But not without a lot of extra work.

oh in fact it isn't that difficult :)
Using <li> might be a better approach for links.

yes. that's the only way of doing this:
<li><a href="">Whalesucker</a></li>
<li><a href="">Marlinsucker</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ceylonese remora</a></li>
<li><a href="">Spearfish remora</a></li>
<li><a href="">Slender suckerfish</a></li>

together with this css code you have a working example:

ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
list-style: none;
li {
float: left;
position: relative;
width: 10em;
li ul {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 1em;
left: 0;
li > ul {
top: auto;
left: auto;
li:hover ul { display: block; }

note: this is raw code... it works on css2.0 compliant browsers (hence
not in IE.. for IE you need special javascript treatment.. but just a
few lines will be necessary)

Of course, we'll now hear the numerous whinings about why one should not use
javascript for the 10% of the population that has it turned off.
Which is also covered by showing an example using server side cgi.

the nice thing about the suckerfish solution is, that it is fully
accessible even with js switched off, as it is based on a <ul><li> list.
up to now, this is the best solution to produce a rock-solid drop-down
menue according WAI accessibility rules.



The OP said in HTML. You've given a Javascript example. Care to try
again, but this time IN HTML??? :) Like I said, it can't be done in HTML!

yes it can be done in html/css only... without the use of javascript
(people tend to underestimate the power of XHTML/CSS).


It can even be done in HTML. It should be done in HTML. The menu won't
drop with CSS|JS|YourFavoriteOptionalTechnology, but who cares? Your
visitors? If it is a site about dropdown menus, perhaps they do.

Bernhard Sturm

Kris said:
yes it can be done in html/css only... without the use of javascript
(people tend to underestimate the power of XHTML/CSS).


It can even be done in HTML.[/QUOTE]

so please: show it tu us. ;-) according to my knowledge it's not
possible without the use of CSS. (something which has nothing to do with
JS, it belongs to HTML, and as a visitor you cannot switch it off
because security is bothering you :)

It should be done in HTML. The menu won't
drop with CSS|JS|YourFavoriteOptionalTechnology, but who cares? Your
visitors? If it is a site about dropdown menus, perhaps they do.

hmm.. I don't understand you point of view.. can you clarify a bit?
the overall goal should be accessibility. my proposed solution will fit
perfect into this



It can even be done in HTML.

so please: show it tu us. ;-)[/QUOTE]

Just your average menu. Following a main item delivers you to the page
that contains the collapsed menu. This is, of course, when the effect of
dropping down and up is unavailable.
according to my knowledge it's not
possible without the use of CSS. (something which has nothing to do with
JS, it belongs to HTML, and as a visitor you cannot switch it off
because security is bothering you :)

Plenty of browsers allow you to shut down CSS rendering.
It should be done in HTML. The menu won't

hmm.. I don't understand you point of view.. can you clarify a bit?

See above.

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