RichardOnRails wrote:
As far as underscoring vs. Camel-case goes, I know Rubyists'
preference, but I bow to Shakespeare's notion that "a rose by any
other name is just as sweet."
It doesn't work that way in programming. Good naming practices are an
important part of readable code. This is particularly so in a language
like Ruby, in which "literate" interfaces are common.
I spent a couple decades writing/
maintaining Window's application for clients using C and C++, so I've
a fondness for Polish notation (at least that's what I think it was
Polish Notation is Åukasiewicz-style prefix notation, rather like what's
used in Lisp. You mean Hungarian Notation.
But in any case, *you've been had*. Hungarian Notation as developed by
Charles Simonyi is extremely useful in non-OO code (I've used it in PHP
with great success). Hungarian Notation as the term is usually
understood is a very stupid thing indeed, which has unfortunately been
foisted by Microsoft on huge numbers of Windows programmers who really
should know better.
It is (at best) marginally useful in statically
typed languages like C, and downright misleading in dynamically typed
languages like Ruby.
The difference is that Simonyi's original concept encodes information
*outside the scope* of the variable's type (which, after all, the
interpreter or compiler already knows about). For example, in a mapping
system, you might have kmDistance and ftCorrection. It's entirely clear
from those names that kmDistance + ftCorrection would be adding
kilometers and feet without a conversion, and thus it's immediately
clear that that operation is wrong.
OTOH, legions of misled Windows developers would simply call those two
variables intDistance and intCorrection, incorporating no new useful
information and making the names harder to read.
For more on the misuse of Hungarian Notation, please see (Simonyi's original is
there called Apps Hungarian, while the popular perversion is called
Systems Hungarian). There's also some interesting discussion at , if you can wade through the
Systems Hungarian, BTW, is bad enough in C, where you should be able to
refer to your variable declarations. If your functions are so long that
you can't refer easily to declarations, then you need to refactor to
shorter methods for overall readability anyway -- methods should be
short. Systems Hungarian has no use at all in Ruby, since although
objects are typed, variables are not, so it's perfectly possible to do
intValue = 1
# later
intValue = {:foo => 'bar'}
Even Apps Hungarian is not a great idea in OO code. Instead, just use
the type system, so that distance would be a Kilometer object and
correction would be a Foot object. Kilometer.+(foot) could then either
raise an exception or invoke a conversion.
In summary, then, Hungarian Notation of either sort is inappropriate in
Ruby. Drop the habit.
Typing extra hyphens vs pressing the shift key lets me write
code faster, and the a/s/h prefix for arrays/strings/hashes helps me
avoid a lot of interpreter complaints.
If you care about removing characters from variable names, start with
removing the Hungarian warts. As I explained above, they serve no
useful purpose in Ruby at all. And I have to say, I don't find
wordsRunTogether as easy to read as words_with_underscores -- the
underscores look more like spaces and delineate the words better to my
eye. WouldYouRatherReadThisClauseHere, or
In any case, "snake_case" is the prevailing style in Ruby, and virtually
every Ruby library uses it (including the standard library and Rails) --
your code will look strange if you don't follow suit. The examples in
Programming Ruby tend to use camelCase, but that's more of a flaw in the
book than an indicator of Ruby practice.
And fellow programmers of
almost any stripe knows what I mean. Finally, I retired curmudgeon,
and you know how we old folks are
Age is not an excuse. If you're going to learn a language, take the
time to learn the idioms and the "spirit" of the language, not just the
bare essentials of syntax. I've seen far too many people try to write
C, Java, or PHP in Ruby -- avoid the temptation!
Seriously, your insight was very helpful and will help me avoid a
bunch of wasteful code.
Best wishes,