Hi all,
I'm new at this forum and at VHDL, so forgive my inexperience
I have to design a bidirectional bus and my idea was following:
and I did following testbench:
All is ok if I comment line "my_dataO <= tabl.o;", but if I uncomment it the result is I get dataOut 'X'. I think it's a resolution problem for the signal...how could I avoid this? Where am I in wrong? Hope in some help from you!
If any question, ask me: my language is newbie's one...be patient!
Thanks for your attention
I'm new at this forum and at VHDL, so forgive my inexperience
I have to design a bidirectional bus and my idea was following:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity three_state is port
(enable : in std_logic;
data: in std_logic;
output : out std_logic );
end three_state;
architecture dataflow of three_state is
output <= data after 10 ns when enable = '1' else 'Z' after 10 ns; --- Assegnazione condizionata ---
end dataflow;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity three_state_bidir is port
(enable_dir : in std_logic;
dataIn: inout std_logic;
dataOut : inout std_logic );
end three_state_bidir;
architecture inout_gate of three_state_bidir is
component tstate is port(enable : in std_logic; data: in std_logic; output : out std_logic );
end component;
component inv is port (in1: in std_logic; ou1: out std_logic);
end component;
for all: tstate use entity work.three_state(dataflow);
for all: inv use entity work.not2(not_nor);
signal disable_dir: std_logic;
--- Enable_dir = 1, abilita il trasferimento da dataIn a dataOut, enable_dir = 0 il contrario
tr1: tstate port map(enable_dir, dataIn, dataOut);
tr2: tstate port map(disable_dir, dataOut, dataIn);
abil: inv port map(enable_dir, disable_dir); -- I segnali di abilitazione sono mutuamente esclusivi
end inout_gate;
and I did following testbench:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity tb_tstate_bidir is
end tb_tstate_bidir;
architecture tb of tb_tstate_bidir is
component three_state_bidir
port(enable_dir : in std_logic;
dataIn: inout std_logic;
dataOut : inout std_logic );
end component;
signal my_dataI : std_logic;
signal my_dataO : std_logic;
signal my_dir: std_logic;
signal my_result : std_logic;
type tk is record
i : std_logic; --- dato input
o: std_logic; --- dato output
d : std_logic; --- direzione
end record;
-- Vettore di test --
constant tabl : tk :=
(i => '1', o => '0', d => '1');
constant PropDelay : time := 20 ns;
dut : three_state_bidir port map(
enable_dir => my_dir,
dataIn => my_dataI,
dataOut => my_dataO);
test: process
variable vec : tk;
my_dir <= tabl.d;
wait for 15 ns;
my_dataI <= tabl.i;
wait for 15 ns;
--my_dataO <= tabl.o;
wait for 80 ns;
wait; -- sospende per sempre il processo
end process test;
end tb;
All is ok if I comment line "my_dataO <= tabl.o;", but if I uncomment it the result is I get dataOut 'X'. I think it's a resolution problem for the signal...how could I avoid this? Where am I in wrong? Hope in some help from you!
If any question, ask me: my language is newbie's one...be patient!
Thanks for your attention