David Unric
as you know for sure, Ruby defines several method aliases of base
classes to appeal/(make it easier to grasp) programmers comming from
different languages (Perl, Smalltalk, Lisp etc.).
'slice' and '[]'
'collect' and 'map'
'inspect' and 'to_s'
'find_all' and 'select'
'find' and 'detect'
'entries' and 'to_a'
'inject' and 'reduce'
'include?' and 'member?'
'store' and '[]'
'each' and 'each_pair'
'key?' and 'has_key?'
'value?' and 'has_value?'
'length' and 'size'
'merge' and 'update'
Just curious about possible removal of method aliases in a future ? I
know it would be very difficult decision to break backward
compatibility, but because these are synonyms/aliases it won't be too
hard to write conversion tool for existing sources.
Is there same intention to clean Ruby's core libraries ?
When'll be the time, Ruby would need no more to attract programmers from
different envirnoments and start with cleaning out ?
Take care
as you know for sure, Ruby defines several method aliases of base
classes to appeal/(make it easier to grasp) programmers comming from
different languages (Perl, Smalltalk, Lisp etc.).
'slice' and '[]'
'collect' and 'map'
'inspect' and 'to_s'
'find_all' and 'select'
'find' and 'detect'
'entries' and 'to_a'
'inject' and 'reduce'
'include?' and 'member?'
'store' and '[]'
'each' and 'each_pair'
'key?' and 'has_key?'
'value?' and 'has_value?'
'length' and 'size'
'merge' and 'update'
Just curious about possible removal of method aliases in a future ? I
know it would be very difficult decision to break backward
compatibility, but because these are synonyms/aliases it won't be too
hard to write conversion tool for existing sources.
Is there same intention to clean Ruby's core libraries ?
When'll be the time, Ruby would need no more to attract programmers from
different envirnoments and start with cleaning out ?
Take care