Dynamic droplists


C White

I'm trying to write an asp script that will create a series of drop
lists based on a table like:

canada ontario toronto street name link
canada ontario toronto road name link
canada ontario hamilton road name link
canada alberta calgary street name link
canada alberta edmonton street name link
usa new york buffalo street name link
usa new york rochester road name link
usa california san jose street name link
usa california sacramento road name link

the first drop list will only display the country


once a country is seleceted a second list will appear and display the
provice/state, so if the user picked canada it would only display


and the third list which appears once a selection is made in the
second list will display the city based on which state/province that
is selected and on to the 4th list, which once the 4th list item is
selected it will open a link

i can get the code to display the first drop list, but once the
country is selected it won't display the next drop list, it give me a
new url which indicates the information has been passed but the 2nd
list doees not appear, the url will be:


I am using an access 2000 database to store the information and my
code is pasted below,

<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires content="-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function display(what){
document.getElementById(what).selected = true;



Dim strSQL
Dim cnnLinkDB
Dim rstCountry, rstProv_State, rstCity, rstStreet
Dim Country, Prov_State, City, Street

' The form links back to this same file passing back the id
<form action="test.asp" method="get">

' Create ADO data connection object
Set cnnLinkDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' Open data connection
cnnLinkDB.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("master_table.mdb") & ";" _
& "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};", "admin", ""

' Build our query for select box 1

' Create and open recordset object using existing connection
Set rstCountry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstCountry.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of countries
If Not rstCountry.EOF Then
Country: <br>
<select name="Country" onchange=submit()>
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstCountry.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstCountry.Fields("Country")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstCountry.Fields("Country")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstCountry = Nothing

' If a request for a specific id comes in, then build second select

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Prov_State FROM Data= WHERE Country = '" &
Country & "'"

Set rstProv_State = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstProv_State.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of Prov_States
If Not rstProv_State.EOF Then
<p>Prov/State: <br>
<select name="Prov_State" onchange=submit()>
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstProv_State.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstProv_State.Fields("Prov_State")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstProv_State.Fields("Prov_State")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstProv_State = Nothing

' If a request for a specific id comes in, then build second select

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT City FROM Data WHERE Prov_State = '" &
Prov_State & "'"

Set rstCity = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstCity.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of areas
If Not rstCity.EOF Then
<p>City: <br>
<select name="City" onchange=submit()>
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstCity.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstCity.Fields("City")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstCity.Fields("City")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstCity = Nothing

' If a request for a specific id comes in, then build second select

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Street FROM Data WHERE City = '" & City &

Set rstStreet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstStreet.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of areas
If Not rstStreet.EOF Then
<p>Street: <br>
<select name="Street"
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstDetail.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstStreet.Fields("Link")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write "selected=""true"""
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstStreet.Fields("Street")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstStreet = Nothing

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set cnnLinkDB = Nothing

<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Reset">


I am trying to use the lesson at:

but this example uses multiple tables and numbers, whereas I am trying
to do it with one table and text values, and I have the feeling that
the text value is part of my problem, and the fact that i don't know
what i'm doing is my other problem :)

however, if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be
greatly appreciated



C White said:
I'm trying to write an asp script that will create a series of drop
lists based on a table like:

canada ontario toronto street name link
canada ontario toronto road name link
canada ontario hamilton road name link
canada alberta calgary street name link
canada alberta edmonton street name link
usa new york buffalo street name link
usa new york rochester road name link
usa california san jose street name link
usa california sacramento road name link

the first drop list will only display the country


once a country is seleceted a second list will appear and display the
provice/state, so if the user picked canada it would only display


and the third list which appears once a selection is made in the
second list will display the city based on which state/province that
is selected and on to the 4th list, which once the 4th list item is
selected it will open a link

i can get the code to display the first drop list, but once the
country is selected it won't display the next drop list, it give me a
new url which indicates the information has been passed but the 2nd
list doees not appear, the url will be:


I am using an access 2000 database to store the information and my
code is pasted below,

<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires content="-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function display(what){
document.getElementById(what).selected = true;



Dim strSQL
Dim cnnLinkDB
Dim rstCountry, rstProv_State, rstCity, rstStreet
Dim Country, Prov_State, City, Street

' The form links back to this same file passing back the id
<form action="test.asp" method="get">

' Create ADO data connection object
Set cnnLinkDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' Open data connection
cnnLinkDB.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("master_table.mdb") & ";" _
& "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};", "admin", ""

' Build our query for select box 1

' Create and open recordset object using existing connection
Set rstCountry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstCountry.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of countries
If Not rstCountry.EOF Then
Country: <br>
<select name="Country" onchange=submit()>
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstCountry.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstCountry.Fields("Country")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstCountry.Fields("Country")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstCountry = Nothing

' If a request for a specific id comes in, then build second select

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Prov_State FROM Data= WHERE Country = '" &
Country & "'"

Set rstProv_State = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstProv_State.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of Prov_States
If Not rstProv_State.EOF Then
<p>Prov/State: <br>
<select name="Prov_State" onchange=submit()>
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstProv_State.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstProv_State.Fields("Prov_State")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstProv_State.Fields("Prov_State")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstProv_State = Nothing

' If a request for a specific id comes in, then build second select

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT City FROM Data WHERE Prov_State = '" &
Prov_State & "'"

Set rstCity = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstCity.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of areas
If Not rstCity.EOF Then
<p>City: <br>
<select name="City" onchange=submit()>
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstCity.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstCity.Fields("City")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstCity.Fields("City")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstCity = Nothing

' If a request for a specific id comes in, then build second select

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Street FROM Data WHERE City = '" & City &

Set rstStreet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstStreet.Open strSQL, cnnLinkDB

' Build our drop down box of areas
If Not rstStreet.EOF Then
<p>Street: <br>
<select name="Street"
<% ' Loop through names
Do While Not rstDetail.EOF
Response.Write "<option value="""
Response.Write rstStreet.Fields("Link")
Response.Write """"
Response.Write "selected=""true"""
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write rstStreet.Fields("Street")
Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf

' Move to next record
End If

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set rstStreet = Nothing

' Close ADO objects we're finished with and free DB variables
Set cnnLinkDB = Nothing

<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Reset">


I am trying to use the lesson at:

but this example uses multiple tables and numbers, whereas I am trying
to do it with one table and text values, and I have the feeling that
the text value is part of my problem, and the fact that i don't know
what i'm doing is my other problem :)

however, if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be
greatly appreciated


This link may be of some interest:



This isn't what you want but it may give you some ideas.

It has a hardcoded list (as above).

I've change "link" references to "link#.htm".

Test as-is; watch for word-wrap.

<script type="text/javascript">
var i = 0;
var list = new Array();
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^toronto^street name^link1.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^toronto^road name^link2.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^hamilton^road name^link3.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^alberta^calgary^street name^link4.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^alberta^edmonton^street name^link5.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^new york^buffalo^street name^link6.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^new york^rochester^road name^link7.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^california^san jose^street name^link8.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^california^sacramento^road name^link9.htm";
var text = new Array("","","","");

function opts(that,what) {
var k = 1;
var item;
var temp = "";
if (that != "") {
if (what == 1) {
text[0] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
text[1] = "";
text[2] = "";
text[3] = "";
document.form1.StateProv.options.length = 0;
document.form1.City.options.length = 0;
document.form1.Street.options.length = 0;
} else if (what == 2) {
text[1] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
text[2] = "";
text[3] = "";
document.form1.City.options.length = 0;
document.form1.Street.options.length = 0;
} else if (what == 3) {
text[2] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
text[3] = "";
document.form1.Street.options.length = 0;
} else if (what == 4) {
text[3] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
var indx = that.options[that.selectedIndex].value;
item = list[indx].split("^");
alert(text[0] + " : " + text[1] + " : " + text[2] + " : " + text[3] + " : "
+ item[4]);
// comment out alert (above).
// enable link (below); if it's a real page.
// location.href = item[4];
for (var j=0; j<list.length; j++) {
item = list[j].split("^");
if (what == 0) {
if (temp != item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.Country.options[k++] = new Option(temp, j);
} else if (what == 1) {
if (text[0] == item[0] && temp != item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.StateProv.options[k++] = new Option(temp, j);
} else if (what == 2) {
if (text[0] == item[0] && text[1] == item[1] && temp !=
item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.City.options[k++] = new Option(temp, j);
} else if (what == 3) {
if (text[0] == item[0] && text[1] == item[1] && text[2] ==
item[2] && temp != item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.Street.options[k++] = new Option(temp, j);
<body onload="opts('',0)">
<form name="form1">
&nbsp; <b>Country:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="Country" onchange="opts(this,1)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>
&nbsp; <b>State/ProvinceCity:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="StateProv" onchange="opts(this,2)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>
&nbsp; <b>City:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="City" onchange="opts(this,3)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>
&nbsp; <b>Street:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="Street" onchange="opts(this,4)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>

This is strictly client-side though perhaps the array could be built by ASP.

ASP could be used to build an "include"; for example,

<script type="text/javascript" src="droplist.js"></script>

Where "droplist.js" contains; (removed from above):

list[i++] = "canada^ontario^toronto^street name^link1.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^toronto^road name^link2.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^hamilton^road name^link3.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^alberta^calgary^street name^link4.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^alberta^edmonton^street name^link5.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^new york^buffalo^street name^link6.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^new york^rochester^road name^link7.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^california^san jose^street name^link8.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^california^sacramento^road name^link9.htm";

C White

That looks great!!!
Thanks a lot, it looks like exactly what I have been driving myself nuts
searching for the last few days.


I finally got around to putting your example to work, and it did the
job. Thanks.

I've been fiddling around for the last day trying to get it to open the
link a new window, and I'm not having much luck, I figure it has to do
with the line

location.href = item[4]

but I'm not having any luck whatsoever finding a way to do this. Can
you point me in the right direction?

Thanks again


I finally got around to putting your example to work, and it did the
job. Thanks.

I've been fiddling around for the last day trying to get it to open the
link a new window, and I'm not having much luck, I figure it has to do
with the line

location.href = item[4]

but I'm not having any luck whatsoever finding a way to do this. Can
you point me in the right direction?

Thanks again

Are you invoking via a URL; for example,

It won't work if you invoke it via:

Here's a better version:

<script type="text/javascript">
var i = 0;
var list = new Array();
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^toronto^street name^link1.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^toronto^road name^link2.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^ontario^hamilton^road name^link3.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^alberta^calgary^street name^link4.htm";
list[i++] = "canada^alberta^edmonton^street name^link5.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^new york^buffalo^street name^link6.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^new york^rochester^road name^link7.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^california^san jose^street name^link8.htm";
list[i++] = "usa^california^sacramento^road name^link9.htm";
var text = new Array("","","","");

function opts(that,what) {
var goto = "";
var item;
if (that != "") {
var okay;
if (what == 1) {
text[0] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
text[1] = "";
text[2] = "";
text[3] = "";
document.form1.StateProv.options.length = 0;
document.form1.City.options.length = 0;
document.form1.Street.options.length = 0;
} else if (what == 2) {
text[1] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
text[2] = "";
text[3] = "";
document.form1.City.options.length = 0;
document.form1.Street.options.length = 0;
} else if (what == 3) {
text[2] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
text[3] = "";
document.form1.Street.options.length = 0;
} else if (what == 4) {
text[3] = that.options[that.selectedIndex].text;
var indx = that.options[that.selectedIndex].value;
if (indx != "") {
item = list[indx].split("^");
okay = "Okay?\n";
okay += "\nCountry : " + text[0];
okay += "\nState/Province : " + text[1];
okay += "\nCity : " + text[2];
okay += "\nStreet : " + text[3];
okay += "\nLink : " + item[4];
if (confirm(okay)) location.href = item[4];
// Build selection lists
if (what < 4) {
var k = 1;
var temp = "";
for (var j=0; j<list.length; j++) {
item = list[j].split("^");
if (what == 0) {
if (temp != item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.Country.options[k++] = new Option(temp,
} else if (what == 1) {
if (text[0] == item[0] && temp != item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.StateProv.options[k++] = new Option(temp,
} else if (what == 2) {
if (text[0] == item[0] && text[1] == item[1] && temp !=
item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.City.options[k++] = new Option(temp, j);
} else if (what == 3) {
if (text[0] == item[0] && text[1] == item[1] && text[2] ==
item[2] && temp != item[what]) {
temp = item[what];
document.form1.Street.options[k++] = new Option(temp,
<body onload="opts('',0)">
<form action="" method="get" name="form1">
&nbsp; <b>Country:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="Country" onchange="opts(this,1)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>
&nbsp; <b>State/Province:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="StateProv" onchange="opts(this,2)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>
&nbsp; <b>City:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="City" onchange="opts(this,3)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>
&nbsp; <b>Street:</b> &nbsp;
<select name="Street" onchange="opts(this,4)" style="width:100px">
<option value=""></option>

The previous version:

1) was missing the </form> tag
2) had "State/ProvinceCity:"
3) did not have "if (what < 4) {}"
4) did not have the "confirm()"

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