Dynamic page



Hi ,

I am having a page where leave is applied.
- In this page 1 new rows is created dynamically everytime the 'Add
row' button is pressed
- Each row has a begin date text field and beside it a calendar,
enddate texr field and a calendar etc...
- It has a delete button for each row so onecan delete the row is its
not needed.In total there has to be 5 rows and minimum 1 row.

Now the problem is there is a function called 'reorderRows' . Which is
it re-initialises the text boxes (the objects in the row)..there is
some errors I face when this is done. would any of you able to figure
out what causes the error . I am guessing its the calendar
re-initialisation error

(The calendar css and .js files can be downloaded from

Following is the codes
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
src="tabledeleterow-calendar.js"></script><style type="text/css">
#tblSample td, th { padding: 0.5em; }
..classy0 { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF; }
..classy1 { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF; }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dhtmlgoodies_calendar.css"
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js"></script>

<!-- Checking for decimal Input-->
<script language="JavaScript">
// tabledeleterow-calendar.js version 1.2.1 2006-05-04
// based off tabledeleterow.js version 1.2 2006-02-21
// mredkj.com

// CONFIG notes. Below are some comments that point to where this
script can be customized.
// Note: Make sure to include a <tbody></tbody> in your table's HTML

var INPUT_BEG_DT = 'txtBeginDt'
var INPUT_END_DT = 'txtEndDt'
var INPUT_TYPE = 'selTyp'
var INPUT_DT_DIFF = 'txtLVDays'
var INPUT_BEGDT_CAL = 'img'
var INPUT_ENDDT_CAL = 'img1'

var TABLE_NAME = 'tblSample'; // this should be named in the HTML
var ROW_BASE = 1; // first number (for display)
var hasLoaded = false;


function fillInRows()
hasLoaded = true;


// myRowObject is an object for storing information about the table
function myRowObject(one, two, three, four, five, six)
this.one = one; // text object
this.two = two; // input text object
this.three = three;
this.four = four;
this.five = five;
this.six = six;


* addRowToTable
* Inserts at row 'num', or appends to the end if no arguments are
passed in. Don't pass in empty strings.
function addRowToTable(num)
if (hasLoaded) {
var tbl = document.getElementById(TABLE_NAME);
var nextRow = tbl.tBodies[0].rows.length;
if (nextRow >5)
var iteration = nextRow + ROW_BASE;
if (num == null) {
num = nextRow;

} else {

iteration = num + ROW_BASE;


// add the row
var row = tbl.tBodies[0].insertRow(num);

// CONFIG: requires classes named classy0 and classy1
row.className = 'classy' + (iteration % 2);

// CONFIG: This whole section can be configured

// cell 0 - text
//var cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
//var textNode = document.createTextNode(iteration);

// cell 0 - input text
var cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
var txtInp0 = document.createElement('input');
txtInp0.type = 'text';
txtInp0.name = 'txtBeginDt' + iteration;
txtInp0.id = 'txtBeginDt' + iteration;
txtInp0.size = 10;
txtInp0.value = '';

var img = document.createElement('IMG');
img.setAttribute('src', 'img/cal.gif');
img.onclick =


// cell 1 - input text
var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
var txtInp1 = document.createElement('input');
txtInp1.type = 'text';
txtInp1.name = 'txtEndDt' + iteration;
txtInp1.id = 'txtEndDt' + iteration;
txtInp1.size = 10;
txtInp1.value = '';

var img1 = document.createElement('IMG');
img1.setAttribute('src', 'img/cal.gif');
img1.onclick =


var cell2 = row.insertCell(2);
var NewSelect = document.createElement('SELECT');
NewSelect.name = 'selTyp' + iteration;
addOption(NewSelect, 'A', 'A');
addOption(NewSelect, 'CNAME', 'CNAME');
addOption(NewSelect, 'N', 'N');
addOption(NewSelect, 'MX', 'MX');
addOption(NewSelect, 'PTR', 'PTR');

// cell 3 - input text
var cell3 = row.insertCell(3);
var txtInp = document.createElement('input');
txtInp.type = 'text';
txtInp.name = 'txtLVDays' + iteration;
txtInp.id = 'txtLVDays' + iteration;
txtInp.size = 4;
txtInp.value = '';

// cell 4 - delete button
var cell4 = row.insertCell(4);
var img = document.createElement('IMG');
img.setAttribute('src', 'images/delete.jpg');
img.onclick = function(){deleteCurrentRow(this);}

// Pass in the elements you want to reference later
// Store the myRow object in each row
row.myRow = new myRowObject(txtInp0,txtInp1,NewSelect,txtInp,img,img1);


function addOption(sel, val, txt) {
var o = document.createElement("OPTION");
var t = document.createTextNode(txt);


// If there isn't an element with an onclick event in your row, then
this function can't be used.
function deleteCurrentRow(obj)
if (hasLoaded) {
var tbl = document.getElementById(TABLE_NAME);
var nextRow = tbl.tBodies[0].rows.length;
if (nextRow <3)

var delRow = obj.parentNode.parentNode;
var tbl = delRow.parentNode.parentNode;
var rIndex = delRow.sectionRowIndex;
var rowArray = new Array(delRow);
reorderRows(tbl, rIndex);


function reorderRows(tbl, startingIndex)
if (hasLoaded) {
if (tbl.tBodies[0].rows[startingIndex]) {
var count = startingIndex + ROW_BASE;
for (var i=startingIndex; i<tbl.tBodies[0].rows.length; i++) {

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
//tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.one.data = count; // text

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.one.name = INPUT_BEG_DT + count; // input

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.two.name = INPUT_END_DT + count; // input

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.three.name = INPUT_TYPE + count; // input

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.four.name = INPUT_DT_DIFF + count; //
input text

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.five.name = INPUT_BEGDT_CAL; // input text

// CONFIG: next line is affected by myRowObject settings
tbl.tBodies[0].rows.myRow.six.name = INPUT_ENDDT_CAL; // input text

// CONFIG: requires class named classy0 and classy1
//tbl.tBodies[0].rows.className = 'classy' + (count % 2);



function deleteRows(rowObjArray)
if (hasLoaded) {
for (var i=0; i<rowObjArray.length; i++) {
var rIndex = rowObjArray.sectionRowIndex;


function openInNewWindow(frm)
// open a blank window
var aWindow = window.open('', 'TableAddRow2NewWindow',

// set the target to the blank window
frm.target = 'TableAddRow2NewWindow';

// submit



<form action="tableaddrow_nw.html" method="get">
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addRowToTable();" />
<input type="button" value="Submit"
onclick="openInNewWindow(this.form);" />
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">

<td align="center">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td bgcolor="#004963">
<table id="tblSample" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="100%"
<th colspan="1" bgcolor="#004963"><font color="#ffffff"
<th colspan="1" bgcolor="#004963"><font color="#ffffff"
<th colspan="1" bgcolor="#004963"><font color="#ffffff" size="1">Sub
<th colspan="1" bgcolor="#004963"><font color="#ffffff" size="1">Leave

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" >
<th colspan="4">Sample table</th>
<th>#</th><th>Input Text</th><th>Input


thanks very much in advance


Bob Barrows [MVP]

Hi ,

I am having a page where leave is applied.
- In this page 1 new rows is created dynamically everytime the 'Add
row' button is pressed
Please take this to a client-side scripting newsgroup such as
m.p.scripting.jscript. There is no ASP (server-side) code in your page so it
is definitely off-topic here.
Now the problem is there is a function called 'reorderRows' . Which is
it re-initialises the text boxes (the objects in the row)..there is
some errors I face when this is done. would any of you able to figure
out what causes the error . I am guessing its the calendar
re-initialisation error
In addition, you are unlikely to get anyone to help if you do not do a
better job of describing your symptoms. "some errors"? If a user of one of
your pages called you and told you he was getting "some errors", what would
be your first response to him?

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