I have written Javascript which populates a form with <select> elements
dynamically based on some other stuff going on in the page. The
problem is that I can't get it to work properly in IE, and the closest
I can get to it working doesn't work in FireFox.
The first thing IE does wrong is that it only selects the last <option>
even though the multiple attribute is set on the <select>.
The other thing it does wrong is that it doesn't display the text that
has been assigned to the text attribute of the <option>.
Here's a relevant mskb article which doesn't solve my problem:
Here's information about the add() DOM level 2 function:
Here's a file demonstrating the problem:
<a href="#" onclick="return clicker(false);">only selects last element
<a href="#" onclick="return clicker(true);">alert somehow causes IE to
select all elements</a>
<form id="meow">
<script type="text/javascript">
function clicker(alertit)
var theform = document.getElementById("meow");
var myselect = document.createElement("SELECT");
var optionTemplate = new Option("blank","blank");
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
optionTemplate.text = String(i);
optionTemplate.value = i;
//myselect.appendChild(optionTemplate.cloneNode(true)); //appendChild
doesnt work right in IE
//myselect.add(optionTemplate.cloneNode(true), null); //works in FF,
not in IE (type mismatch)
myselect.add(optionTemplate.cloneNode(true)); //works in IE, not in
FF (not enough arguments)
myselect.multiple = true;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
myselect.options.selected = true;
return false;
dynamically based on some other stuff going on in the page. The
problem is that I can't get it to work properly in IE, and the closest
I can get to it working doesn't work in FireFox.
The first thing IE does wrong is that it only selects the last <option>
even though the multiple attribute is set on the <select>.
The other thing it does wrong is that it doesn't display the text that
has been assigned to the text attribute of the <option>.
Here's a relevant mskb article which doesn't solve my problem:
Here's information about the add() DOM level 2 function:
Here's a file demonstrating the problem:
<a href="#" onclick="return clicker(false);">only selects last element
<a href="#" onclick="return clicker(true);">alert somehow causes IE to
select all elements</a>
<form id="meow">
<script type="text/javascript">
function clicker(alertit)
var theform = document.getElementById("meow");
var myselect = document.createElement("SELECT");
var optionTemplate = new Option("blank","blank");
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
optionTemplate.text = String(i);
optionTemplate.value = i;
//myselect.appendChild(optionTemplate.cloneNode(true)); //appendChild
doesnt work right in IE
//myselect.add(optionTemplate.cloneNode(true), null); //works in FF,
not in IE (type mismatch)
myselect.add(optionTemplate.cloneNode(true)); //works in IE, not in
FF (not enough arguments)
myselect.multiple = true;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
myselect.options.selected = true;
return false;