Dynamical replacing




I need to replace some dynamical content away from a text, only static thing
is that it starts with <!-- Start dynamic --> and ends with <!-- End dynamic
-->. How do i dynamical remove these two tags and all the content between

Thank you very much.


Sune wrote on 15 feb 2005 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
I need to replace some dynamical content away from a text, only static
thing is that it starts with <!-- Start dynamic --> and ends with <!--
End dynamic -->. How do i dynamical remove these two tags and all the
content between them?

Where would you want to remove it?
In an asp-file on a server?

With what would you want to remove it?
With the execution of another(!) asp-file?
When that file is requested from clientside?


Where would you want to remove it? In an asp-file on a server?
With what would you want to remove it?
With the execution of another(!) asp-file?
When that file is requested from clientside?
Lets take the example that i have got the text/html in a database, and i
pull it out to the user when he requests the page. On-the-fly i want it removed
(and posssibly some of it replaced by something else), just like it's possible
to do with static content using the Replace function.

To explain it in another way, what i need is actually some solution that
works like the Replace function, but supports wildcards so i could do like
these examples:
Replace(text, "<!-- Start dynamic -->*<!-- End dynamic -->", "")
Replace(text, "<!-- Start dynamic -->*<!-- End dynamic -->", "Static text")

Got any ideas?


Sune wrote on 15 feb 2005 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
To explain it in another way, what i need is actually some solution
that works like the Replace function, but supports wildcards so i
could do like these examples:
Replace(text, "<!-- Start dynamic -->*<!-- End dynamic -->", "")
Replace(text, "<!-- Start dynamic -->*<!-- End dynamic -->", "Static

Use VBS Regex replace:


text = "1 11<!-- Start dynamic -->2 22<!-- End dynamic -->3 33"

regexstr = "<!-- Start dynamic -->.*<!-- End dynamic -->"

response.write ReplaceTest(text, regexstr, "")

Function ReplaceTest(text, patrn, replStr)
Dim regEx
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = patrn
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
ReplaceTest = regEx.Replace(text, replStr)
End Function


Tim Slattery

To explain it in another way, what i need is actually some solution that
works like the Replace function, but supports wildcards so i could do like
these examples:
Replace(text, "<!-- Start dynamic -->*<!-- End dynamic -->", "")
Replace(text, "<!-- Start dynamic -->*<!-- End dynamic -->", "Static text")

Assuming you're using VBScript, check the Replace method of the RegExp

Set regEx = new RegExp
regEx.pattern = "(<!-- Start dynamic -->)(.*)(<!-- End dynamic -->)"

replStr = "<!-- Start dynamic -->something or other<!-- End dynamic

newStr = regEx.replace(replStr, "$1$3")

newStr now contains "<!-- Start dynamic --><!-- End dynamic -->"

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