Faisal Vali
Are there any guidelines people use that help them decide when it is
better to dynamically generate all html elements using javascript
versus actually writing some html and using it as scaffolding?
I have been using the extjs framework ( I haven't see this library
critiqued much on this forum - unlike prototype, jquery and dojo which
the regulars here tend to eviscerate - unless i've missed some
threads, which is quite possible) and it allows both mechanisms for
all its widgets and layouts. But i'm not sure what the pros and cons
are to either approach. Obviously if you don't have access to the
html page then your options are limited.
Anyway, I was planning on posting this within the extjs forums (and I
still might if it doesn't spark much of a response here), but then
thought that this was more of a general javascript/style question and
so have posted this here.
Would really appreciate your thoughts.
Faisal Vali, MD, MSc
Loyola Radiation Oncology
Chicago, IL
better to dynamically generate all html elements using javascript
versus actually writing some html and using it as scaffolding?
I have been using the extjs framework ( I haven't see this library
critiqued much on this forum - unlike prototype, jquery and dojo which
the regulars here tend to eviscerate - unless i've missed some
threads, which is quite possible) and it allows both mechanisms for
all its widgets and layouts. But i'm not sure what the pros and cons
are to either approach. Obviously if you don't have access to the
html page then your options are limited.
Anyway, I was planning on posting this within the extjs forums (and I
still might if it doesn't spark much of a response here), but then
thought that this was more of a general javascript/style question and
so have posted this here.
Would really appreciate your thoughts.
Faisal Vali, MD, MSc
Loyola Radiation Oncology
Chicago, IL