I'd like to bring on a new developer to my team to begin using eclipse
How do I set him up to begin development quickly?
We check out all the source from version control into a standardized
directory tree that all our developers currently use.
Too many steps to set up all the projects and tomcat server for every
developer individually.
If I make a copy of my eclipse workspace and give it to him, he will
get all my history (.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.history),
search strings I used (.plugins\org.eclipse.search
\dialog_settings.xml), tomcat tmp directory contents(.plugins
\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0), mylyn stuff (contexts and backup),
Is there a quick and clean way of exporting a compact, minimal eclipse
workspace (i.e. minus history, cache, backups, and other things that
his eclipse environment can re-generate (e.g. .plugins
\org.eclipse.jdt.core\) that can be imported by another eclipse
devloper, so that they won't have to set up all the projects, servers,
(I'd like to check this minimal workspace into version control so that
a new developers can check it out and begin eclipse development
How do I set him up to begin development quickly?
We check out all the source from version control into a standardized
directory tree that all our developers currently use.
Too many steps to set up all the projects and tomcat server for every
developer individually.
If I make a copy of my eclipse workspace and give it to him, he will
get all my history (.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.history),
search strings I used (.plugins\org.eclipse.search
\dialog_settings.xml), tomcat tmp directory contents(.plugins
\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0), mylyn stuff (contexts and backup),
Is there a quick and clean way of exporting a compact, minimal eclipse
workspace (i.e. minus history, cache, backups, and other things that
his eclipse environment can re-generate (e.g. .plugins
\org.eclipse.jdt.core\) that can be imported by another eclipse
devloper, so that they won't have to set up all the projects, servers,
(I'd like to check this minimal workspace into version control so that
a new developers can check it out and begin eclipse development