editor for Python on Linux


Mladen Adamovic


I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

Jonathan Daugherty

# I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
# programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

It depends on what you need; what don't you like about JEdit? What do
you think a good editor or IDE should provide?

Colin J. Williams

Rene said:
Mladen Adamovic:

Scite is a good editor. It is available for both Windows and Linux.
Boa-Constructor is an IDE rather than an editor. Although it focuses
on wxPython, it has a good editor.

Colin W

Benji York

Rene said:
Sriram Krishnan:

This page can't be taken seriously. vi is not listed.

I hope your <wink> key is broken; I wouldn't wish old-school vi on my
worst enemy. Fortunately that page lists the wonderful Vim instead, so
seriousness has been maintained.

To the OP: a serious editor is a basic necessity of coding, so pick
Emacs, Vim, or something equivalent. Just make sure it's customizable
and you enjoy customizing it because you'll want to.

Sybren Stuvel

Mladen Adamovic enlightened us with:
I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

I use gvim (if I have X) and vim (if I don't). The only negative thing
about it, is its learning curve ;-)


Old Duck

Mladen said:

I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

My personal favorite is Kate (comes with KDE).

- Duck

Petr Jakes

Endless stories about IDEs (try to browse through this discussion group
first). Of course it depends about users personal needs and taste. So
install them and try them (I know, it's really time consuming). I thing
there is not the other way to decide which one is the best for YOU.

Petr Jakes


I really think that IDLE is one of the best around in Python source editing.
The only great lacks are tabs. Does somebody know if is there some IDLE
modified version including tabbed browsing, out there?

bruno at modulix

Rene said:
Sriram Krishnan:

This page can't be taken seriously. vi is not listed.

Well, this prove that this page *is* to be taken seriously !-)

(René, don't bother replying : this is a troll ;-)


I'm writing a simple yet powerful text editor for GNOME that is great
for Python development called Scribes. It features

Snippets (ala Textmate/Eclipse)
Automatic word completion
Automatic indentation
Automatic bracket completion
Automatic saving
Syntax Highlight

Flash Movie: http://scribes.sf.net/snippets.htm

Gif Screencast: http://www.minds.may.ie/~dez/images/blog/scribes.html

Hompage: http://scribes.sf.net/

It's faster, lighter, simpler and as powerful than the alternatives,
and most important it never gets in your way and you would never need
to decipher cryptic manuals to do anything moderately productive,
unlike some other editors. It's free software too, give it a try. As a
bonus, it's written in Python.

Tim Parkin

Mladen said:

I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.
I've been using wing for quite some time and it's an excellent dedicated
editor for python. If you want flexible debugging in a gui environment
it's hard to beat.

Tim Parkin

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