Jane Austine
[Fredrik Lundh]
[Tim Peters]
[Tim Peters]
fromkeys(open(f).readlines()) and fromkeys(open(f)) seem to be
When I pass an iterator instance(or a generator iterator) to the
dict.fromkeys, it is expanded at that moment, thus fromkeys(open(f))
is effectively same with fromkeys(list(open(f))) and
Am I missing something?
[Tim Peters]
(sigh. my brain knows that, but my fingers keep forgetting)
and yes, for this purpose, "dict.fromkeys" can be replaced
with "set".
bdict = set(open(bfile))
(and then you can save a few more bytes by renaming the
[Tim Peters]
Except the latter two are just shallow spelling changes. Switching
from fromkeys(open(f).readlines()) to fromkeys(open(f)) is much more
interesting, since it can allow major reduction in memory use. Even
if all the lines in the file are pairwise distinct, not materializing
them into a giant list can be a significant win. I wouldn't have
bothered replying if the only point were that you can save a couple
bytes of typing <wink>.
fromkeys(open(f).readlines()) and fromkeys(open(f)) seem to be
When I pass an iterator instance(or a generator iterator) to the
dict.fromkeys, it is expanded at that moment, thus fromkeys(open(f))
is effectively same with fromkeys(list(open(f))) and
Am I missing something?