Phil Powell
I am using ColdFusion MX 6.1 App Server with JRun under the hood, Win
2000 Pro. I was successfully able to install the JAR files necessary
to write JSP templates using BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) according
to info in http://jakarta.apache.org to do so.
I have my TLD file in the /WEB-INF folder; I included the right tags
in my build.xml file in /WEB-INF, and I have all JAR files, including
jacl.jar, in my JVM classpath utilized by JRun within ColdFusion 6.1
MX App Server.
Upon executing my JSP files whenever I have as my BSF scripting
language Javascript, everything runs fine; however, when I change the
language to any other language out there, including those supported by
BSF itself (which includes TCL), I get no output.
Here is the code snippet I'm running:
<bsf:scriptlet language="tcl">
$out println {Hello World}
$out println [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%m %d %YYYY"]
As output I see absolutely nothing, however, all HTML, other JSP tags
and BSF tags using Javascript execute just fine before and after this
Again I checked and jacl.jar is in the classpath and all pertinent
files are within jacl.jar and also in bsf.jar, yet I can only operate
Anyone out there with some expertise in this matter please let me know
what else I should be doing.
2000 Pro. I was successfully able to install the JAR files necessary
to write JSP templates using BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) according
to info in http://jakarta.apache.org to do so.
I have my TLD file in the /WEB-INF folder; I included the right tags
in my build.xml file in /WEB-INF, and I have all JAR files, including
jacl.jar, in my JVM classpath utilized by JRun within ColdFusion 6.1
MX App Server.
Upon executing my JSP files whenever I have as my BSF scripting
language Javascript, everything runs fine; however, when I change the
language to any other language out there, including those supported by
BSF itself (which includes TCL), I get no output.
Here is the code snippet I'm running:
<bsf:scriptlet language="tcl">
$out println {Hello World}
$out println [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%m %d %YYYY"]
As output I see absolutely nothing, however, all HTML, other JSP tags
and BSF tags using Javascript execute just fine before and after this
Again I checked and jacl.jar is in the classpath and all pertinent
files are within jacl.jar and also in bsf.jar, yet I can only operate
Anyone out there with some expertise in this matter please let me know
what else I should be doing.