Embedding PPT slidehow in IE



Is there a way to embed a powerpoint slideshow in a webpage? I have an
application which requires a slideshow in one of the frames of the

One option would be to get the users to save the PPT as HTML, grab the
images files and upload them to my app. Then use Javascript to do the

However, it would be a 100 times easier for the users to simply upload
a PPT or better PPS file. I can manage the upload of the file no
problem.. I am not sure how to embed the file in HTML so that the
presentation loads and plays automatically.


I'd explore two approaches;

1. IFRAME. If your users have PowerPoint or are willing to install the
PowerPoint Viewer, they can play the actual PPT files in their brower.
Assuming that; you might be able to use an IFRAME in your page that gets its
source from the PPT, and the PPT viewer might nicely resize to fit your
IFRAME. If you need to target non-IFRAME browsers, you could accomplish
similar results using a regular FRAMESET.

2. Look for a PPT to Flash converter. Chances are, something like that
exists, and would give you most if not all of your PPT functionality
(perhaps including transitions) in a nice little Flash applet. If your
extraordinarily lucky, the Flash widget may not even require you to export
your PPT; it might be able to open and process it on the fly using your
applet configuration settings. Maybe wishful thinking, maybe not.

/// M


Thanks for the response.. When I simply set the frame src to a ppt or
pps file, I get prompted to download the file.. What settings do I need
to change to force the PPT to play.

I have TOTAL control over the PC(s) which will access the application.
So if needed, I can make OS level changes (MIME types, file
associations etc).

Steve Rindsberg

Thanks for the response.. When I simply set the frame src to a ppt or
pps file, I get prompted to download the file.. What settings do I need
to change to force the PPT to play.

I have TOTAL control over the PC(s) which will access the application.
So if needed, I can make OS level changes (MIME types, file
associations etc).

In that case, have a look here:

Control how the browser opens PowerPoint files

Also, if you don't need animation but want a high degree of control over the
HTML from PPT, have a look at our PPT2HTML addin: http://ppt2html.pptools.com

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