Jon said:
I've embedded python in a program, am I right in thinking python has
to be installed on a machine for my program to work?
Not entirely true: as long as python23.dll (or whatever version you are
using) is available to your program, your program will work. (So you
need to distribute at least this dll with your program). However, this
only allows you to use any built-in functionality of python. Once you
want to import modules from the standard library or from other packages,
you will need to have them installed. The installed version of (the)
python (library/package) has to be of/for the same (major) version as
the Python version your program uses. Which brings you to your next
If so how can I find out if python is installed/what version is
installed - programatically and cross platform.
If you need more than built-ins, you may want to consider distributing
your own Python (cf. applications such as Paint Shop Pro 8.x,, or Zope on Windows ) along with your application and
make it live in a sub directory. By tweaking the right environment
variables from within your app, you'll be sure to get the "right Python"
- independent of the fact whether or not the ("right") Python is
installed or not.