Can you please tell me the right way to do this?? it's realy
important! thanks in advance...
Hi all,
Can you please tell me what's wrong with my code??? i do have this
database in wich i have to field.One is a "yes/no" field and another
one is "number" field. To display the yes/no field in my asp form i
use a checkbox and fot he other field i use a normal text box. if the
yes/no field is checked then the other field is enabled otherwise it
has to be disabled.Here's what i've done so far:
Do While Not ObjRS.EOF
<td><input type="checkbox" name="ChkboxName"value=1 <%IF
ObjRS("chkbox") = TRUE
THEN %> CHECKED onclick="ChkBoxChecked()<% END IF %>
<%if (ObjRS("chkbox"))Then %>//if the yes/no field value is yes
enable textbox
<input type="text"name="FieldToEnabe"value=<%=ObjRS("EnableField")%>>
<%ELSE%>//else if the value field is no. disable text box but if the
//clicks enables the checkbox then enable the textbox too.
<input type="text" disabled name="FieldToEnabe"value=<%=ObjRS
<%End if%>
function ChkBoxChecked()//this method is used when the user
enable/disable the
//checkbox, if it's enabled then the txtbox is enabled too.
this obviously doesn't work. So...can someone tell me what i'm doing
wrong please??
thaks a lot!
important! thanks in advance...
Hi all,
Can you please tell me what's wrong with my code??? i do have this
database in wich i have to field.One is a "yes/no" field and another
one is "number" field. To display the yes/no field in my asp form i
use a checkbox and fot he other field i use a normal text box. if the
yes/no field is checked then the other field is enabled otherwise it
has to be disabled.Here's what i've done so far:
Do While Not ObjRS.EOF
<td><input type="checkbox" name="ChkboxName"value=1 <%IF
ObjRS("chkbox") = TRUE
THEN %> CHECKED onclick="ChkBoxChecked()<% END IF %>
<%if (ObjRS("chkbox"))Then %>//if the yes/no field value is yes
enable textbox
<input type="text"name="FieldToEnabe"value=<%=ObjRS("EnableField")%>>
<%ELSE%>//else if the value field is no. disable text box but if the
//clicks enables the checkbox then enable the textbox too.
<input type="text" disabled name="FieldToEnabe"value=<%=ObjRS
<%End if%>
function ChkBoxChecked()//this method is used when the user
enable/disable the
//checkbox, if it's enabled then the txtbox is enabled too.
this obviously doesn't work. So...can someone tell me what i'm doing
wrong please??
thaks a lot!