anil reddy
Generally we use browser back button frequently to go to back/previous
page importantly its useful when we are searching using search
controls (Textbox's, dropdowns, button..), or using Paging, Sorting
In all these case when there is a post back, the browser is updated
with the information of the page visited and hence the back button
gets enabled automatically. However if we are updating page using AJAX
asynchronous requests, updating browser history is not taken care
We need to do some tweaks to achieve this and enable browser back
button by storing the state into browser history.
See the complete article here and give your feedback...http://
Generally we use browser back button frequently to go to back/previous
page importantly its useful when we are searching using search
controls (Textbox's, dropdowns, button..), or using Paging, Sorting
In all these case when there is a post back, the browser is updated
with the information of the page visited and hence the back button
gets enabled automatically. However if we are updating page using AJAX
asynchronous requests, updating browser history is not taken care
We need to do some tweaks to achieve this and enable browser back
button by storing the state into browser history.
See the complete article here and give your feedback...http://