encode short string as filename (unix/windows)



want to encode/decode an arbitrary short 8-bit string as save filename.
is there a good already builtin encoding to do this (without too much
inflation) ? or re.sub expression?

or which characters are not allowed in filenames on typical OS?


Grant Edwards

want to encode/decode an arbitrary short 8-bit string as save filename.
is there a good already builtin encoding to do this (without too much
inflation) ? or re.sub expression?

or which characters are not allowed in filenames on typical OS?

Under unix, "/" and NULL aer not allowed.

There are other characters that are not recommended, but those
are the only two that are not allowed.

Diez B. Roggisch

robert said:
want to encode/decode an arbitrary short 8-bit string as save filename.
is there a good already builtin encoding to do this (without too much
inflation) ? or re.sub expression?

Yuu could use the base64-encoder. Disadvantage is clearly that you can't
easily read your original text. Alternatively, three is that encoding that
is used by e.g. emails if you have an umlaut in a name. I _think_ it is
called puny-code, but I'm not sure how and if you can use that from within
python - google yourself :)



want to encode/decode an arbitrary short 8-bit string as save filename.
is there a good already builtin encoding to do this (without too much
inflation) ? or re.sub expression?

or which characters are not allowed in filenames on typical OS?

On Windows, / \ : * ? " < > | are forbidden, and the name can't be

Using urlsafe_b64encode/...decode should work on any platform.

Steven D'Aprano

On Windows, / \ : * ? " < > | are forbidden, and the name can't be

Windows also has a number of "reserved names" that you can't use. However,
in general, it is best to ignore that and just let Windows raise an error
if it chooses. But for completeness, here is the the canonical list of
prohibited file names and characters for Windows:


or http://makeashorterlink.com/?I2B853DDC


Steven said:
Windows also has a number of "reserved names" that you can't use. However,
in general, it is best to ignore that and just let Windows raise an error
if it chooses. But for completeness, here is the the canonical list of
prohibited file names and characters for Windows:


or http://makeashorterlink.com/?I2B853DDC

thanks. infact to avoid COMx etc. I have also to prepend and remove a
char like _ on encode/decode in addition to what I just posted


Dennis Lee Bieber

is used by e.g. emails if you have an umlaut in a name. I _think_ it is
called puny-code, but I'm not sure how and if you can use that from within
python - google yourself :)
Hmmm, passes newlines...


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