Tzury Bar Yochay
in my table the field row_id is type of uniqueidentifier.
when try to fetch the data, pymssql somehow, encodes the values in a
way which yields odd results.
for example:
the value
is represent as
the only way I manged to pass this is by converting the value into
varchar at the server side.
I would like to solve this at the python side and not in the database
for several obvious reasons
see example:
in my table the field row_id is type of uniqueidentifier.
when try to fetch the data, pymssql somehow, encodes the values in a
way which yields odd results.
for example:
the value
is represent as
the only way I manged to pass this is by converting the value into
varchar at the server side.
I would like to solve this at the python side and not in the database
for several obvious reasons
see example:
('\xe3N`\xee\xb0J\xe7N\xafM\x01\x81$9<\xd7', 'EE604EE3-4AB0-4EE7-conn = mymssql.connect(**connection_details)
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = "select row_id, cast(row_id as varchar(36)) from table_a"
rows = cur.fetchall()