I thank you too for your response. Let me just tell you what goes
through my mind.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Rubin" <""@NOSPAM.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
To: <
[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: Encryption with Python?
No. Let's say you encrypt two ascii strings with the same key. The
high bit of each byte in the plaintext is zero. Therefore if you xor
the two ciphertexts together, the high bit of each byte of the result
xor'd ciphertexts will be zero. So just check for that and you've
immediately spotted the non-randomness.
I don't follow. There is no bitwise correlation between a plain-text
character and its encoded equivalent. What's more, there is no detectable
correlation at all. Take a highly ordered plain text, such as a sting of
identical characters, e.g. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' and sequentially add a
deterministically generated random series (module 256 to keep them within
range), what you get is, quite obviously, a series of numbers that differs
from the added random series in only one respect: all values are shifted by
ord ('A'). The intervals from one byte to the next remain unchanged,
allowance made for the module 256 wrap-around. The intervals remaining
unchanged, the distribution and hence the randomness of the encryption
remains unchanged. Quite obviously, each one of the identical plain-text
characters very likely will be encrypted differently. Repeats would occur,
but they would occur randomly once every 256 times on an average.
You have to assume that the attacker has access to known
plaintext-ciphertext pairs. For example, you might not tell someone
the password you use now, but what about some old password that you
don't use any more? If the attacker knows your old password (maybe
because your sysop set it to some default value and had you change it
on your first login), and has the encrypted version, there's a known
Password management is certainly a problem, but of course is totally
unrelated to the quality of an encryption method.
Encryption is supposed to conceal data from knowledgable attackers
willing to burn significant resources to get at the data. That mightof
or might not describe your friends and collaborators.
I agree. Depending on a situation, a solution might or might not be
This is a meaningless statement since you don't give any definition of
"randomly distributed series".
No, in fact I don't. I am quite confident that the library module 'random'
produces random distributions. As to the distribution of a non-random series
added to a random series, my intuition tells me that it remains random.
I don't think it would be difficult for a mathematician to prove or disprove
the hypothesis. I did come up with an informal proof. It is a function I
will add at the bottom of this message. You can copy and run it, if you have
the Image package installed.
If the keystream really can't be distinguished from random, then correct,
though there's still issues with key management (you mustn't use the same
key twice) and authentication.
The key is the seed of the random generator.
Generating keystreams that are indistinguishable from random is an
extremely tricky subject, there are books and papers written about it,
I agree. I wouldn't know how to design a random generator. Fortunately I
don't need to. I can use ready made ones.
Your code used the Python built-in PRNG algorithm which is designed to
make output with similar statistical properties as actual random numbers,
for the purpose of running stuff like simulations. It makes no attempt
at all to be secure against attackers trying to figure out whether the
output is really random.
Try out the following function. You need the Image package.
def informal_proof_of_randomness (text_file_name): # File must be longer
than 60K
X = 0
Y = 1
import random
# Make three lists to collect coordinate pairs
random_coordinates = NUMBER_OF_DOTS * [None]
plain_text_coordinates = NUMBER_OF_DOTS * [None]
encoded_text_coordinates = NUMBER_OF_DOTS * [None]
# Fill one with random numbers
for i in xrange (NUMBER_OF_DOTS):
x = random.randint (0,255)
y = random.randint (0,255)
= ((x,y))
# Fill a second one with ascii codes (plain text)
f = file (text_file_name, 'rb')
for i in xrange (NUMBER_OF_DOTS):
# No check if file runs out prematurely. Make sure it's at least 60K
x = ord ( (1))
y = ord ( (1))
plain_text_coordinates = ((x,y))
f.close ()
# Fill a third one with the sum of the two previous ones (proposed cipher
for i in xrange (NUMBER_OF_DOTS):
encoded_text_coordinates = \
(random_coordinates [X] + plain_text_coordinates [X]) % 256,
(random_coordinates [Y] + plain_text_coordinates [Y]) % 256
import Image
# Make three images to visualize the distribution
random_image = ('1', (256,256), WHITE)
text_image = ('1', (256,256), WHITE)
encoded_text_image = ('1', (256,256), WHITE)
for coordinate in random_coordinates:
random_image.putpixel (coordinate, BLACK)
for coordinate in plain_text_coordinates:
text_image.putpixel (coordinate, BLACK)
for coordinate in encoded_text_coordinates:
encoded_text_image.putpixel (coordinate, BLACK)
# Visualize the distributions () # Looks like rain on a pavement () # Does not at all () # See for yourself