error validation question


Julia Briggs

What is the cleanest and easiest way to produce on screen (no-popup)
error validations for forms?



Gregory Toomey

Julia Briggs said:
What is the cleanest and easiest way to produce on screen (no-popup)
error validations for forms?



Does anybody have a recipe for lamb shanks - we are in a cold snap here in

(Since you did not ask a Perl question I presume this group has become a


Eric J. Roode

Hash: SHA1

(e-mail address removed) (Julia Briggs) wrote in
What is the cleanest and easiest way to produce on screen (no-popup)
error validations for forms?

Criminy! This is the fourth HTML-only question asked in this supposedly
perl-oriented newsgroup in the past 12 hours!

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$_ = reverse sort qw p ekca lre Js reh ts
p, $/.r, map $_.$", qw e p h tona e; print

Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use <>


Steve Grazzini

Peter Stokes said:
Ignore the sarcasm from others, Julia - they know not what
they do. I think I know what you're getting at - have a look
at in Matt's Script Archive


UNDERLINING THE IRONY: The _others_ know not what they do, but
helpful _you_ step in to point her toward Matt Wright's Scripts.

Julia: your question is not about Perl but about an application
area -- which makes this the wrong place to ask it. [ Posting Guidelines ]

I'd suggest a CGI group or perhaps (e-mail address removed).

Tad McClellan

Peter Stokes said:
(e-mail address removed) (Julia Briggs) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...

they know not what they do. I

I can tell who knows what they're doing and who doesn't.[1]

Can you?

think I know what you're getting at - have a look at in
Matt's Script Archive

"While the free code found at my web site has not evolved much
in recent years, the general programming practices and
standards of CGI programs have... bring the quality of code
for these types of programs up to date and eliminate some
of the bad programming practices and bugs found in the existing
Matt's Script Archive code... The code you find at Matt's Script
Archive is not representative of how even I would code these days."[2]
-- Matt Wright

If you recommend Matt's scripts, then it is clear to everyone in
the know, that you are out of the know.

How embarrassing for you...

[1] I've observed this newsgroup pretty much daily for 8 or 9 years.


Julia Briggs

Omission of the word 'Perl' in the contruction of my question in this
forum shouldn't automatically mean it was an HTML only question - now
does it? Zowie! It's like a bunch of conditioned crickets jumping
all over the place around here!

Uri Guttman

JB> Omission of the word 'Perl' in the contruction of my question in this
JB> forum shouldn't automatically mean it was an HTML only question - now
JB> does it? Zowie! It's like a bunch of conditioned crickets jumping
JB> all over the place around here!

no, it means people here understand the difference between a language
related problem and a language independent problem. if the same question
and answer could be made while changing the language, it is not a perl
problem. this is the issue, newbies can't logically distinguish perl
problems from hmtl/web problems. and this is a perl newsgroup where we
discuss perl stuff, not pure web stuff.

and there are plenty of threads here which discuss web AND perl. but
they use perl specific things such as LWP or html::parser or other such
stuff. whereas what javascript or html to create is not a perl problem
as any language can print the same text.

so take the advice you wer given and use matt's scripts. we can only
wish you the best on your site as it gets cracked and hijacked for spam.


Tad McClellan

Julia Briggs said:
Omission of the word 'Perl' in the contruction of my question in this
forum shouldn't automatically mean it was an HTML only question -

Conversely, including the word "Perl" in your question does not
automatically mean that it _is_ a Perl question. Now does it?

I use Perl to manage my recipes.

How do I make a good pecan pie?

The way to send output to some browser, and what output it is
that you should be sending to the browser, do not depend on
the programming language used.

The answer is the same whether you chose to program in Perl
or in Python or in Visual Basic, they all must do the same thing.

Once you find out what that "thing" is (in one of the web newsgroups),
_then_ you are ready to see how to make some particular language
output that "thing" for you.

You must know what you want before you can write a program
that will do what you want!

does it? Zowie! It's like a bunch of conditioned crickets jumping
all over the place around here!

Are you serious?

You are clearly a beginner at more than just Perl programming, as is
the author of the silly followup.

The other followups were from more experienced people.

But you conclude that the 2 beginners are right and the
"bunch of" Perl programmers are wrong?

With (lack of) logic like that, programming is not the right
field for you. So long.


David K. Wall

Alan J. Flavell said:
If I had a dollar for every piece of spam that's been delivered
(or rather, attempted to be delivered - the antispam defences are
fairly good these days) courtesy of that piece of nonsense, I'd be
a rich man. There are even mail relay blocking lists dedicated to

The web hosting company I use won't even *allow* the execution of a CGI
program named even if it's not Matt's program. (and I have
no problem with that at all) Even though there is no program by that
name in my cgi-bin, that doesn't mean I don't get several attempts per
day to exploit it.

Julia Briggs

Perfect. This answers my top question.

Have an excellent rest of the week....and to all the other meanies
without brains !:p

Uri Guttman

JB> Perfect. This answers my top question.
JB> Have an excellent rest of the week....and to all the other meanies
JB> without brains !:p

hmm, you must be the one without a brain if you follow this
advice. matt's scripts are even deprecated by matt himself. can you get

and it is broken, unsecure and unsupported. 3 strikes. i must be a real
meanie. but better that than brainless as you wish to be.

do you always listen to nice people even if they are wrong? not a good
way to go through life.


Charlton Wilbur

David K. Wall said:
The web hosting company I use won't even *allow* the execution of a CGI
program named even if it's not Matt's program.

The company I work for used to run, because a wannabe
webmaster had installed it and every time we attempted to remove it or
replace it, there was screaming, because they knew formmail.

That ended when we sent out a couple thousand penis enlargement spams
because of a hole in formmail. And there hasn't been any screaming


Purl Gurl

Charlton said:
David K. Wall wrote:
The company I work for used to run, because a wannabe
webmaster had installed it and every time we attempted to remove it or
replace it, there was screaming, because they knew formmail.
That ended when we sent out a couple thousand penis enlargement spams
because of a hole in formmail. And there hasn't been any screaming

"...penis enlargement spams because of a hole...."

Rather humorous although I am most certain your comment is coincidental.
Quite the commentary on these lengths to which men will go to satiate
a fragile masculine ego. How little do men understand women.

* enjoys a laugh *

Purl Gurl

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