Rover Rhubarb
I'm writing a program with a sort of plugin mechanism. Plugins are
basically single ruby files defining classes. It's not exactly a plugin
mechanism because there an only be one plugin used.
Image the program command being
ruby myApp -plugin plugins/myPlugin.rb
I want to load the plugin which defines its own class (which follows a
certain pattern - since there are no interfaces) then instantiates it.
At the moment I'm using load to load the plugin file. I don't know the
name of the class of the specific plugin, but I assume it has a _global_
method called "new_plugin" which instantiates it.
Since I'm using load I can be sure that the latest plugin loaded will
redefine that global method to instantiate the plugin (I can't call it's
constructor directly because, again, I don't know what name the designer
is going to give the plugin class - though I can expect them to follow
the pattern of defining new_plugin)
1. I notice that rails uses eval to load the init.rb files of plugins.
What are the advantages disadvantages of this versus using load?
(Note also this thread about using eval or load - both are suggested but
I dont see why we would use eval over load
2. Is there some nicer, cleaner way of doing what I'm doing without
having the plugin file define a global method?
3. Is there a neat way of forcing the plugin to match a certain pattern.
I've seen the "interface" support library, but it seems to be
shoehorning Ruby into a Java paradigm. What would be the rubyful way?
Just calling respond_to? on all of the methods I expect and raising
basically single ruby files defining classes. It's not exactly a plugin
mechanism because there an only be one plugin used.
Image the program command being
ruby myApp -plugin plugins/myPlugin.rb
I want to load the plugin which defines its own class (which follows a
certain pattern - since there are no interfaces) then instantiates it.
At the moment I'm using load to load the plugin file. I don't know the
name of the class of the specific plugin, but I assume it has a _global_
method called "new_plugin" which instantiates it.
Since I'm using load I can be sure that the latest plugin loaded will
redefine that global method to instantiate the plugin (I can't call it's
constructor directly because, again, I don't know what name the designer
is going to give the plugin class - though I can expect them to follow
the pattern of defining new_plugin)
1. I notice that rails uses eval to load the init.rb files of plugins.
What are the advantages disadvantages of this versus using load?
(Note also this thread about using eval or load - both are suggested but
I dont see why we would use eval over load
2. Is there some nicer, cleaner way of doing what I'm doing without
having the plugin file define a global method?
3. Is there a neat way of forcing the plugin to match a certain pattern.
I've seen the "interface" support library, but it seems to be
shoehorning Ruby into a Java paradigm. What would be the rubyful way?
Just calling respond_to? on all of the methods I expect and raising