ss yy via .NET 247
In my C# code I am finding all of the open IE windows in a loopand assigning their HWND to an object or this:
if I say something like this in the loop ie.quit(); then all ofthe windows will be closed successfully. But in fact what I wantto do is to assign each windows' ProgressChange event to afunction as such:
ie.ProgressChange += newSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_ProgressChangeEventHandler(test1);
as you can clearly see "test1" is the function that is supposedto be triggered while any of the ie windows are browsing. Thefunction triggers initially "sometimes" but after you visit acouple of pages for a while it just stops working and won'ttrigger anymore. It even sometimes won't work from the startup.
I have tested this code on only one ie window too but I got thesame result.
On the other hand ie.quit(); always works no matter how many IEwindows are open or if you're browing any page or anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
if I say something like this in the loop ie.quit(); then all ofthe windows will be closed successfully. But in fact what I wantto do is to assign each windows' ProgressChange event to afunction as such:
ie.ProgressChange += newSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_ProgressChangeEventHandler(test1);
as you can clearly see "test1" is the function that is supposedto be triggered while any of the ie windows are browsing. Thefunction triggers initially "sometimes" but after you visit acouple of pages for a while it just stops working and won'ttrigger anymore. It even sometimes won't work from the startup.
I have tested this code on only one ie window too but I got thesame result.
On the other hand ie.quit(); always works no matter how many IEwindows are open or if you're browing any page or anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated