I am generating the random number and adding the value of random
number to a user defined cookie, whose path is defined in web application
root. I am adding the cookie using Response.Add at the page load event and
the page_loadcomplete event. Now I want to know that in every request of the
page, these events will be fired on not with the "autoeventwireup=true" ,
also what other events should be used so that in every request , cookie has a
random value.
Thank you
I am generating the random number and adding the value of random
number to a user defined cookie, whose path is defined in web application
root. I am adding the cookie using Response.Add at the page load event and
the page_loadcomplete event. Now I want to know that in every request of the
page, these events will be fired on not with the "autoeventwireup=true" ,
also what other events should be used so that in every request , cookie has a
random value.
Thank you