Kevin Skrenes
I'm not only very new to Ruby, but also to server side programming in
general, so I'm having a hard time finding a good place to look for
I've seen a number of posts regarding the execution of shell commands
from Ruby / Rails, but I can't figure out a way to call a shell process
and retain a reference to it so that I can execute successive commands.
I need to do this on a Windows machine, so a typical batch file might be
constructed like this:
echo off
cd path\executabledir
<command> -S <param> <input> <output>
where anything in <> needs to be dynamically populated. I'm able to
execute a batch file with the information hard-coded using
IO.popen("batchfile"), but I need to be able to manipulate the shell
commands before running them.
If anyone knows of any fitting resources that a newbie to this entire
concept could understand, please let me know.
general, so I'm having a hard time finding a good place to look for
I've seen a number of posts regarding the execution of shell commands
from Ruby / Rails, but I can't figure out a way to call a shell process
and retain a reference to it so that I can execute successive commands.
I need to do this on a Windows machine, so a typical batch file might be
constructed like this:
echo off
cd path\executabledir
<command> -S <param> <input> <output>
where anything in <> needs to be dynamically populated. I'm able to
execute a batch file with the information hard-coded using
IO.popen("batchfile"), but I need to be able to manipulate the shell
commands before running them.
If anyone knows of any fitting resources that a newbie to this entire
concept could understand, please let me know.