This is the beginning of a script that I wrote to open all the text
files in a single directory, then process the data in the text files
line by line into a single index file.
mydir = glob.glob("*.txt")
index = open("index.rtf", 'w')
for File in mydir:
count = 1
file = open(File)
fileContent = file.readlines()
for line in fileContent:
if not line.startswith("\n"):
if count == 1:
I'm now trying to the program to process all the text files in
subdirectories, so that I don't have to run the script more than once.
I know that the following script will SHOW me the contents of the
subdirectories, but I can't integrate the two:
def print_tree(tree_root_dir):
def printall(junk, dirpath, namelist):
for name in namelist:
print os.path.join(dirpath, name)
os.path.walk(tree_root_dir, printall, None)
I've taught myself out of online tutorials, so I think that this is a
matter of a command that I haven't learned rather a matter of logic.
Could someone tell me where to learn more about directory processes or
show me an improved version of my first script snippet?
files in a single directory, then process the data in the text files
line by line into a single index file.
mydir = glob.glob("*.txt")
index = open("index.rtf", 'w')
for File in mydir:
count = 1
file = open(File)
fileContent = file.readlines()
for line in fileContent:
if not line.startswith("\n"):
if count == 1:
I'm now trying to the program to process all the text files in
subdirectories, so that I don't have to run the script more than once.
I know that the following script will SHOW me the contents of the
subdirectories, but I can't integrate the two:
def print_tree(tree_root_dir):
def printall(junk, dirpath, namelist):
for name in namelist:
print os.path.join(dirpath, name)
os.path.walk(tree_root_dir, printall, None)
I've taught myself out of online tutorials, so I think that this is a
matter of a command that I haven't learned rather a matter of logic.
Could someone tell me where to learn more about directory processes or
show me an improved version of my first script snippet?