Hello. I'm new to VHDL. Could someone explain me what does the following
code snippet does? I completely don't get what is the generate clause for. I
wanted to look at the help file but help in my webpack seems to be broken
and it says that there is no such topic
This is very important to me to understand this code, becouse i have to use
it in my own program. And it's little difficulf for me to do this without
TheBRAM: for i in DataIn'range generate
signal ToLow, ToHigh : std_logic;
type TData is array (DataIn'range) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal DataInArray : TData;
signal DataOutArray : TData;
signal FullAddress : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
attribute init_00 : string;
attribute init_00 of OneRAM : label is
"FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" &
"FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF"
ToLow <= '0';
ToHigh <= '1';
DataInArray(i)(0) <= DataIn(i);
DataOut(i) <= DataOutArray(i)(0);
DoFullAddress: for j in FullAddress'range generate
AssignAddress: if (j >= Address'low) and (j <= Address'high) generate
FullAddress(j) <= Address(j);
end generate;
AssignZero: if (j < Address'low) or (j > Address'high) generate
FullAddress(j) <= '0';
end generate;
end generate DoFullAddress;
OneRAM: RAMB4_S1 port map(
EN => ToHigh,
RST => ToLow,
Clk => Clk,
Addr => FullAddress,
DO=> DataOutArray(i)
end generate TheBRAM;
code snippet does? I completely don't get what is the generate clause for. I
wanted to look at the help file but help in my webpack seems to be broken
and it says that there is no such topic
This is very important to me to understand this code, becouse i have to use
it in my own program. And it's little difficulf for me to do this without
TheBRAM: for i in DataIn'range generate
signal ToLow, ToHigh : std_logic;
type TData is array (DataIn'range) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal DataInArray : TData;
signal DataOutArray : TData;
signal FullAddress : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
attribute init_00 : string;
attribute init_00 of OneRAM : label is
"FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" &
"FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF" & "FFFF"
ToLow <= '0';
ToHigh <= '1';
DataInArray(i)(0) <= DataIn(i);
DataOut(i) <= DataOutArray(i)(0);
DoFullAddress: for j in FullAddress'range generate
AssignAddress: if (j >= Address'low) and (j <= Address'high) generate
FullAddress(j) <= Address(j);
end generate;
AssignZero: if (j < Address'low) or (j > Address'high) generate
FullAddress(j) <= '0';
end generate;
end generate DoFullAddress;
OneRAM: RAMB4_S1 port map(
EN => ToHigh,
RST => ToLow,
Clk => Clk,
Addr => FullAddress,
DO=> DataOutArray(i)
end generate TheBRAM;