Extended property in listbox item


Google User

Hello Everybody,

I am a new bie in ASP.NET. I am populating a listbox control using a
datareader. I set the Value field and text field in the properties
dialog box. I would like to store some other properties with respect
to each item in the list from the data reader. For example my select
statement contains col1, col2, col3 from tableA. I assigned "col1" as
my value field and "col2" as my text field. I would also like to
assign "col3" value to the listitem. Is there any other property in
the listbox where I can assign this value and retrive it after
submitting the form. I remember doing similar thing in VC++ which was
atleast 6 years before. Thanks in advance.

Ken Cox [Microsoft MVP]

One trick is to store the extra data as part of the value property and
separate each portion of data by a character such as the pipe (|). When you
get the value, just parse out the info that you have delimited.

Barry Forrest

Another option:
listItem.Attributes.Add("col3", col3) when it is created
and use list.Attributes["col3"] to access the value in the code behind.

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