


-- author : Michael Bills ([email protected])
-- description : This package has functions and procedures
-- for testbenching and assisting in RTL design
-- creation. It consists mostly of conversion functions.
-- This is a two-part package. The package testbench is
-- included at the bottom begining around line 5100.
-- Copyright (c) 2006 by Michael Bills
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this source code
-- for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
-- the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear
-- in all copies of this source code.

library extension_lib, ieee;

--use extension_lib.extension_pack_constants.all;
--use extension_lib.extension_pack_lfsr_str_constants.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_signed."abs";
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use std.textio.all;

package extension_pack is

-- Type Declarations
type hexchar is ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F');

type hex is array (positive range <>) of hexchar;

type LED_Char is (' ', '"', ''', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1',
'2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'=', '?', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'O', 'P',
'S', 'T', 'U', 'Y', 'Z', '\', ']', '^',
'_', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'h', 'g', 'j', 'l',
'n', 'o', 'r', 'u', '¬', '­', '¯', '°',

type SevenSegLED is array (positive range <>) of LED_Char;

---- synopsys translate_off
--type frequency is range 1 to 2_147_483_647
-- units
-- Hz;
-- daHz = 10 Hz; -- dekahertz 10E+1
-- hHz = 10 daHz; -- hectohertz 10E+2
-- kHz = 10 hHz; -- kilohertz 10E+3
-- MHz = 1000 kHz; -- megahertz 10E+6
-- GHz = 1000 MHz; -- gigahertz 10E+9
-- end units;
---- synopsys translate_on

-- Subtype Declarations
--subtype bv is bit_vector;
--subtype char is character;
---- synopsys translate_off
--subtype fok is file_open_kind;
--subtype fos is file_open_status;
--subtype freq is frequency;
---- synopsys translate_on
--subtype int is integer;
--subtype nat is natural;
--subtype pos is positive;
--subtype sl is std_logic;
--subtype slv is std_logic_vector;
--subtype str is string;
--subtype sul is std_ulogic;
--subtype sulv is std_ulogic_vector;
--subtype uns is unsigned;

-- Constant Declarations

-- count_for_time base size, that is to say, the smallest time value
-- that is used for this function. (-60 means the timebase = 10E-60 seconds).
-- VHDL uses a "timebase" or base unit of 1 fs (time'pos(1 fs) = 1)
-- this value should be increased if round off error occurs
-- in a value computed by the function "count_for_time" or if
-- array length errors occur.
-- This value must be smaller than MAX_VECT_SIZE by a factor of 4 for
-- logic vectors 2 bits long and it must be smaller by a factor of 3.5 for
-- logic vectors longer than 2 bits

constant CFT_BASE_SIZE : integer := -27;

-- this value represents the largest size a logic vector may be for certain
-- functions and procedures in this package. It is used to set upper loop
-- limits for non-deterministic values thus avoiding the use of access
-- types and enabling the functions to be used for synthesizeable code.
-- This value may be increased (as high as natural'high will allow)
-- if a larger value needs to be represented, or it may be decreased
-- if compile time is excessive by modifying the CFT_BASE_SIZE constant

constant MAX_VECT_SIZE : natural := (-CFT_BASE_SIZE)*4;

constant LOG_PATH : string := "../../logs/"; -- location to place log files
constant LOG_EXT : string := ".txt"; -- log file extention

constant SRC_PATH : string := "../../src/"; -- location to access/place VHDL source files
constant SRC_EXT : string := ".vhd"; -- VHDL source file extension

-- LFSR pre-computed constant package width bounds (all LFSR count values for counters in the range specified using LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents)
constant LFSRLowerBound : integer := 2;
constant LFSRUpperBound : integer := 12;

type LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents_type is array(2 to 168) of string(1 to 20);

-- http://direct.xilinx.com/bvdocs/appnotes/xapp052.pdf
-- must be both primitive and prime to give a sequence of lenth 2**N-1
constant LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents : LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents_type :=(
"2,1 ","3,2 ","4,3 ","5,3 ","6,5 ","7,6 ","8,6,5,4 ","9,5 ","10,7 ",
"11,9 ","12,6,4,1 ","13,4,3,1 ","14,5,3,1 ","15,14 ","16,15,13,4 ","17,14 ","18,11 ","19,6,2,1 ","20,17 ",
"21,19 ","22,21 ","23,18 ","24,23,22,17 ","25,22 ","26,6,2,1 ","27,5,2,1 ","28,25 ","29,27 ","30,6,4,1 ",
"31,28 ","32,22,2,1 ","33,20 ","34,27,2,1 ","35,33 ","36,25 ","37,5,4,3,2,1 ","38,6,5,1 ","39,35 ","40,38,21,19 ",
"41,38 ","42,41,20,19 ","43,42,38,37 ","44,43,18,17 ","45,44,42,41 ","46,45,26,25 ","47,42 ","48,47,21,20 ","49,40 ","50,49,24,23 ",
"51,50,36,35 ","52,49 ","53,52,38,37 ","54,53,18,17 ","55,31 ","56,55,35,34 ","57,50 ","58,39 ","59,58,38,37 ","60,59 ",
"61,60,46,45 ","62,61,6,5 ","63,62 ","64,63,61,60 ","65,47 ","66,65,57,56 ","67,66,58,57 ","68,59 ","69,67,42,40 ","70,69,55,54 ",
"71,65 ","72,66,25,19 ","73,48 ","74,73,59,58 ","75,74,65,64 ","76,75,41,40 ","77,76,47,46 ","78,77,59,58 ","79,70 ","80,79,43,42 ",
"81,77 ","82,79,47,44 ","83,82,38,37 ","84,71 ","85,84,58,57 ","86,85,74,73 ","87,74 ","88,87,17,16 ","89,51 ","90,89,72,71 ",
"91,90,8,7 ","92,91,80,79 ","93,91 ","94,73 ","95,84 ","96,94,49,47 ","97,91 ","98,87 ","99,97,54,52 ","100,63 ",
"101,100,95,94 ","102,101,36,35 ","103,94 ","104,103,94,93 ","105,89 ","106,91 ","107,105,44,42 ","108,77 ","109,108,103,102 ","110,109,98,97 ",
"111,101 ","112,110,69,67 ","113,104 ","114,113,33,32 ","115,114,101,100 ","116,115,46,45 ","117,115,99,97 ","118,85 ","119,111 ","120,113,9,2 ",
"121,103 ","122,121,63,62 ","123,121 ","124,87 ","125,124,18,17 ","126,125,90,89 ","127,126 ","128,126,101,99 ","129,124 ","130,127 ",
"131,130,84,83 ","132,103 ","133,132,82,81 ","134,77 ","135,124 ","136,135,11,10 ","137,116 ","138,137,131,130 ","139,136,134,131 ","140,111 ",
"141,140,110,109 ","142,121 ","143,142,123,122 ","144,143,75,74 ","145,93 ","146,145,87,86 ","147,146,110,109 ","148,121 ","149,148,40,39 ","150,97 ",
"151,148 ","152,151,87,86 ","153,152 ","154,152,27,25 ","155,154,124,123 ","156,155,41,40 ","157,156,131,130 ","158,157,132,131 ","159,128 ","160,159,142,141 ",
"161,143 ","162,161,75,74 ","163,162,104,103 ","164,163,151,150 ","165,164,135,134 ","166,165,128,127 ","167,161 ","168,166,153,151 "

-- Function Declarations

function "*"(MultiplicandVal : integer;
MultiplierVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;

function "*"(MultiplicandVal : std_logic_vector;
MultiplierVal : integer) return std_logic_vector;

function "/"(DividendVal : std_logic_vector;
DivisorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;

function "/"(DividendVal : std_logic_vector;
DivisorVal : integer) return std_logic_vector;

function "/"(DividendVal : string;
DivisorVal : integer) return std_logic_vector;

function bcd_to_led(slvVal : std_logic_vector ;
CAVal : boolean) return std_logic_vector; -- binary coded decimal to seven segment LED conversion

function bcd_to_slv(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using enough BCD digits to represent the largest value possible in the range of the vector passed

function bcd_to_slv_pipe(BCD_RVal : std_logic_vector;
BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using the number of BCD digits specified. For pipelined operation. function must be called N times where N is the number of bits in the passed value

function bv_to_slv(bitVectVal : bit_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "To_StdLogicVector" function

function cdft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified (minus a count of 2 for latency) using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function cdft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified (minus a count of 2 for latency) using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference and the natural value passed as a length for the vector (if it will fit in a vector that size)

function cdfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the time specified (minus a count of 2) using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function ceil(RealVal : in real) return real; -- rounds a real value up the the next highest real integer

function cfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- This function returns a natural representing the number of characters required to reprsent an integer value. It is essentially an integer'length function for the characters.

function cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference and the integer value passed as a length for the vector (if it will fit in a vector that size)

function cfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function cftu(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference, return an unsigned std_logic_vector

function cftu(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified, plus (or minus) the fudge factor, using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference, return an unsigned std_logic_vector

function clkcnt(freq1StrVal : string;
freq2StrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- create a 50% duty cycle count time using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : bit_vector) return string; -- bit_vector to hexadecimal conversion

function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string; -- std_logic_vector to hexadecimal conversion

function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return string; -- std_ulogic_vector to hexadecimal conversion

function crc16(serialInVal : std_logic;
vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the input to a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) using the polynomial x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1.

function cslv(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "conv_std_logic_vector"
function cslv(sigVal : signed;
intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "conv_std_logic_vector"
function cslv(usgVal : unsigned;
intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "conv_std_logic_vector"

function cuft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified (minus a count of 1 for latency) using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function cuft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified (minus a count of 1 for latency) using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference and the integer value passed as a length for the vector (if it will fit in a vector that size)

function cufth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function dpfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places for an integer value

function dpfi_syn(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places for an integer value

function dpfr(realVal : real) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places to the left of the decimal point for a real value

function dpfslvr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places needed to represent the full range of the std_logic_vector passed

function dpfslvv(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places needed to represent the value of the std_logic_vector passed

function eq(vector1Val : std_logic_vector;
vector2Val : std_logic_vector) return boolean; -- equality check function that is sensitive to vector length

function ext(strVal : string;
natVal : natural) return string; -- returns a string, padded with spaces, to the length specified by intVal unless the string is already longer than that

function ext2(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a standard logic vector, padded with zeros, to the length specified by intVal unless the vector is already longer than that

function flip(vectorVal : bit_vector) return bit_vector; -- returns a bit_vector with all the bits in the reverse order

function flip(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector with all the bits in the reverse order

function flip(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector; -- returns a std_ulogic_vector with all the bits in the reverse order

function floor(RealVal : in real) return real; -- rounds a real value down the the next loweest real integer

function hex_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- converts a Hexadeximal string to a standard logic vector

function int_to_slv(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the integer value passed

function itoa(intVal : integer) return string; -- common integer to string conversion function

function lfsr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
lfsrTypeVal : string;
polynomialStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the input to a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) using the polynomial

function lfsr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
lfsrTypeVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the input to a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) using a primitive polynomial

function lfsr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the input to a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) using a primitive polynomial. This function defaults to Type 2 XNOR feedback.

function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
seedVal : std_logic_vector;
lfsrTypeVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified, plus (or minus) the fudge factor, using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference and the seed value passed as a starting point

function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified, plus (or minus) the fudge factor, using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference

function lfsr_cft_piped(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference (for use in creating counters that have pipelined comparator stop value detection)

function lfsr_cft_piped_syn(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference (for use in creating counters that have pipelined comparator stop value detection), for synthesis

function lfsr_cft_syn(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference (for use in creating counters that have pipelined comparator stop value detection), for synthesis

function lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return integer; -- repackaging of cfth for ease of lfsr use, plus (or minus) the fudge factor

function lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- repackaging of cfth for ease of lfsr use

function max(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return integer; -- returns the maximum of the two values passed

function mult_s(Multiplier : std_logic_vector;
Multiplicand : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- signed multiply

function mult_us(Multiplier : std_logic_vector;
Multiplicand : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- unsigned multiply

function nat_to_slv(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the natural value passed

function neg(VectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the negated value

-- synopsys translate_off
impure function now return string; -- returns a string representation of the current simulation time
-- synopsys translate_on

function pipelined_comparator_latency(busWidthVal : integer) return string; -- returns the latency value

function pipelined_comparator_latency(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return string; -- returns the latency value

function reduce(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed (including a sign bit)

function reduce_high(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'high value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed (including a sign bit)

function reduce_high_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'high value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

function reduce_length(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'length value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed (including a sign bit)

function reduce_length_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'length value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

function reduce_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

function roundup(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return integer; -- rounds an integer value up the the next higher multiple of the integer passed

function rounddown(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return integer; -- This function rounds the first integer value down to the next lower multiple of the second integer passed

function seq(str1Val : string;
str2Val : string) return boolean; -- This function returns true if both string values passed are identical

function shl(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- shift left by the the value specified

-- synopsys translate_off
function sim_res return time; -- returns the current simulator time resolution
-- synopsys translate_on

function sim_res_exp return integer; -- returns the exponent of the current simulator time resolution (i.e. 1fs = -15, 1 ns = -9)

function sim_res_pos_real return real; -- returns the position of the current simulator time resolution (i.e. 1fs = 1.0, 1 ns = 1.0E6)

function sim_res_val_real return real; -- returns the value of the current simulator time resolution as a real value (i.e. 1fs = 1.0E-15, 1 ns = 1.0E-9)

function slv_to_bcd(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using enough BCD digits to represent the largest value possible in the range of the vector passed

function slv_to_bcd(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using the number of BCD digits specified

function slv_to_bcd_pipe(BCD_RVal : std_logic_vector;
MSB_Val : std_logic;
BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using the number of BCD digits specified. For pipelined operation. function must be called N times where N is the number of bits in the passed value

function slv_to_real_s(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return real; -- converts a signed std_logic vector value to a real value

function slv_to_real_us(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return real; -- converts an unsigned std_logic vector value to a real value

function str_to_int(stringVal : string) return integer; -- converts an Integer string to an integer

-- synopsys translate_off
function str_to_line(strVal : string) return line;
-- synopsys translate_on

function str_to_led(stringVal : string;
CAVal : boolean) return std_logic_vector; -- converts a Hexadecimal string of any length to a std_logic_vector for seven segment LEDs

function str_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- converts a string, of any length to a std_logic_vector

-- synopsys translate_off
function str_to_time(stringVal : string) return time;
-- synopsys translate_on

function strh(stringVal : string) return integer;

function strval_to_real(stringVal : string;
timeBaseVal : integer) return real; -- converts an Integer, Real, Time (or period), or Frequency value, in string form, of any length to a real using the integer time base exponent value passed as a reference

function strval_to_real(stringVal : string) return real; -- converts an Integer, Real, Time (or period), or Frequency value, in string form, of any length to a real using the VHDL default of 1 fs as a time base

function strval_to_slv(stringVal : string;
timeBaseVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- converts an Integer, Real, Time (or period), or Frequency value, in string form, of any length to a std_logic_vector using the integer time base exponent value passed as a reference

function strval_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- converts an Integer, Real, Time (or period), or Frequency value, in string form, of any length to a std_logic_vector using the VHDL default of 1 fs as a time base

function strval_to_slv_high(stringVal : string) return integer; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the intever value (in string form) passed

function strval_to_slv_var_base_high(stringVal : string;
timeBaseVal : integer) return integer; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the intever value (in string form) passed using the integer time base exponent value passed as a reference

function sxt2(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a standard logic vector, padded with sign bits, to the length specified by intVal unless the vector is already longer than that

function to_int(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- repackaging of "conv_integer" function

-- synopsys translate_off
--function to_period(freqVal : frequency) return time; -- returns a one cycle period value for a given frequency

function to_period(freqStrVal : string) return time; -- returns a one cycle period value for a given frequency
-- synopsys translate_on

function to_string(boolVal : boolean) return string; -- returns the string representation of a boolean value passed

function to_string(intVal : integer) return string; -- returns the string representation of an integer value passed

function to_string(realVal : real) return string; -- returns the string representation of a real value passed

function to_string(timeVal : time) return string; -- returns the string representation of a time value passed

function to_string(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string; -- returns the string representation of a std_logic_vector value passed

function vhfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the integer value passed. This assumes the rest of the range declaration of the vector will be "downto 0"

function vhfn(natVal : natural) return natural; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the natural value passed. This assumes the rest of the range declaration of the vector will be "downto 0"

function vlfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the integer value passed

function vlfn(natVal : natural) return natural; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the natural value passed

function vrfi(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector with a range just large enough to represent the integer value passed

function vrfn(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector with a range just large enough to represent the natural value passed

function xnor_reduce(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic; -- multiple input xnor gate

function xor_reduce(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic; -- multiple input xor gate

-- Procedure Declarations
-- synopsys translate_off
procedure clkgen(
constant clkFreqSig : in string;
signal clkSig : out std_logic);

procedure clkgen(
signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
signal clkFreqSig : in string;
signal clkSig : out std_logic);

procedure clkgen(
signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
signal clkPeriodSig : in time;
constant clkDutySig : in real;
signal clkResetSig : in boolean;
signal clkSig : inout std_logic);

procedure clkgen(
signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
signal clkFreqSig : in string;
constant clkDutySig : in real;
signal clkResetSig : in boolean;
signal clkSig : inout std_logic);
-- synopsys translate_on

procedure FF(
signal Clk : in std_logic;
signal Rst : in std_logic;
signal D : in std_logic_vector;
signal Q : out std_logic_vector);

procedure slv_to_bcd(
signal BCD_RIn : in std_logic_vector;
signal BinIn : in std_logic_vector;
signal BinFBIn : in std_logic_vector;
signal ClkIn : in std_logic;
constant BCD_DigitsVal : in integer;
signal EnIn : in std_logic;
signal RstLowIn : in std_logic;
signal BCD_ROut : out std_logic_vector;
signal Bin_ROut : out std_logic_vector;
signal DoneOut : out std_logic);

-- Aliases
-- synopsys translate_off
alias bool is boolean;
alias bv is bit_vector;
alias char is character;
alias fok is file_open_kind;
alias fos is file_open_status;
--alias freq is frequency;
alias int is integer;
alias nat is natural;
alias pos is positive;
alias sl is std_logic;
alias slv is std_logic_vector;
alias str is string;
alias sul is std_ulogic;
alias sulv is std_ulogic_vector;
alias uns is unsigned;
-- synopsys translate_on

end extension_pack;

package body extension_pack is

-- Functions

-- DESCRIPTION : This function multiplies an integer by a
-- std_logic_vector and returns a std_logic_vector
-- NOTES :
function "*"(MultiplicandVal : integer;
MultiplierVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
return int_to_slv(MultiplicandVal)*MultiplierVal;
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function multiplies a std_logic_vector by an integer
-- and returns a std_logic_vector
-- NOTES :
function "*"(MultiplicandVal : std_logic_vector;
MultiplierVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return MultiplicandVal*int_to_slv(MultiplierVal);
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function divides an unsigned std_logic vector value
-- by another unsigned std_logic_vector value and returns
-- a std_logic_vector that is the same length
-- as the dividend
-- NOTES : the algorithm used in this function
-- is the standard long division algorithm.
-- it rounds to the nearest value
function "/"(DividendVal : std_logic_vector;
DivisorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable DividendVar : std_logic_vector(DividendVal'length+DivisorVal'length downto 0);
variable DivisorVar : std_logic_vector(DivisorVal'length downto 0);
variable InterimVar : std_logic_vector(DivisorVal'length downto 0);
variable ResultVar : std_logic_vector(DividendVal'length downto 0);
DividendVar := ext(DividendVal & '0',DividendVar'length);
DivisorVar := '0' & DivisorVal;
InterimVar := '0' & DividendVar(DividendVar'high downto DividendVar'high-(DivisorVar'length-2));
ResultVar := (others => '0');
for loopVar in ResultVar'range loop
if (InterimVar >= DivisorVar) then
InterimVar := InterimVar - DivisorVar;
InterimVar := InterimVar(InterimVar'high-1 downto 0) & DividendVar(loopVar);
ResultVar(loopVar) := '1';
InterimVar := InterimVar(InterimVar'high-1 downto 0) & DividendVar(loopVar);
ResultVar(loopVar) := '0';
end if;
end loop;
-- round to the nearest digit
if (InterimVar >= DivisorVal) then -- it the remainder is at least 1/2 of the Divisor (it was effectively multiplied by two during the final pass through the loop)
ResultVar := ResultVar + '1'; -- then round up to the next value
end if;
return ResultVar(ResultVar'length-2 downto 0);
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function divides an unsigned std_logic_vector value
-- by an integer value
-- NOTES :
function "/"(DividendVal : std_logic_vector;
DivisorVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return DividendVal/int_to_slv(DivisorVal);
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function divides an integer string value
-- by an integer value
-- NOTES :
function "/"(DividendVal : string;
DivisorVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return strval_to_slv(DividendVal)/int_to_slv(DivisorVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : bcd_to_led
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a packed BCD vector or a hex value
-- into a seven segment LED output
-- NOTES if the CAVal boolean input is true the output will
-- be for a Common Anode (1=off) display, otherwise it will
-- be for a Common Cathode (1=on)display.
-- _____
-- | a |
-- f| |b
-- |_____|
-- | g |
-- e| |c
-- |_____|
-- d
-- "width mismatch" errors are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function bcd_to_led(slvVal : std_logic_vector ; CAVal : boolean) return std_logic_vector is
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(7*slvVal'length/4-1 downto 0);
variable vectorParseVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector(slvVal'length-1 downto 0);
vectorVar := slvVal; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
for loopVar in 0 to slvVal'length/4-1 loop
vectorParseVar := vectorVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar);
case vectorParseVar is
-- Illuminated
-- vector Segment
-- value abcdefg
when x"0" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1111110"; -- 0
when x"1" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "0110000"; -- 1
when x"2" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1101101"; -- 2
when x"3" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1111001"; -- 3
when x"4" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "0110011"; -- 4
when x"5" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1011011"; -- 5
when x"6" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1011111"; -- 6
when x"7" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1110010"; -- 7
when x"8" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1111111"; -- 8
when x"9" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1110011"; -- 9
when x"A" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "0001000"; -- A
when x"B" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1100000"; -- b
when x"C" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "0110001"; -- C
when x"D" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "1000010"; -- d
when x"E" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "0110000"; -- E
when x"F" => resultVar(7*loopVar+6 downto 7*loopvar) := "0111000"; -- F
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
if (CAVal) then
return not resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
return resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : bcd_to_slv
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a packed binary coded decimal (BCD)
-- in standard logic vector for and returns an unsigned,
-- decending range, binary value
-- "width mismatch" errors are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function bcd_to_slv(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
type BCDArrayType is array(vectorVal'length downto 0) -- array depth is 1 level more than the input vector
of std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0); --
variable CarryVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length/4 downto 0); -- the # of carry bits is determined by the number of BCD digits
variable BCD_WoCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD digit variable used by the inner loop if no carry to the next BCD Digit is needed
variable BCD_WiCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD digit variable used by the inner loop if carry to the next BCD Digit is needed
variable BCDVar : BCDArrayType; -- BCD value array
variable ResultVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
BCDVar(0) := vectorVal; -- set the initial entry in the array to the input vector
for OutrLoopVar in 1 to vectorVal'length loop --
CarryVar(CarryVar'high) := '0';
for InnrLoopVar in CarryVar'high-1 downto 0 loop -- start at the MSB of the BCD vector
BCD_WoCarVar := '0' & BCDVar(OutrLoopVar-1) -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar+1); -- read the results of the previous calculation
BCD_WiCarVar := BCD_WoCarVar + "0101"; -- compute the result for the current BCD digit if carry is needed
CarryVar(InnrLoopVar) := BCDVar(OutrLoopVar-1)(4*InnrLoopVar); -- read in the next bit of the LSB of the previous BCD digit input into the lowest carry bit
if (CarryVar(InnrLoopVar+1) = '1') then -- if the the previous digit has a carry bit then then the result of the binary shift right is greater by 5
BCDVar(OutrLoopVar)(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar) := BCD_WiCarVar;
else -- otherwise
BCDVar(OutrLoopVar)(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar) := BCD_WoCarVar; -- we shift the bits right by 1 space
end if;
end loop;
ResultVar(OutrLoopVar-1) := BCDVar(OutrLoopVar-1)(0);
end loop;
return ResultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : bcd_to_slv_pipe
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a packed binary coded decimal (BCD)
-- into an unsigned, decending range,
-- binary value into a standard logic vector
-- and returns the result in
-- the number BCD digits required to represent the maximum
-- unsigned value possible in the vector passed to it.
-- it is for use in pipelined implementations where
-- the binary coded decimal output is registered
-- and passed back to the function along with the binary
-- vector input to be shifted out of its MSB
-- register and into the function as a new bit.
-- BCD_DigitsVal -> dpfslvr(vectorVal)
function bcd_to_slv_pipe(
BCD_RVal : std_logic_vector; -- registered output of this function fed back in
BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is -- binary coded decimal arithmetic shift right
variable BCDVar : std_logic_vector(BCD_RVal'length-1 downto 0);
variable CarryVar : std_logic_vector(BCD_DigitsVal downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- the # of carry bits is determined by the number of BCD digits
variable BCD_WoCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable BCD_WiCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable ResultVar : std_logic_vector(4*BCD_DigitsVal-1 downto 0);
BCDVar := BCD_RVal;
CarryVar(CarryVar'high) := '0';
for loopVar in BCD_DigitsVal-1 downto 0 loop
BCD_WoCarVar := '0' & BCDVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar+1);
BCD_WiCarVar := BCD_WoCarVar + "0101";
CarryVar(loopVar) := BCDVar(4*loopVar);
if (CarryVar(loopVar+1) = '1') then
ResultVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar) := BCD_WiCarVar;
ResultVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar) := BCD_WoCarVar;
end if;
end loop;
return ResultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : bv_to_slv (convert integer to std_logic_vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an bit vector
-- to a std logic vector.
function bv_to_slv(bitVectVal : bit_vector) return std_logic_vector is
return To_StdLogicVector(bitVectVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cdft (count down for time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value (minus 2 for
-- latency for counting down to an underflow for) using
-- a string based frequency value, as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
-- This function is best used to determine a variable
-- value (CountValIn) for use with a counter styled similarly
-- to this:
-- CounterProcess:process(CountRSig,CountValIn)
-- begin
-- if (CountRSig(CountRSig'high) = '1') then
-- CountSig <= CountValIn;
-- PulseSig <= '1';
-- else
-- CountSig <= CountRSig - 1;
-- PulseSig <= '0';
-- end if;
-- end process;
function cdft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 2);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cdft (count down for time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value (minus 2 for
-- latency for counting down to an underflow for) using
-- a string based frequency (or period) value as a time
-- base reference and a natural value for
-- the length of the vector to return
-- (if it will fit in a vector that size)
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
-- This function is best used to determine a variable
-- value (CountValIn) for use with a counter styled similarly
-- to this:
-- CounterProcess:process(CountRSig,CountValIn)
-- begin
-- if (CountRSig(CountRSig'high) = '1') then
-- CountSig <= CountValIn;
-- PulseSig <= '1';
-- else
-- CountSig <= CountRSig - 1;
-- PulseSig <= '0';
-- end if;
-- end process;
function cdft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable lengthVar : natural;
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable zeroVar : std_logic_vector(natVal - cdfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal) - 2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
lengthVar := reduce_length((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 2);
if (lengthVar >= natVal) then
return reduce((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 2);
return zeroVar & reduce((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 2);
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cdfth (count down for time high)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function computes the vector'high value
-- from a string based time value (minus a count of 2
-- for use in counting down to underflow) and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value using
-- the a string based period value, as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
function cdfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce_high((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 2);
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function rounds a real value up to the next
-- real integer
function ceil (RealVal : in real) return real is
constant integerMaxVal : real := real(integer'high);
variable RoundVar : real;
variable ResultVar : real;
RoundVar := real(integer(RealVal));
if (abs(RealVal) >= integerMaxVal) then
ResultVar := RealVal;
elsif (RoundVar = RealVal) then
ResultVar := RoundVar;
elsif (RealVal > 0.0) then
if (RoundVar >= RealVal) then
ResultVar := RoundVar;
ResultVar := RoundVar + 1.0;
end if;
elsif (RealVal = 0.0) then
ResultVar := 0.0;
if (RoundVar <= RealVal) then
ResultVar := RoundVar + 1.0;
ResultVar := RoundVar;
end if;
end if;
return ResultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cfi (characters for integer)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a natural representing the
-- number of characters required to reprsent an
-- integer value. It is essentially
-- an integer'length function for the characters.
-- NOTES :
function cfi(intVal : integer) return natural is
variable intVar : integer;
variable negVar : boolean;
if (intVal < 0) then
intVar := -intVal;
negVar := true;
intVar := intVal;
negVar := false;
end if;
for LoopVar in 1 to MAX_VECT_SIZE loop
if (intVar = 0) then
return 1;
elsif (intVar < 10 and intVar >= 1) then
if (negVar) then
return loopVar + 1; -- allow for the '-' character
return loopVar;
end if;
intVar := intVar/10;
end if;
end loop;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cft (count for time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value using
-- a string based frequency value, as a reference.
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
function cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce(timeVar/freqStrVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cft (count for time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value using
-- a string based frequency (or period) value as a time
-- base reference and a natural value for
-- the length of the vector to return
-- (if it will fit in a vector that size)
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
function cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable lengthVar : natural;
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable zeroVar : std_logic_vector(natVal - cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal) - 2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
lengthVar := reduce_length(timeVar/freqStrVar);
if (lengthVar >= natVal) then
return reduce(timeVar/freqStrVar);
return zeroVar & reduce(timeVar/freqStrVar);
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cfth (count for time high)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function computes the vector'high value
-- from a string based time value using
-- the a string based frequency (or period)
-- value, as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
function cfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce_high(timeVar/freqStrVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cftu (count for time unsigned)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value using
-- a string based frequency value, as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
function cftu(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce_unsigned(timeVar/freqStrVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cftu (count for time unsigned)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value using
-- a string based frequency value, as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
function cftu(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable fudgeStrVar : integer;
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
fudgeStrVar := str_to_int(fudgeStrVal);
return reduce_unsigned(timeVar/freqStrVar + fudgeStrVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : clkcnt (50% duty cycle clock count)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based frequency value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector value using
-- a string based frequency value, as a reference
-- this function is for use with a process which counts
-- up to a static value. This method tends to give the smallest and
-- fastest circuit
-- variable CLKCNTVAL : std_logic_vector := clkcnt("Freq1StrVal","Freq2StrVal")
-- if (Count2RSig = CLKCNTVAL) then
-- Count2Sig <= (others => '0');
-- ClkSig <= not ClkRSig;
-- else
-- Count2Sig <= Count2RSig + 1;
-- ClkSig <= ClkRSig;
-- end if;
--end process;
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
function clkcnt(freq1StrVal : string;
freq2StrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable freq1StrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freq1StrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable freq2StrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freq2StrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freq1StrVar := strval_to_slv(freq1StrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
freq2StrVar := strval_to_slv(freq2StrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce_unsigned((freq1StrVar/freq2StrVar)/2-1);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : conv_to_hex
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a bit vector of any length to a
-- string representing the Hexadecimal value of that vector
function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : bit_vector) return string is
variable resultVar : string(integer(ceil(real(vectorVal'length)/4.0)) downto 1);
variable vectorParseVar : std_logic_vector(4 downto 1);
variable vectorStretchVar : std_logic_vector((integer(ceil(real(vectorVal'length)/4.0)))*4 downto 1);
variable VectorVar : bit_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
VectorVar := vectorVal;
vectorStretchVar := ext(to_stdlogicvector(VectorVar),vectorStretchVar'length);
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop
vectorParseVar := vectorStretchVar(loopVar*4 downto loopVar*4-3);
case vectorParseVar(4 downto 1) is
when x"0" => resultVar(loopVar) := '0';
when x"1" => resultVar(loopVar) := '1';
when x"2" => resultVar(loopVar) := '2';
when x"3" => resultVar(loopVar) := '3';
when x"4" => resultVar(loopVar) := '4';
when x"5" => resultVar(loopVar) := '5';
when x"6" => resultVar(loopVar) := '6';
when x"7" => resultVar(loopVar) := '7';
when x"8" => resultVar(loopVar) := '8';
when x"9" => resultVar(loopVar) := '9';
when x"A" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'A';
when x"B" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'B';
when x"C" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'C';
when x"D" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'D';
when x"E" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'E';
when x"F" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'F';
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : conv_to_hex
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a logic vector of any length to a
-- string representing the Hexadecimal value of that vector
function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable resultVar : string(integer(ceil(real(vectorVal'length)/4.0)) downto 1);
variable vectorParseVar : std_logic_vector(4 downto 1);
variable vectorStretchVar : std_logic_vector((integer(ceil(real(vectorVal'length)/4.0)))*4 downto 1);
variable VectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
VectorVar := vectorVal;
vectorStretchVar := ext(VectorVar,vectorStretchVar'length);
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop
vectorParseVar := vectorStretchVar(loopVar*4 downto loopVar*4-3);
case vectorParseVar(4 downto 1) is
when x"0" => resultVar(loopVar) := '0';
when x"1" => resultVar(loopVar) := '1';
when x"2" => resultVar(loopVar) := '2';
when x"3" => resultVar(loopVar) := '3';
when x"4" => resultVar(loopVar) := '4';
when x"5" => resultVar(loopVar) := '5';
when x"6" => resultVar(loopVar) := '6';
when x"7" => resultVar(loopVar) := '7';
when x"8" => resultVar(loopVar) := '8';
when x"9" => resultVar(loopVar) := '9';
when x"A" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'A';
when x"B" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'B';
when x"C" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'C';
when x"D" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'D';
when x"E" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'E';
when x"F" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'F';
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : conv_to_hex
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a ulogic vector of any length to a
-- string representing the Hexadecimal value of that vector
function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return string is
variable resultVar : string(integer(ceil(real(vectorVal'length)/4.0)) downto 1);
variable vectorParseVar : std_logic_vector(4 downto 1);
variable vectorStretchVar : std_logic_vector((integer(ceil(real(vectorVal'length)/4.0)))*4 downto 1);
variable VectorVar : std_ulogic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
VectorVar := vectorVal;
vectorStretchVar := ext(to_stdlogicvector(VectorVar),vectorStretchVar'length);
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop
vectorParseVar := vectorStretchVar(loopVar*4 downto loopVar*4-3);
case vectorParseVar(4 downto 1) is
when x"0" => resultVar(loopVar) := '0';
when x"1" => resultVar(loopVar) := '1';
when x"2" => resultVar(loopVar) := '2';
when x"3" => resultVar(loopVar) := '3';
when x"4" => resultVar(loopVar) := '4';
when x"5" => resultVar(loopVar) := '5';
when x"6" => resultVar(loopVar) := '6';
when x"7" => resultVar(loopVar) := '7';
when x"8" => resultVar(loopVar) := '8';
when x"9" => resultVar(loopVar) := '9';
when x"A" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'A';
when x"B" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'B';
when x"C" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'C';
when x"D" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'D';
when x"E" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'E';
when x"F" => resultVar(loopVar) := 'F';
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : crc16
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the input to a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
-- using the polynomial x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1
-- (CRC-16-CCITT)
-- NOTES: the output from this function is clocked into the input
-- registers of the LFSR. The LFSR is shifted
-- to the right, MSB to LSB, with each clock. The LFSR
-- must be pre-loaded with a non zero seed value to function.
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LFSR
function crc16(serialInVal : std_logic;
vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is

-- constant OUTPUT_FILE : string := LOG_PATH & "crc16_function_logfile" & LOG_EXT;
-- variable LogFileLine : line;
-- file LogFile : text open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;

variable vector1Var : std_logic_vector(1 to 16); -- CRCs are usually depicted shifting left to right with the right being the MSB
variable vector2Var : std_logic_vector(1 to 16); -- CRCs are usually depicted shifting left to right with the right being the MSB
vector1Var := vectorVal;
vector2Var := '0' & vector1Var(1 to 15); -- default to vector1Var shifted right

vector2var(1) := serialInVal xor vector1Var(15);
vector2Var(3) := serialInVal xor vector1Var(2) xor vector1Var(16);
vector2Var(16) := serialInVal xor vector1Var(15) xor vector1Var(16);

return vector2Var;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cslv (convert integer to std_logic_vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an integer (int1Val)
-- to a std logic vector of length int2Val.
function cslv(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return conv_std_logic_vector(int1Val,int2Val);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cslv (convert signed to std_logic_vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an signed value
-- to a std logic vector of length intVal.
function cslv(sigVal : signed;
intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return conv_std_logic_vector(sigVal,intVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cslv (convert integer to std_logic_vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an unsigned value
-- to a std logic vector of length intVal.
function cslv(usgVal : unsigned;
intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return conv_std_logic_vector(usgVal,intVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cuft (count up for time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector (minus one for latency)
-- value using a string based frequency (or period) value,
-- as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
-- This function is best used to determine a constant
-- value (COUNTVALUE) for use with a counter styled similarly
-- to this:
-- CounterProcess:process(CountRSig,CountValIn)
-- begin
-- if (CountRSig = COUNTVALUE) then
-- CountSig <= (others => '0');
-- PulseSig <= '1';
-- else
-- CountSig <= CountRSig + 1;
-- PulseSig <= '0';
-- end if;
-- end process;
function cuft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce_unsigned((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 1);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cuft (count up for time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function takes a string based time value and
-- converts it to a std_logic_vector (minus one for latency)
-- value using a string based frequency (or period) value
-- as a time base reference and a natural value for
-- the length of the vector to return
-- (if it will fit in a vector that size)
-- This function requires units in each string
-- if array length errosr occur it is due to an improperly sized vector
-- that the result of this function is assigned to.
-- This function is best used to determine a constant
-- value (COUNTVALUE) for use with a counter styled similarly
-- to this:
-- CounterProcess:process(CountRSig,CountValIn)
-- begin
-- if (CountRSig = COUNTVALUE) then
-- CountSig <= (others => '0');
-- PulseSig <= '1';
-- else
-- CountSig <= CountRSig + 1;
-- PulseSig <= '0';
-- end if;
-- end process;
function cuft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable lengthVar : natural;
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable zeroVar : std_logic_vector(natVal - cufth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal) - 2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
lengthVar := reduce_length_unsigned((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 1);
if (lengthVar >= natVal) then
return reduce_unsigned((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 1);
return zeroVar & reduce_unsigned((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 1);
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : cufth (count up for time high)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function computes the vector'high value
-- from a string based time value (minus a count of 1
-- for use in counting up from zero to the proper value) using
-- the a string based period value, as a reference
-- This function requires units in each string
function cufth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
variable timeVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0);
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
return reduce_high_unsigned((timeVar/freqStrVar) - 1);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : dpfi (decimal places for integer)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a natural representing the
-- number of digits in an integer value. It is essentially
-- an integer'length function (does not count
-- a '-' character).
-- NOTES :
function dpfi(intVal : integer) return natural is
variable intVar : integer;
variable CountVar : natural := 1;
variable ResultVar : natural;
if (intVal < 0) then
intVar := -intVal;
intVar := intVal;
end if;
for CountVar in 1 to MAX_VECT_SIZE loop
if (intVal = 0) then
return 1;
elsif (intVar < 10 and intVar >= 1) then
return CountVar;
intVar := intVar/10;
end if;
end loop;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : dpfi_syn (decimal places for integer (synthesizeable))
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a natural representing the
-- number of digits in an integer value. It is essentially
-- an integer'length function.
-- NOTES :
function dpfi_syn(intVal : integer) return natural is
variable resultVar : natural;
if (intVal <= -1_000_000_000 or intVal >= 1_000_000_000) then
resultVar := 10;
elsif (intVal <= -100_000_000 or intVal >= 100_000_000) then
resultVar := 9;
elsif (intVal <= -10_000_000 or intVal >= 10_000_000) then
resultVar := 8;
elsif (intVal <= -1_000_000 or intVal >= 1_000_000) then
resultVar := 7;
elsif (intVal <= -100_000 or intVal >= 100_000) then
resultVar := 6;
elsif (intVal <= -10_000 or intVal >= 10_000) then
resultVar := 5;
elsif (intVal <= -1_000 or intVal >= 1_000) then
resultVar := 4;
elsif (intVal <= -100 or intVal >= 100) then
resultVar := 3;
elsif (intVal <= -10 or intVal >= 10) then
resultVar := 2;
resultVar := 1;
end if;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : dpfr (decimal places for real)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a natural value representing the
-- number of digits to the left of the decimal
-- in a real value.
-- NOTES :
function dpfr(realVal : real) return natural is
variable realVar : real;
variable ResultVar : natural;
if (realVal < 0.0) then
realVar := -realVal;
realVar := realVal;
end if;
for loopVar in 1 to MAX_VECT_SIZE loop
if (realVal = 0.0) then
return 1;
elsif (realVar < 10.0 and realVar >= 1.0) then
return loopVar;
realVar := realVar/10.0;
end if;
end loop;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : dpfslvr (decimal places for slv range)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a natural representing the
-- number of decimal places the largest integer value that
-- can be represented by a vector will occupy.
-- NOTES :
function dpfslvr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return natural is
variable returnVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
return dpfi(conv_integer(returnVar));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : dpfslvv (decimal places for slv value)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a natural representing the
-- number of decimal places the integer value represented
-- by a vector will occupy.
-- NOTES :
function dpfslvv(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return natural is
return dpfi(conv_integer(vectorVal));
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function is an equality check function
-- that is sensitive to vector length
function eq(vector1Val : std_logic_vector;
vector2Val : std_logic_vector) return boolean is
variable sl1Var : std_logic;
variable sl2Var : std_logic;
variable resultVar : boolean;
variable vector1Var : std_logic_vector(vector1Val'length-1 downto 0);
variable vector2Var : std_logic_vector(vector2Val'length-1 downto 0);
resultVar := true;
vector1Var := vector1Val;
vector2Var := vector2Val;
if (vector1Var'high /= vector2Var'high) then -- check for length mismatch
return false;
end if;
for loopVar in vector1Var'range loop
if (vector1Var(loopVar) /= vector2Var(loopVar)) then
resultVar := false;
end if;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : ext (space extend)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string,
-- padded with spaces, to the length specified by natVal
-- NOTES :
function ext(strVal : string;
natVal : natural) return string is
variable resultVar : string(1 to natVal);
variable strVar : string(1 to strVal'length);
variable spaceVar : string(1 to max(natVal-strVal'length,1));
strVar := strVal;
if (strVal'length >= natVal) then
return strVal;
for loopVar in spaceVar'range loop
spaceVar(loopVar) := ' '; -- fill with spaces
end loop;
end if;
resultVar := spaceVar & strVar;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : ext2 (zero extend)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a standard logic vector,
-- padded with zeros, to the length specified by natVal
-- NOTES :
function ext2(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector (vectorVal'length - 1 downto 0);
variable zeroVar : std_logic_vector (natVal - vectorVal'length - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
vectorVar := vectorVal;
if (vectorVar'length >= natVal) then
return vectorVar;
return zeroVar & vectorVar;
end if;
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a vector with all the bits
-- in the vector flipped.
-- i.e. if vectorval = 00011001
-- flip(vectorval) returns 10011000
function flip(vectorVal : bit_vector) return bit_vector is
variable resultVar : bit_vector(vectorVal'range);
for loopVar in vectorVal'range loop
resultVar(resultVar'high-loopVar) := vectorVal(loopVar);
end loop;
return resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a vector with all the bits
-- in the vector flipped.
-- i.e. if vectorval = 00011001
-- flip(vectorval) returns 10011000
function flip(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'range);
for loopVar in vectorVal'range loop
resultVar(resultVar'high-loopVar) := vectorVal(loopVar);
end loop;
return resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a vector with all the bits
-- in the vector flipped.
-- i.e. if vectorval = 00011001
-- flip(vectorval) returns 10011000
function flip(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable resultVar : std_ulogic_vector(vectorVal'range);
for loopVar in vectorVal'range loop
resultVar(resultVar'high-loopVar) := vectorVal(loopVar);
end loop;
return resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : floor
-- DESCRIPTION : This function rounds a real value down to the next
-- real integer
function floor(RealVal : in real) return real is
constant integerMaxVal : real := real(integer'high);
variable RoundVar : real;
variable ResultVar : real;
RoundVar := real(integer(RealVal)); -- eliminate all the digits after the decimal point
if (abs(RealVal) >= integerMaxVal) then -- if the real value is larger than the maximum integer value then we can't continue
ResultVar := RealVal;
elsif (RoundVar = RealVal) then -- if it's equal then return the same value
ResultVar := RoundVar;
elsif (RealVal > 0.0) then -- if its greater then 0.0 it's positve so we return the less postive number
if (RoundVar >= RealVal) then
ResultVar := RoundVar - 1.0;
ResultVar := RoundVar;
end if;
elsif (RealVal = 0.0) then -- if it's 0.0 then return 0.0
ResultVar := 0.0;
if (RoundVar <= RealVal) then -- if its less then 0.0 it's negative so we return the more negative number
ResultVar := RoundVar;
ResultVar := RoundVar - 1.0;
end if;
end if;
return ResultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : hex_to_slv
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a Hexadecimal value string
-- of any length to a std_logic_vector
-- "width mismatch" errors are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function hex_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable stringVar : string(1 to stringVal'length);
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(4*stringVal'length downto 1);
variable vectorParseVar : character;
stringVar := stringVal;
for loopVar in stringVar'range loop
vectorParseVar := stringVar(loopVar);
case vectorParseVar is
when '0' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"0";
when '1' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"1";
when '2' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"2";
when '3' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"3";
when '4' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"4";
when '5' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"5";
when '6' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"6";
when '7' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"7";
when '8' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"8";
when '9' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"9";
when 'a' | 'A' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"A";
when 'b' | 'B' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"B";
when 'c' | 'C' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"C";
when 'd' | 'D' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"D";
when 'e' | 'E' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"E";
when 'f' | 'F' => resultVar(4*loopVar downto 4*loopvar-3) := x"F";
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
return resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : int_to_slv (convert integer to std_logic_vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an integer value to a
-- std_logic_vector with a range just large enough
-- to represent it
function int_to_slv(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
return conv_std_logic_vector(intVal,vlfi(intVal)); -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : commonly used integer-to-string type converter
--function itoa(intVal : integer) return string is
-- variable IntVar : integer := intVal;
-- if (IntVar < 0) then
-- return "-" & itoa(-IntVar);
-- elsif IntVar < 10 then
-- return IntString(IntVar);
-- else
-- return itoa(IntVar/10) & IntString(IntVar rem 10);
-- end if;
--end function itoa;

function itoa(intVal : integer) return string is
return integer'image(intVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr (Linear Feedback Shift Register)
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the input for the next cycle of a
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- NOTES: the output from this function is clocked into the input
-- registers of the LFSR. The LFSR is shifted
-- to the right, MSB to LSB, with each clock. The LFSR
-- must be pre-loaded with a non zero seed value to function.
function lfsr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
lfsrTypeVal : string;
polynomialStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
type termArrayType is array (1 to 20) of integer; -- supports up to 20 terms in a polynomial
constant polynomialConst : string := polynomialStrVal; -- holds the string containing the exponent values (from highest to lowest power, separated by commas or + signs)
variable seperatorLocationVar : integer := 1; -- marks the location of the last exponent seperator
variable polynomialParseVar : character; -- character value used to index through the polynomialVar string to look for seperators
variable nFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable oFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable tapFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable termArray : termArrayType;
variable termQtyVar : integer := 1; -- used to determine the number of terms in the polynomial
variable type2Var : boolean := TRUE; -- default to type 2
variable typeParseVar : character;
variable typeVar : string(1 to lfsrTypeVal'length) := lfsrTypeVal;
variable typeXNORVar : boolean := TRUE;
variable vector1Var : std_logic_vector(1 to vectorVal'length) := vectorVal; -- LFSRs are usually depicted shifting left to right with the right being the MSB
variable vector2Var : std_logic_vector(1 to vectorVal'length) := vectorVal; -- LFSRs are usually depicted shifting left to right with the right being the MSB
variable xFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
for loopVar in termArray'range loop
termArray(loopVar) := 0; -- initialize to 0s
end loop;
polynomial_string_parser : for loopVar in polynomialConst'range loop -- this loop parses the polynomial string value passed from the Polynomial array from left to right and puts each exponent in the termArray and counts the number of exponents found
polynomialParseVar := polynomialConst(loopVar);
if (polynomialParseVar = ',' or polynomialParseVar = '+') then
termArray(termQtyVar) := str_to_int(polynomialConst(seperatorLocationVar to loopVar));
seperatorLocationVar := loopVar;
termQtyVar := termQtyVar + 1;
elsif (loopVar = polynomialConst'high) then -- this is the last term
termArray(termQtyVar) := str_to_int(polynomialConst(seperatorLocationVar to loopVar));
seperatorLocationVar := loopVar;
end if;
end loop polynomial_string_parser;
type_string_parser : for loopVar in typeVar'range loop -- this loop parses the polynomial string value passed from the Polynomial array from left to right and puts each exponent in the termArray and counts the number of exponents found
typeParseVar := typeVar(loopVar);
if (typeParseVar = 'x' or typeParseVar = 'X') then
xFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
if (typeParseVar = 'n' or typeParseVar = 'N') then
nFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
if (typeParseVar = 'o' or typeParseVar = 'O') then
oFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
if (xFoundVar and oFoundVar and not nFoundVar) then -- if an X and O was found and no N was found then it's an XOR type feedback
typeXNORVar := FALSE;
elsif (typeParseVar = '1') then -- if there is an 1 present it must be type 1 feedback
type2Var := FALSE;
end if;
end loop type_string_parser;
if (not type2Var) then -- Type 1 feedback (Fibonacci) (many output to one input)
if (typeXNORVar) then
vector2Var(vector2Var'low) := '1';
for loopVar in 1 to termQtyVar loop -- this loop determines the next input value for a Type 1 LFSR
vector2Var(vector2Var'low) := not (vector1Var(termArray(loopVar)) xor vector2Var(vector2Var'low));
end loop;
vector2Var := vector2Var(vector2Var'low) & vector1Var(vector1Var'low to vector1Var'high-1);
vector2Var(vector2Var'low) := '0';
for loopVar in 1 to termQtyVar loop -- this loop determines the next input value for a Type 1 LFSR
vector2Var(vector2Var'low) := vector1Var(termArray(loopVar)) xor vector2Var(vector2Var'low);
end loop;
vector2Var := vector2Var(vector2Var'low) & vector1Var(vector1Var'low to vector1Var'high-1);
end if;
else -- Type 2 feedback (Galois) (one output to many inputs)
if (typeXNORVar) then
vector2var(vector2var'low) := vector1Var(vector1Var'high); -- highest power term alway wraps around to the input
for outrLoopVar in 2 to vector2Var'high loop -- this loop determines the next value for the LFSR
tapFoundVar := FALSE;
for innrLoopVar in 2 to termQtyVar loop -- highest power term (termArray(1)) isn't needed below
if (termArray(innrLoopVar) = outrLoopVar-1) then
tapFoundVar := TRUE;
vector2Var(outrLoopVar) := not (vector1Var(outrLoopVar-1) xor vector1Var(vector1Var'high)); -- xnor in where a tap should be
elsif (not tapFoundVar) then
vector2Var(outrLoopVar) := vector1Var(outrLoopVar-1); -- if there's no tap then get the previous registers value
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
vector2var(vector2var'low) := vector1Var(vector1Var'high); -- highest power term alway wraps around to the input
for outrLoopVar in 2 to vector2Var'high loop -- this loop determines the next value for the LFSR
tapFoundVar := FALSE;
for innrLoopVar in 2 to termQtyVar loop -- highest power term (termArray(1)) isn't needed below
if (termArray(innrLoopVar) = outrLoopVar-1) then
tapFoundVar := TRUE;
vector2Var(outrLoopVar) := vector1Var(outrLoopVar-1) xor vector1Var(vector1Var'high); -- xor in where a tap should be
elsif (not tapFoundVar) then
vector2Var(outrLoopVar) := vector1Var(outrLoopVar-1); -- if there's no tap then get the previous registers value
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
return vector2Var;
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : returns the input for the next cycle of a
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- using a primitive polynomial
-- NOTES: the output from this function is clocked into the input
-- registers of the LFSR. The LFSR is shifted
-- to the right, MSB to LSB, with each clock. The LFSR
-- must be pre-loaded with a non zero seed value to function.
function lfsr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
lfsrTypeVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
return lfsr(vectorVal,lfsrTypeVal,LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents(vectorVal'length));
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : returns the input for the next cycle of a
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- using a primitive polynomial. This version uses
-- a Type 2 XOR feedback structure
-- NOTES: the output from this function is clocked into the input
-- registers of the LFSR. The LFSR is shifted
-- to the right, MSB to LSB, with each clock. The LFSR
-- must be pre-loaded with a non zero seed value to function.
function lfsr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
return lfsr(vectorVal,"Type 2 xnor",LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents(vectorVal'length));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cft
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the value a Linear Feedback Shift Register
-- (LFSR) will contain after the amount
-- of time specified using the frequency (or period)
-- value passed as a reference and the seed value
-- passed as a starting point
-- NOTES : this function will probably run slowly when used for synthesis
function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
seedVal : std_logic_vector;
lfsrTypeVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
-- synopsys translate_off
constant OUTPUT_FILE : string := LOG_PATH & "lfsr_cft_function_logfile" & LOG_EXT;
variable LogFileLine : line;
file LogFile : text; --open append_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
-- synopsys translate_on
type termArrayType is array (1 to 20) of integer; -- supports up to 20 terms in a polynomial
constant combinedStr : string := timeStrVal & freqStrVal & lfsrTypeVal & fudgeStrVal;
constant high : integer := lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,fudgeStrVal);
constant length : integer := high+1;
constant lowerBound : integer := LFSRLowerBound;
constant upperBound : integer := LFSRUpperBound;
constant polynomialConst : string := LFSR_Polynomial_Exponents(length); -- holds the string containing the exponent values (from highest to lowest power, separated by commas or + signs)
variable countDoneVar : std_logic_vector(high downto 0) := ext(cftu(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,fudgeStrVal),length); -- stop value for counter used to determine when the loop which computes the lfsr stop value should stop looping
variable countVar : std_logic_vector(high downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- counter counter used to determine when the loop which computes the lfsr stop value should stop looping
variable fudgeVar : string(1 to fudgeStrVal'length) := fudgeStrVal; -- shift the count by the number indicated
variable lfsr_strIndexVar : integer := 0;
variable loopEnableVar : boolean := TRUE;
variable nFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable oFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable qFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable polynomialParseVar : character; -- character value used to index through the polynomialVar string to look for seperators
variable seedVar : std_logic_vector(high downto 0) := ext(seedVal,length);
variable seperatorLocationVar : integer := 1; -- marks the location of the last exponent seperator
variable stopVar : std_logic_vector(high downto 0) := (others => '1');
variable tapFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable termArray : termArrayType;
variable termQtyVar : integer := 1; -- used to determine the number of terms in the polynomial
variable type2FBVar : boolean := TRUE;
variable typeSimLoopVar : boolean := TRUE; -- TRUE for simulation, FALSE for synthesis (either will work for simulation or synthesis but the synthesis option may work faster for synthesis since it does not use while loops)
variable typeVar : string(1 to lfsrTypeVal'length+1) := lfsrTypeVal & ' ';
variable typeXNORVar : boolean := TRUE;
variable vector1Var : std_logic_vector(1 to length) := seedVar; -- LFSRs are usually depicted shifting left to right with the right being the MSB
variable vector2Var : std_logic_vector(1 to length) := seedVar; -- LFSRs are usually depicted shifting left to right with the right being the MSB
variable xFoundVar : boolean := FALSE;
variable xorMaskVar : std_logic_vector(1 to length) := (others => '0'); -- holds the xor feedback variable

-- synopsys translate_off
file_open(LogFile, OUTPUT_FILE, append_mode);
-- synopsys translate_on

for loopVar in lowerBound to length-1 loop
lfsr_strIndexVar := 2**loopVar-1 + lfsr_strIndexVar;
end loop;
lfsr_strIndexVar := lfsr_strIndexVar + to_int(countDoneVar) + 1;

array_initializer : for loopVar in termArray'range loop
termArray(loopVar) := 0; -- initialize to 0s
end loop array_initializer;
polynomial_string_parser : for loopVar in polynomialConst'range loop -- this loop parses the polynomial string value passed from the Polynomial array from left to right and puts each exponent in the termArray and counts the number of exponents found
polynomialParseVar := polynomialConst(loopVar);
if (polynomialParseVar = ',' or polynomialParseVar = '+') then -- commas or '+' signs can be used as seperators for the exponents
termArray(termQtyVar) := str_to_int(polynomialConst(seperatorLocationVar to loopVar));
seperatorLocationVar := loopVar;
termQtyVar := termQtyVar + 1;
elsif (loopVar = polynomialConst'high) then -- this is the last term
termArray(termQtyVar) := str_to_int(polynomialConst(seperatorLocationVar to loopVar));
seperatorLocationVar := loopVar;
end if;
end loop polynomial_string_parser;
xor_vector_computer : for outrLoopVar in xorMaskVar'range loop -- compute the value that the xor vector should have to make an LFSR with a given polynomial
for innrLoopVar in 1 to termQtyVar loop
if (termArray(innrLoopVar) = outrLoopVar) then
xorMaskVar(outrLoopVar) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
end loop xor_vector_computer;
type_string_parser : for loopVar in 1 to typeVar'length-1 loop -- this loop parses the polynomial string value passed from the Polynomial array from left to right and puts each exponent in the termArray and counts the number of exponents found
if (typeVar(loopVar) = 'x' or typeVar(loopVar) = 'X') then
xFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
if (typeVar(loopVar) = 'n' or typeVar(loopVar) = 'N') then
nFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
if (typeVar(loopVar) = 'o' or typeVar(loopVar) = 'O') then
oFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
if (xFoundVar and oFoundVar and not nFoundVar) then -- if an X and O was found and no N was found then it's an XOR type feedback
typeXNORVar := FALSE;
elsif (typeVar(loopVar) = '1') then -- if there is an 1 present it must be type 1 feedback
type2FBVar := FALSE;
elsif (typeVar(loopVar) = 's' or typeVar(loopVar) = 'S') then
if (typeVar(loopVar+1) = 'y' or typeVar(loopVar+1) = 'Y') then
typeSimLoopVar := FALSE; -- this function call must be for synthesis
end if;
end if;
end loop type_string_parser;
combined_string_parser : for loopVar in 1 to combinedStr'length loop -- this loop parses the all the strings passed to this function for special debugging or other reasons
if (combinedStr(loopVar) = 'q' or combinedStr(loopVar) = 'Q') then
qFoundVar := TRUE;
end if;
end loop combined_string_parser;
if typeSimLoopVar then -- simulation version below
if (not type2FBVar) then -- Type 1 feedback (Fibonacci) (many output to one input)
if (typeXNORVar) then -- XNOR feedback
type1_xnor_stop_value_computer : while loopEnableVar loop
if loopEnableVar then
countVar := countVar + 1;
vector2Var := xnor_reduce(vector1Var and xorMaskvar) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1); -- shift right and apply xnor
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end if;
if (countVar = countDoneVar) then
loopEnableVar := FALSE;
end if;
end loop type1_xnor_stop_value_computer;
else -- Simulation Type 1 XOR feedback
type1_xor_stop_value_computer : while loopEnableVar loop
if loopEnableVar then
countVar := countVar + 1;
vector2Var := xor_reduce(vector1Var and xorMaskvar) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1); -- shift right and apply xnor
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end if;
if (countVar = countDoneVar) then
loopEnableVar := FALSE;
end if;
end loop type1_xor_stop_value_computer;
end if;
else -- Simulation Type 2 feedback (Galois) (one output to many inputs)
if (typeXNORVar) then -- XNOR feedback
xorMaskVar := '0' & xorMaskVar(1 to xorMaskVar'high-1);
type2_xnor_stop_value_computer : while loopEnableVar loop
if (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) = '0' and loopEnableVar) then -- an XOR(XNOR) gate can be thought of as an inverter with an active high(low) enable input, the location of the inverters is held by xorMaskVar and the inversion is done by XORing xorMaskVar with the shifted vector1Var
countVar := countVar + 1;
vector2Var := (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1)) xor (xorMaskVar); -- shift right and apply xor when 'enable' is low
vector1Var := vector2Var;
elsif (loopEnableVar) then
countVar := countVar + 1;
vector2Var := vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1); -- feed through the previous register value when inactive
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end if;
if (countVar = countDoneVar) then
loopEnableVar := FALSE;
end if;
end loop type2_xnor_stop_value_computer;
else -- Simulation Type2 XOR feedback
xorMaskVar := '0' & xorMaskVar(1 to xorMaskVar'high-1);
type2_xor_stop_value_computer : while loopEnableVar loop
if (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) = '1' and loopEnableVar) then -- an XOR(XNOR) gate can be thought of as an inverter with an active high(low) enable input, the location of the inverters is held by xorMaskVar and the inversion is done by XORing xorMaskVar with the shifted vector1Var
countVar := countVar + 1;
vector2Var := (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1)) xor xorMaskVar; -- shift right and apply xor when 'enable' is high
vector1Var := vector2Var;
elsif (loopEnableVar) then
countVar := countVar + 1;
vector2Var := vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1);
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end if;
if (countVar = countDoneVar) then
loopEnableVar := FALSE;
end if;
end loop type2_xor_stop_value_computer;
end if;
end if;
else -- Synthesis version below
if (not type2FBVar) then -- Type 1 feedback (Fibonacci) (many output to one input)
if (typeXNORVar) then
syn_type1_xnor_stop_value_computer : for loopVar in 1 to to_int(countDoneVar) loop
vector2Var := xnor_reduce(vector1Var and xorMaskvar) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1); -- shift right and apply xnor
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end loop syn_type1_xnor_stop_value_computer;
syn_type1_xor_stop_value_computer : for loopVar in 1 to to_int(countDoneVar) loop
vector2Var := xor_reduce(vector1Var and xorMaskvar) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1); -- shift right and apply xnor
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end loop syn_type1_xor_stop_value_computer;
end if;
else -- Synthesis Type 2 feedback (Galois) (one output to many inputs)
if (typeXNORVar) then -- XNOR
xorMaskVar := '0' & xorMaskVar(1 to xorMaskVar'high-1);
syn_type2_xnor_stop_value_computer : for loopVar in 1 to to_int(countDoneVar) loop
if (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) = '0') then -- an XOR(XNOR) gate can be thought of as an inverter with an active high(low) enable input, the location of the inverters is held by xorMaskVar and the inversion is done by XORing xorMaskVar with the shifted vector1Var
vector2Var := (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1)) xor (xorMaskVar); -- shift right and apply xor when 'enable' is low
vector1Var := vector2Var;
vector2Var := vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1);
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end if;
end loop syn_type2_xnor_stop_value_computer;
else -- Synthesis Type 2 XOR
xorMaskVar := '0' & xorMaskVar(1 to xorMaskVar'high-1);
syn_type2_xor_stop_value_computer : for loopVar in 1 to to_int(countDoneVar) loop
if (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) = '1') then -- an XOR(XNOR) gate can be thought of as an inverter with an active high(low) enable input, the location of the inverters is held by xorMaskVar and the inversion is done by XORing xorMaskVar with the shifted vector1Var
vector2Var := (vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1)) xor (xorMaskVar); -- shift right and apply xor when 'enable' is low
vector1Var := vector2Var;
vector2Var := vector1Var(vector1Var'high) & vector1Var(1 to vector1Var'high-1);
vector1Var := vector2Var;
end if;
end loop syn_type2_xor_stop_value_computer;
end if;
end if;
end if;

stopVar := vector2Var;

-- synopsys translate_off
write(LogFileLine, LF &
"polynomialConst : " & to_string(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,fudgeStrVal)+1) & LF &
"exponent values : " & polynomialConst & LF &
"xorMaskVar value : " & to_string(xorMaskVar) & LF &
"LFSR count time : " & timeStrVal & LF &
"reference time/period : " & freqStrVal & LF &
"fudge factor : " & fudgeStrVal & LF &
"type2FBVar : " & to_string(type2FBVar) & LF &
"typeXNORVar : " & to_string(typeXNORVar) & LF &
"seedVar : " & to_string(seedVar) & LF &
"typeSimLoopVar : " & to_string(typeSimLoopVar) & LF &
"clock cycle count : " & to_string(to_int(countDoneVar)) & LF &
"LFSR length : " & to_string(stopVar'length) & LF &
"LFSR stop value : " & to_string(stopVar) & LF & LF

if (not qFoundVar) then
assert FALSE
report LF &
"polynomialConst : " & to_string(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,fudgeStrVal)+1) & LF &
"exponent values : " & polynomialConst & LF &
"xorMaskVar value : " & to_string(xorMaskVar) & LF &
"LFSR count time : " & timeStrVal & LF &
"reference time/period : " & freqStrVal & LF &
"fudge factor : " & fudgeStrVal & LF &
"type2FBVar : " & to_string(type2FBVar) & LF &
"typeXNORVar : " & to_string(typeXNORVar) & LF &
"seedVar : " & to_string(seedVar) & LF &
"typeSimLoopVar : " & to_string(typeSimLoopVar) & LF &
"clock cycle count : " & to_string(to_int(countDoneVar)) & LF &
"LFSR length : " & to_string(stopVar'length) & LF &
"LFSR stop value : " & to_string(stopVar) & LF & LF
severity note;
end if;
-- synopsys translate_on

return stopVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cft
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the value of a Type 2
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- after the amount
-- of time specified using the frequency (or period)
-- value passed as a reference
function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
constant seedVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,fudgeStrVal) downto 0) := (others => '0');
return lfsr_cft(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,seedVar,"Type 2 xnor",fudgeStrVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cft
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the value of a Type 2
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- after the amount
-- of time specified using the frequency (or period)
-- value passed as a reference
function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
constant seedVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,"0") downto 0) := (others => '0');
return lfsr_cft(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,seedVar,"Type 2 xnor","0");
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cft_piped
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the value of a Type 2
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- after the amount
-- of time specified using the frequency (or period)
-- value passed as a reference
function lfsr_cft_piped(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable seedVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,"0") downto 0) := (others => '0');
return lfsr_cft(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,seedVar,"Type 2 xnor",pipelined_comparator_latency(timeStrVal,freqStrVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cft_piped_syn
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the value of a Type 2
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- after the amount
-- of time specified using the frequency (or period)
-- value passed as a reference
function lfsr_cft_piped_syn(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable seedVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,"0") downto 0) := (others => '0');
return lfsr_cft(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,seedVar,"Type 2 xnor syn",pipelined_comparator_latency(timeStrVal,freqStrVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cft_syn
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the value of a Type 2
-- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
-- after the amount
-- of time specified using the frequency (or period)
-- value passed as a reference
function lfsr_cft_syn(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable seedVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,"0") downto 0) := (others => '0');
return lfsr_cft(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,seedVar,"Type 2 xnor syn","0");
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cfth
function lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string;
fudgeStrVal : string) return integer is
variable freqStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0) := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
variable timeStrVar : std_logic_vector(strval_to_slv_var_base_high(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE) downto 0) := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
variable fudgeStrVar : integer := str_to_int(fudgeStrVal);
variable resultVar : integer := reduce_high_unsigned(timeStrVar/freqStrVar + fudgeStrVar);
variable onesVar : std_logic_vector(resultVar downto 0) := (others => '1');
freqStrVar := strval_to_slv(freqStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
timeStrVar := strval_to_slv(timeStrVal,CFT_BASE_SIZE);
fudgeStrVar := str_to_int(fudgeStrVal);
resultVar := reduce_high_unsigned(timeStrVar/freqStrVar + fudgeStrVar);
if (timeStrVar/freqStrVar + fudgeStrVar = onesVar) then
resultVar := resultVar + 1;
end if;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : lfsr_cfth
function lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return integer is
return lfsr_cfth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal,"0");
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the greater of the two values
-- passed.
-- NOTES :
function max(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return integer is
if (int1Val > int2Val) then
return int1Val;
return int2Val;
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : mult_s
-- DESCRIPTION : This function multiplies a signed std_logic vector
-- value by another signed std_logic_vector value
-- NOTES : This function is provided for in std_logic_arith
function mult_s(Multiplier : std_logic_vector;
Multiplicand : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable negVar : std_logic;
variable multiplicandVar : std_logic_vector(Multiplicand'length-1 downto 0);
variable multiplierVar : std_logic_vector(Multiplier'length+Multiplicand'length-1 downto 0);
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(Multiplier'length+Multiplicand'length-1 downto 0);
multiplicandVar := abs(multiplicand);
multiplierVar := ext(abs(Multiplier),multiplierVar'length);
negVar := multiplier(multiplier'left) xor multiplicand(multiplicand'left);
resultVar := (others => '0');
for loopVar in multiplicandVar'reverse_range loop
if (multiplicandVar(loopVar) = '1') then
resultVar := resultVar + multiplierVar;
end if;
multiplierVar := multiplierVar(multiplierVar'high-1 downto 0) & '0';
end loop;
if (negVar = '1') then
return neg(resultVar);
return resultVar;
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : mult_us
-- DESCRIPTION : This function multiplies an unsigned std_logic vector
-- value by another unsigned std_logic_vector value
-- NOTES : This function is provided for in std_logic_arith
function mult_us(Multiplier : std_logic_vector;
Multiplicand : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable multiplicandVar : std_logic_vector(Multiplicand'length-1 downto 0);
variable multiplierVar : std_logic_vector(Multiplier'length+Multiplicand'length-1 downto 0);
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(Multiplier'length+Multiplicand'length-1 downto 0);
multiplicandVar := multiplicand;
multiplierVar := ext(Multiplier,multiplierVar'length);
resultVar := (others => '0');
for loopVar in multiplicandVar'reverse_range loop
if (multiplicandVar(loopVar) = '1') then
resultVar := resultVar + multiplierVar;
end if;
multiplierVar := multiplierVar(multiplierVar'high-1 downto 0) & '0';
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : nat_to_slv (convert natural to std_logic_vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a natural value to a
-- std_logic_vector with a range just large enough
-- to represent it
function nat_to_slv(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
return conv_std_logic_vector(natVal,vlfn(natVal));
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function toggles the sign of the value passed
-- NOTES :
function neg(VectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable oneFndVar : boolean;
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(VectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
oneFndVar := false;
resultVar := VectorVal;
resultVar := not resultVar; -- invert all bits
resultVar := resultVar + '1'; -- then add one
return ResultVar;
end function;

-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string representation
-- of the current simulation time
-- NOTES :
-- synopsys translate_off
impure function now return string is
variable lineVar : line;
variable resultVar : string(1 to time'image(now)'length);
--Std.TextIO.Write(lineVar, vectorVal);
Write(lineVar, time'image(now));
resultVar(lineVar.all'range) := lineVar.all;
return resultVar;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : pipelined_comparator_latency
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the register compare present in the
-- module named : "Pipelined_Comparator"
function pipelined_comparator_latency(busWidthVal : integer) return string is
variable latencyVar : integer; -- subtract out the latency of the pipelined comparison
variable loopEnableVar : boolean;
latencyVar := 0;
loopEnableVar := TRUE;
comparator_latency_computer : while loopEnableVar loop -- compute the expected latency for a pipelined comparator
if (2**(2*latencyVar+1) >= busWidthVal) then -- if the current value that latencyVar will have is enough to cover the given vector then stop here
loopEnableVar := FALSE;
end if;
latencyVar := latencyVar + 1; -- minimum latency of 1, increment by 1 before exiting loop
end loop comparator_latency_computer;
return integer'image(-latencyVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : pipelined_comparator_latency
-- DESCRIPTION : returns the register compare latency needed for the
-- module named : "Pipelined_Comparator"
function pipelined_comparator_latency(timeStrVal : string;
freqStrVal : string) return string is
variable latencyVar : integer; -- subtract out the latency of the pipelined comparison
variable loopEnableVar : boolean;
variable stopVar : std_logic_vector(cufth(timeStrVal,freqStrVal) downto 0);
latencyVar := 0;
loopEnableVar := TRUE;
stopVar := (others => '1');
stop_value_comparator_latency_computer : while loopEnableVar loop -- compute the expected latency for a pipelined stop value comparator
if (2**(2*latencyVar+1) >= stopVar'length) then -- if the current value that latencyVar will have is enough to cover the given vector then stop here
loopEnableVar := FALSE;
end if;
latencyVar := latencyVar + 1; -- minimum latency of 1, increment by 1 before exiting loop
end loop stop_value_comparator_latency_computer;
return integer'image(-latencyVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : reduce
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a vector with the extra sign
-- bits removed
-- NOTES :
function reduce(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable lengthVar : integer;
variable MSBFound : boolean;
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
resultVar := vectorVal;
lengthVar := 0;
MSBFound := False;
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop -- start at the MSB of the vector and index down
if (((resultVar(resultVar'high) = '0' and resultVar(loopVar) = '1') or -- if it's a positive value then look for a bit to be '1'
(resultVar(resultVar'high) = '1' and resultVar(loopVar) = '0')) and -- or if it's a negative value look for a bit to be '0'
(MSBFound = False)) -- and the MSB hasn't been found yet
then -- and if a bit is asserted then
lengthVar := loopVar; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value.
MSBFound := True;
end if;
end loop;
lengthVar := lengthVar + 1; -- And add one for the sign bit
return resultVar(lengthVar downto 0); -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : reduce_high
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an integer value representing
-- the vector'high value of a sign bit reduced vector
-- NOTES : This function assumes that vectorVal'low = '0'
function reduce_high(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable interimVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
variable lengthVar : integer;
variable MSBFound : boolean;
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(MAX_VECT_SIZE downto 0);
interimVar := vectorVal;
lengthVar := 0;
MSBFound := False;
resultVar := sxt(interimVar,resultVar'length); -- sign extend the value passed to the size of the slv variable
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop -- start at the MSB of the vector and index down
if (((resultVar(resultVar'high) = '0' and resultVar(loopVar) = '1') or -- if it's a positive value then look for a bit to be '1'
(resultVar(resultVar'high) = '1' and resultVar(loopVar) = '0')) and -- or if it's a negative value look for a bit to be '0'
(MSBFound = False)) -- and the MSB hasn't been found yet
then -- and if a bit is asserted then
lengthVar := loopVar + 1; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value. And then add one for the sign bit
MSBFound := True;
end if;
end loop;
return lengthVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : reduce_high_unsigned
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an integer value representing
-- the vector'high value of a sign bit reduced vector
-- NOTES : This function assumes that vectorVal'low = '0'
function reduce_high_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable interimVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
variable lengthVar : integer;
variable MSBFound : boolean;
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(MAX_VECT_SIZE downto 0);
interimVar := vectorVal;
lengthVar := 0;
MSBFound := False;
resultVar := sxt(interimVar,resultVar'length); -- sign extend the value passed to the size of the slv variable
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop -- start at the MSB of the vector and index down
if (((resultVar(resultVar'high) = '0' and resultVar(loopVar) = '1') or -- if it's a positive value then look for a bit to be '1'
(resultVar(resultVar'high) = '1' and resultVar(loopVar) = '0')) and -- or if it's a negative value look for a bit to be '0'
(MSBFound = False)) -- and the MSB hasn't been found yet
then -- and if a bit is asserted then
lengthVar := loopVar; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value.
MSBFound := True;
end if;
end loop;
return lengthVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : reduce_length
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an integer value representing
-- the length of a sign bit reduced vector
-- NOTES : This function assumes that vectorVal'low = '0'
function reduce_length(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer is
return reduce_high(vectorVal) + 1;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : reduce_length_unsigned
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an integer value representing
-- the length of a sign bit reduced vector
-- NOTES : This function assumes that vectorVal'low = '0'
function reduce_length_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer is
return reduce_high_unsigned(vectorVal) + 1;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : reduce_unsigned
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a vector with all sign
-- bits removed
-- NOTES :
function reduce_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable lengthVar : integer;
variable MSBFound : boolean;
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
resultVar := vectorVal;
lengthVar := 0;
MSBFound := False;
for loopVar in resultVar'range loop -- start at the MSB of the vector and index down
if (((resultVar(resultVar'high) = '0' and resultVar(loopVar) = '1') or -- if it's a positive value then look for a bit to be '1'
(resultVar(resultVar'high) = '1' and resultVar(loopVar) = '0')) and -- or if it's a negative value look for a bit to be '0'
(MSBFound = False)) -- and the MSB hasn't been found yet
then -- and if a bit is asserted then
lengthVar := loopVar; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value.
MSBFound := True;
end if;
end loop;
return resultVar(lengthVar downto 0); -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : rounddown
-- DESCRIPTION : This function rounds the first integer value down to the
-- next lower multiple of the second integer passed
-- NOTES :
function rounddown(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return integer is
return integer(floor(real(int1Val)/real(int2Val))*real(int2Val));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : roundup
-- DESCRIPTION : This function rounds the first integer value up to the
-- next higher multiple of the second integer passed
-- NOTES :
function roundup(int1Val : integer;
int2Val : integer) return integer is
return integer(ceil(real(int1Val)/real(int2Val))*real(int2Val));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : seq (string equality function)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns true if both string values passed
-- are identical
-- NOTES :
function seq(str1Val : string;
str2Val : string) return boolean is
variable char1Var : character;
variable char2Var : character;
variable resultVar : boolean;
variable str1Var : string(1 to str1Val'length);
variable str2Var : string(1 to str2Val'length);
resultVar := true;
str1Var := str1Val;
str2Var := str2Val;
for loopVar in str1Var'range loop
if (str1Var(loopVar) /= str2Var(loopVar)) then
resultVar := false;
end if;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

---- FUNCTION NAME : shift
---- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a std_logic_vector shifted
---- by the number of integer places specified. This provides
---- an easy way to multiply or divide by 2^(natVal)
---- NOTES
--function shift(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
-- intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
-- variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
-- resultVar := vectorVal;
-- resultVar := (others => '0');
-- resultVar(resultVar'high downto resultVar'high-vectorVal'length+1) := resultVar;
-- return resultVar;
--end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : shl (shift left)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a std_logic_vector shifted left
-- by the number of binary places specified. This provides
-- an easy way to multiply by 2^(natVal)
function shl(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable interimVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length+natVal-1 downto 0);
interimVar := vectorVal;
resultVar := (others => '0');
resultVar(resultVar'high downto resultVar'high-vectorVal'length+1) := interimVar;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : sim_res
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the current simulator
-- time resolution
-- synopsys translate_off
function sim_res return time is
if (1 fs /= 2 fs) then
return 1 fs;
elsif (10 fs /= 20 fs) then
return 10 fs;
elsif (100 fs /= 200 fs) then
return 100 fs;
elsif (1 ps /= 2 ps) then
return 1 ps;
elsif (10 ps /= 20 ps) then
return 10 ps;
elsif (100 ps /= 200 ps) then
return 100 ps;
elsif (1 ns /= 2 ns) then
return 1 ns;
elsif (10 ns /= 20 ns) then
return 10 ns;
elsif (100 ns /= 200 ns) then
return 100 ns;
elsif (1 us /= 2 us) then
return 1 us;
elsif (10 us /= 20 us) then
return 10 us;
elsif (100 us /= 200 us) then
return 100 us;
elsif (1 ms /= 2 ms) then
return 1 ms;
elsif (10 ms /= 20 ms) then
return 10 ms;
elsif (100 ms /= 200 ms) then
return 100 ms;
elsif (1 sec /= 2 sec) then
return 1 sec;
elsif (10 sec /= 20 sec) then
return 10 sec;
elsif (100 sec /= 200 sec) then
return 100 sec;
return 0 sec;
end if;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : sim_res_exp
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the current simulator
-- time resolution
-- synopsys translate_off
function sim_res_exp return integer is
if (1 fs /= 2 fs) then
return -15;
elsif (10 fs /= 20 fs) then
return -14;
elsif (100 fs /= 200 fs) then
return -13;
elsif (1 ps /= 2 ps) then
return -12;
elsif (10 ps /= 20 ps) then
return -11;
elsif (100 ps /= 200 ps) then
return -10;
elsif (1 ns /= 2 ns) then
return -9;
elsif (10 ns /= 20 ns) then
return -8;
elsif (100 ns /= 200 ns) then
return -7;
elsif (1 us /= 2 us) then
return -6;
elsif (10 us /= 20 us) then
return -5;
elsif (100 us /= 200 us) then
return -4;
elsif (1 ms /= 2 ms) then
return -3;
elsif (10 ms /= 20 ms) then
return -2;
elsif (100 ms /= 200 ms) then
return -1;
elsif (1 sec /= 2 sec) then
return 0;
elsif (10 sec /= 20 sec) then
return 1;
elsif (100 sec /= 200 sec) then
return 2;
return 0;
end if;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : sim_res_pos_real
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the current simulator
-- time resolution
-- synopsys translate_off
function sim_res_pos_real return real is
if (1 fs /= 2 fs) then
return 1.0E0;
elsif (10 fs /= 20 fs) then
return 1.0E1;
elsif (100 fs /= 200 fs) then
return 1.0E2;
elsif (1 ps /= 2 ps) then
return 1.0E3;
elsif (10 ps /= 20 ps) then
return 1.0E4;
elsif (100 ps /= 200 ps) then
return 1.0E5;
elsif (1 ns /= 2 ns) then
return 1.0E6;
elsif (10 ns /= 20 ns) then
return 1.0E7;
elsif (100 ns /= 200 ns) then
return 1.0E8;
elsif (1 us /= 2 us) then
return 1.0E9;
elsif (10 us /= 20 us) then
return 1.0E10;
elsif (100 us /= 200 us) then
return 1.0E11;
elsif (1 ms /= 2 ms) then
return 1.0E12;
elsif (10 ms /= 20 ms) then
return 1.0E13;
elsif (100 ms /= 200 ms) then
return 1.0E14;
elsif (1 sec /= 2 sec) then
return 1.0E15;
elsif (10 sec /= 20 sec) then
return 1.0E16;
elsif (100 sec /= 200 sec) then
return 1.0E17;
return 1.0;
end if;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : sim_res_val_real
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the current simulator
-- time resolution as a real value
-- synopsys translate_off
function sim_res_val_real return real is
if (1 fs /= 2 fs) then
return 1.0e-15;
elsif (10 fs /= 20 fs) then
return 1.0e-14;
elsif (100 fs /= 200 fs) then
return 1.0e-13;
elsif (1 ps /= 2 ps) then
return 1.0e-12;
elsif (10 ps /= 20 ps) then
return 1.0e-11;
elsif (100 ps /= 200 ps) then
return 1.0e-10;
elsif (1 ns /= 2 ns) then
return 1.0e-9;
elsif (10 ns /= 20 ns) then
return 1.0e-8;
elsif (100 ns /= 200 ns) then
return 1.0e-7;
elsif (1 us /= 2 us) then
return 1.0e-6;
elsif (10 us /= 20 us) then
return 1.0e-5;
elsif (100 us /= 200 us) then
return 1.0e-4;
elsif (1 ms /= 2 ms) then
return 1.0e-3;
elsif (10 ms /= 20 ms) then
return 1.0e-2;
elsif (100 ms /= 200 ms) then
return 1.0e-1;
elsif (1 sec /= 2 sec) then
return 1.0e0;
elsif (10 sec /= 20 sec) then
return 1.0e1;
elsif (100 sec /= 200 sec) then
return 1.0e2;
return 1.0e0;
end if;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : slv_to_bcd
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an unsigned, decending range,
-- std logic vector value into a
-- packed binary coded decimal (BCD)
-- standard logic vector and returns the result in
-- the number of BCD digits passed to the function.
-- "width mismatch" errors are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function slv_to_bcd(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
BCD_DigitsVal : integer)
return std_logic_vector is
type resultArrayType is array(vectorVal'length downto 0) -- array depth is 1 level more than the input vector
of std_logic_vector(4*BCD_DigitsVal-1 downto 0); -- array width is determined by the number of BCD digits to output
variable CarryVar : std_logic_vector(BCD_DigitsVal downto 0); -- the # of carry bits is determined by the number of BCD digits
variable BCD_WoCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD digit variable used by the inner loop if the next BCD Digit is computed without carry from the current BCD value
variable BCD_WiCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD digit variable used by the inner loop if the next BCD Digit is computed with carry from the current BCD value
variable InnrLoopVar : integer := 0; -- inner loop index variable
variable OutrLoopVar : integer := 0; -- outer loop index variable
variable ResultVar : resultArrayType; -- BCD value result variable
variable VectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
VectorVar := vectorVal;
ResultVar(0) := (others => '0'); -- set the initial entry in the results array to zero
for OutrLoopVar in VectorVar'high downto 0 loop -- start at the MSB of the std logic vector input and work down
CarryVar(0) := VectorVar(OutrLoopVar); -- read in the next bit of the slv input into the lowest carry bit
for InnrLoopVar in 0 to BCD_DigitsVal-1 loop -- start at the LSB of the BCD output
BCD_WoCarVar := ResultVar(VectorVar'length - OutrLoopVar -1) -- read the results of the previous calculation
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar);
BCD_WiCarVar := BCD_WoCarVar - "0101"; -- compute the result for the current BCD digit if a carry to the next digit will be needed
if (BCD_WoCarVar > "0100") then -- if the digit is 5 or greater ("0101") then the result of the binary shift left "10100" = decimal 16, which is to great to represent in one BCD digit so then
CarryVar(InnrLoopVar+1) := '1'; -- we carry a digit to the next BCD digit
ResultVar(VectorVar'length - OutrLoopVar)
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar)
:= BCD_WiCarVar(2 downto 0) & CarryVar(InnrLoopVar); -- and we use the lesser value for the current digit along with the carry value from the previous BCD digit
else -- otherwise the digit is small enough to be represented in one BCD digit when a binary shift in is performed
CarryVar(InnrLoopVar+1) := '0';
ResultVar(VectorVar'length - OutrLoopVar)
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar)
:= BCD_WoCarVar(2 downto 0) & CarryVar(InnrLoopVar); -- so we write the value to the result variable along with any carry value from a previous BCD digit
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return ResultVar(VectorVar'high+1); -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : slv_to_bcd
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an unsigned, decending range,
-- binary value into a packed binary coded decimal (BCD)
-- standard logic vector and returns the result in
-- the number BCD digits required to represent the maximum
-- unsigned value possible in the vector passed to it
-- BCD_DigitsVal -> dpfslvr(vectorVal)
-- "width mismatch" errors are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function slv_to_bcd(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
type resultArrayType is array(vectorVal'length downto 0) -- array depth is 1 level more than the input vector
of std_logic_vector(4*dpfslvr(vectorVal)-1 downto 0); -- array width is determined by the number of BCD digits to output
variable CarryVar : std_logic_vector
(dpfslvr(vectorVal) downto 0); -- the # of carry bits is determined by the number of BCD digits

variable BCD_WoCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD digit variable used by the inner loop if no carry to the next BCD Digit is needed
variable BCD_WiCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD digit variable used by the inner loop if carry to the next BCD Digit is needed
variable InnrLoopVar : integer := 0; -- inner loop index variable
variable OutrLoopVar : integer := 0; -- outer loop index variable
variable ResultVar : resultArrayType; -- BCD value result variable
variable VectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
VectorVar := vectorVal;
ResultVar(0) := (others => '0'); -- set the initial entry in the results array to zero
for OutrLoopVar in VectorVar'high downto 0 loop -- start at the MSB of the std logic vector input and work down
CarryVar(0) := VectorVar(OutrLoopVar); -- read in the next bit of the slv input into the lowest carry bit
for InnrLoopVar in 0 to CarryVar'high-1 loop -- start at the LSB of the BCD output
BCD_WoCarVar := ResultVar(VectorVar'length - OutrLoopVar -1) -- read the results of the previous calculation
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar);
BCD_WiCarVar := BCD_WoCarVar - "0101"; -- compute the result for the current BCD digit if a carry to the next digit will be needed
if (BCD_WoCarVar > "0100") then -- if the digit is 5 or greater ("0101") then the result of the binary shift left "10100" = decimal 16, which is to great to represent in one BCD digit so then
CarryVar(InnrLoopVar+1) := '1'; -- we carry a digit to the next BCD digit
ResultVar(VectorVar'length - OutrLoopVar)
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar)
:= BCD_WiCarVar(2 downto 0) & CarryVar(InnrLoopVar); -- and we use the lesser value for the current digit along with the carry value from the previous BCD digit
else -- otherwise the digit is small enough to be represented in one BCD digit when a binary shift in is performed
CarryVar(InnrLoopVar+1) := '0';
ResultVar(VectorVar'length - OutrLoopVar)
(4*InnrLoopVar+3 downto 4*InnrLoopVar)
:= BCD_WoCarVar(2 downto 0) & CarryVar(InnrLoopVar); -- so we write the value to the result variable along with any carry value from a previous BCD digit
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return ResultVar(VectorVar'high+1); -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : slv_to_bcd_pipe
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an unsigned, decending range,
-- binary value into a packed binary coded decimal (BCD)
-- standard logic vector and returns the result in
-- the number BCD digits required to represent the maximum
-- unsigned value possible in the vector passed to it.
-- it is for use in pipelined implementations where
-- the binary coded decimal output is registered
-- and passed back to the function along with the binary
-- vector input to be shifted out of its MSB
-- register and into the function as a new bit.
-- BCD_DigitsVal -> dpfslvr(vectorVal)
-- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function slv_to_bcd_pipe(
BCD_RVal : std_logic_vector; -- registered output of this function fed back in
MSB_Val : std_logic; -- msb of binary value being shifted in
BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is -- binary coded decimal arithmetic shift left
variable BCDVar : std_logic_vector(BCD_RVal'length-1 downto 0);
variable CarryVar : std_logic_vector(BCD_DigitsVal downto 0); -- the # of carry bits is determined by the number of BCD digits
variable BCD_WoCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable BCD_WiCarVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable ResultVar : std_logic_vector(4*BCD_DigitsVal-1 downto 0);
BCDVar := BCD_RVal;
for loopVar in 0 to BCD_DigitsVal-1 loop
CarryVar(0) := MSB_Val;
BCD_WoCarVar := BCDVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar);
BCD_WiCarVar := BCD_WoCarVar - "0101";
if (BCD_WoCarVar > "0100") then
CarryVar(loopVar+1) := '1';
ResultVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar)
:= BCD_WiCarVar(2 downto 0) & CarryVar(loopVar);
CarryVar(loopVar+1) := '0';
ResultVar(4*loopVar+3 downto 4*loopVar)
:= BCD_WoCarVar(2 downto 0) & CarryVar(loopVar);
end if;
end loop;
return ResultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : slv_to_real_s
-- DESCRIPTION : converts a signed std_logic vector value to a real value
-- NOTES :
function slv_to_real_s(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return real is
variable realVar : real := 1.0;
variable resultVar : real := 0.0;
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0) := vectorVal;
if (vectorVar(vectorVar'high) = '1') then -- if it's a negative value then treat it as one
vectorVar := neg(vectorVal);
for loopVar in vectorVar'reverse_range loop
if (vectorVar(loopVar) = '1') then
resultVar := resultVar + realVar;
end if;
realVar := realVar * 2.0;
end loop;
return -resultVar;
for loopVar in vectorVar'reverse_range loop
if (vectorVar(loopVar) = '1') then
resultVar := resultVar + realVar;
end if;
realVar := realVar * 2.0;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : slv_to_real_us
-- DESCRIPTION : converts an unsigned std_logic vector value to a real value
-- NOTES :
function slv_to_real_us(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return real is
variable realVar : real := 1.0;
variable resultVar : real := 0.0;
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0) := vectorVal;
for loopVar in vectorVar'reverse_range loop
if (vectorVar(loopVar) = '1') then
resultVar := resultVar + realVar;
end if;
realVar := realVar * 2.0;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : str_to_int
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a string to an integer
-- NOTES :
function str_to_int(stringVal : string) return integer is
variable stringVar : string(1 to stringVal'length);
variable negVar : boolean; -- used to indicate whether or not the string represents a negative number
variable resultVar : integer;
variable vectorParseVar : character;
negVar := false;
resultVar := 0;
stringVar := stringVal;
for loopVar in stringVar'range loop
vectorParseVar := stringVar(loopVar);
case vectorParseVar is
when '-' => negVar := true;
when '0' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 0;
when '1' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 1;
when '2' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 2;
when '3' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 3;
when '4' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 4;
when '5' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 5;
when '6' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 6;
when '7' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 7;
when '8' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 8;
when '9' => resultVar := (resultVar * 10) + 9;
when '.' =>
if (negVar) then -- ignore everything after a decimal point
return -resultVar;
return resultVar;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
if (negVar) then -- ignore everything after a decimal point
return -resultVar;
return resultVar;
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : str_to_line
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a string to a line
-- NOTES :
-- synopsys translate_off
function str_to_line(strVal : string) return line is
variable lineVar : line;
--Std.TextIO.Write(lineVar, vectorVal);
Write(lineVar, strVal);
return lineVar;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : str_to_led
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a Seven Segment LED
-- string of any length to a std_logic_vector
-- NOTES : if the CAVal boolean input is true the output will
-- be for a Common Anode (1=off) display, otherwise it will
-- be for a Common Cathode (1=on)display.
-- _____
-- | a |
-- f| |b
-- |_____|
-- | g |
-- e| |c
-- |_____|
-- d
-- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector
-- that this function is assigned to
function str_to_led(stringVal : string;
CAVal : boolean) return std_logic_vector is
variable stringVar : string(stringVal'length downto 1);
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(7*StringVal'length downto 1);
variable vectorParseVar : character;
stringVar := stringVal;
for loopVar in StringVar'range loop
vectorParseVar := StringVar(loopVar);
case vectorParseVar is
-- Illuminated
-- character Segment
-- shown abcdefg
when ' ' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0000000";
when '"' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0100010";
when ''' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0100000";
when '-' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0000001";
when '/' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0100101";
when '0' | 'D' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111110";
when '1' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0110000";
when '2' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1101101";
when '3' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111001";
when '4' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0110011";
when '5' | 'S' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1011011";
when '6' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1011111";
when '7' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1110010";
when '8' | 'B' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111111";
when '9' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1110011";
when '=' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0001001";
when '?' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1100101";
when 'A' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1110111";
when 'C' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1001110";
when 'E' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1001111";
when 'F' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1000111";
when 'G' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1011110";
when 'H' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0110111";
when 'I' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0000110";
when 'J' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111100";
when 'L' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0001110";
when 'O' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111110";
when 'P' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1100111";
when 'T' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1000110";
when 'U' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0111110";
when 'Y' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0100111";
when 'Z' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1101101";
when '\' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0010011";
when ']' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111000";
when '^' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1100010";
when '_' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0001000";
when 'b' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0011111";
when 'c' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0001101";
when 'd' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0111101";
when 'g' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1111011";
when 'h' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0010111";
when 'j' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0111100";
when 'l' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0111000";
when 'n' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0010101";
when 'o' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0011101";
when 'r' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0000101";
when 'u' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0011100";
when '¬' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "0010001";
when '¯' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1000000";
when '°' => resultVar(7*loopVar downto 7*loopVar-6) := "1100011";
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
if (CAVal) then
return not resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
return resultVar; -- "width mismatch" errors here are due to improper sizing of the vector that this function is assigned to
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : str_to_slv
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an std_logic_vector value (in string form)
-- of any length to a std_logic_vector
-- NOTES :
function str_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(MAX_VECT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0');
variable stringParseVar : character;
variable stringVar : string(1 to stringVal'length) := stringVal;
variable validBitCountVar : integer := 0;
straight_to_slv : for loopVar in stringVar'reverse_range loop
stringParseVar := stringVar(loopVar);
case stringParseVar is
when '0' =>
resultVar(validBitCountVar) := '0';
validBitCountVar := validBitCountVar + 1;
when '1' =>
resultVar(validBitCountVar) := '1';
validBitCountVar := validBitCountVar + 1;
when others =>
end case;
end loop straight_to_slv;
return resultVar(validBitCountVar-1 downto 0);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : str_to_time
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts a time value, in string form,
-- into a time value
-- synopsys translate_off
function str_to_time(stringVal : string) return time is
variable timeVar : time := to_int(strval_to_slv(stringVal,sim_res_exp)) * sim_res;
return timeVar;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the high value of a string vector
function strh(stringVal : string) return integer is
return stringVal'high;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : strval_to_real
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an string value to a real
function strval_to_real(stringVal : string;
timeBaseVal : integer) return real is
return slv_to_real_s(strval_to_slv(stringVal,timeBaseVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : strval_to_real
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an string value to a real
function strval_to_real(stringVal : string) return real is
return slv_to_real_s(strval_to_slv(stringVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : strval_to_slv
-- DESCRIPTION : This function has 3 modes of operations depending on what
-- it is presented with. All values with units use the time base value
-- as a reference for their conversions.
-- 1. It will convert an integer, in string form, into a
-- standard logic vector.
-- 2. It will convert a time or period value, in string form,
-- into a standard logic vector. Similar to time'pos(timeVal)
-- but with the exception that the position ('pos) references
-- 1E(timeBaseVal) and the output is in binary.
-- 3. It will convert a frequency value, in string form,
-- into a standard logic vector of that frequency's period.
-- Similar to 1E(-timeBaseVal)/frequency'pos(frequencyVal)
-- but with the exception that the output is in binary.
-- NOTES : This function uses the integer value passed as the exponent
-- of the timebase to use for its computations.
-- It supports both positive and negative numbers
-- as well as positive and negative exponents. It supports
-- multiple time unit per string as long as there are no
-- exponents used. No other units may start with the
-- character 's' unless the "ec" detection portion
-- of the "seconds" unit portion is uncommented
-- and 's' is no longer used as a unit for "seconds"
-- Time units supported
-- 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 yoctosecond [ ys ] 10^(-24)
-- 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 zeptosecond [ zs ] 10^(-21)
-- 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 attosecond [ as ] 10^(-18)
-- 0.000 000 000 000 001 femtosecond [ fs ] 10^(-15)
-- 0.000 000 000 001 [ trillionth ] picosecond [ ps ] 10^(-12)
-- 0.000 000 001 [ billionth ] nanosecond [ ns ] 10^(-9)
-- 0.000 001 [ millionth ] microsecond [ µs ] 10^(-6)
-- 0.001 [ thousandth ] millisecond [ ms ] 10^(-3)
-- 0.01 [ hundredth ] centisecond [ cs ] 10^(-2)
-- 1.0 second [ s or sec ] 10^(0)
-- 60.0 minute [ min ] 10^(0)
-- 3600.0 hour [ hr ] 10^(0)
-- 86,400.0 day [ day ] 10^(0)
-- Frequency units supported
-- 1 hertz [ hz ] 10^(0)
-- 1,000 kilohertz [ khz ] 10^(3)
-- 1,000,000 megahertz [ mhz ] 10^(6)
-- 1,000,000,000 gigahertz [ ghz ] 10^(9)
-- 1,000,000,000,000 terahertz [ thz ] 10^(12)
-- 1,000,000,000,000,000 petahertz [ phz ] 10^(15)
-- 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 exahertz [ ehz ] 10^(18)
-- 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zetahertz [ zhz ] 10^(21)
-- 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yottahertz [ yhz ] 10^(24)
-- EXAMPLE "1 day, 3 hrs, 15.298 seconds"
-- "66,000,000 Hz" "66,000,000.000 Hz" "66 MHz" "66E6 Hz" "66E+6 Hz" "66.000E+6 Hz"
-- "66,000,000 us" "66,000,000.000 us" "66 us" "66E6 us" "66E+6 us" "66.000E+6 us"
function strval_to_slv(stringVal : string;
timeBaseVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
constant \10\ : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1010"; -- 10
constant \60\ : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "111100"; -- 60
constant \3600\ : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := "111000010000"; -- 3600
constant \86400\ : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0) := "10101000110000000"; -- 86,400 (solar day)
variable baseVar : integer := -timeBaseVal; -- exponent of the timebase i.e. 1fs = 1E-15 seconds so the timebase = 15
variable decPlacesVar : integer := 0; -- used to count how many numbers are after the decimal point
variable decPntFndVar : boolean := false; -- used to flag whether or not a decimal point was found in the string
variable expFndVar : boolean := false; -- used to flag that the exponent has been reached so that the rest of the string value will not be interpreted as part of the base value
variable expVar : integer := 0; -- used to indicated the exponent value
variable freqUnitFndVar : boolean := false; -- used to flag whether or not the string represents a frequency
variable negVar : boolean := false; -- used to flag whether or not the string represents a negative number
variable resultVar : std_logic_vector(MAX_VECT_SIZE+16 downto 0) := (others => '0');
variable result2Var : std_logic_vector(MAX_VECT_SIZE+16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- used to store a result from a secondary value such as would be encounter when a value such as "1 hr 10 mins" is passed to the function
variable scndTimeFndVar : boolean := false; -- used to indicate a second time value was found
constant stringVar : string := stringVal & " "; -- slightly larger because string is addessed beyond the current loop to test for units. Tack on few extra spaces for padding so that it is possible to address beyond the current loop variable
variable timeBaseVar : std_logic_vector(MAX_VECT_SIZE+16 downto 0) := ext("01",MAX_VECT_SIZE+17);
variable timeUnitFndVar : boolean := false; -- used to flag that a time unit was found (days, hrs, mins, secs)
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar loop
timeBaseVar := mult_us(timeBaseVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\); -- this value will contain the time base (in binary) when this loop completes (10^30 for a baseVar of 30)
end loop;
for loopVar in stringVar'range loop -- this loop parses the string value passed to this function from left to right
if (scndTimeFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- if a second value has been found then just wait here for the loop to complete
case stringVar(loopVar) is
when '-' =>
if (not decPntFndvar and not expFndVar and not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar) then -- expect the sign to be near the front of the string
negVar := true;
end if;
when '0' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then -- if the decimal point was found and we're not reading an exponent then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1; -- consider this to be a number after the decimal point
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then -- if we are not reading the exponent then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 0; -- factor in the next digit
end if;
end if;
when '1' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 1;
end if;
end if;
when '2' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 2;
end if;
end if;
when '3' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 3;
end if;
end if;
when '4' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 4;
end if;
end if;
when '5' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 5;
end if;
end if;
when '6' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 6;
end if;
end if;
when '7' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 7;
end if;
end if;
when '8' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 8;
end if;
end if;
when '9' =>
if (freqUnitFndVar) then
resultVar := resultVar; -- do nothing
elsif (timeUnitFndVar) then -- if we've already found a time unit then this must be a second time value
result2Var := ext(strval_to_slv(stringVar(loopVar to stringVar'length),timeBaseVal),result2Var'length); -- pass the rest of the string to the next instance of the function
scndTimeFndVar := true;
if (decPntFndVar and not expFndVar) then
decPlacesVar := decPlacesVar + 1;
end if;
if (not expFndVar) then
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\) + 9;
end if;
end if;
when 'e' | 'E' => -- exponent
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- exahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 18 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
elsif (not expFndVar and not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar) -- if we haven't already found an exponent, frequency unit, or time unit
expFndVar := true; -- mark that we've found it
expVar := str_to_int(stringVar(loopVar to stringVal'length)); -- and capture its value
end if;
when '.' => decPntFndVar := true; -- mark the position of the decimal point
when 'y' | 'Y' => -- yoctosecond 10^-24
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- yoctosecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-24 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
elsif (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- yottahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 24 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'z' | 'Z' => -- zeptosecond 10^-21
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- zeptosecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-21 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
elsif (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- zettahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 21 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'a' | 'A' => -- attosecond 10^-18
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- attosecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-18 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'f' | 'F' => -- femtosecond 10^-15
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- femtosecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-15 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'p' | 'P' => -- picosecond 10^-12
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- picosecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-12 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
elsif (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- petahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 15 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'n' | 'N' => -- nanosecond 10^-9
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- nanosecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-9 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'u' | 'U' => -- microsecond 10^-6
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- microsecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-6 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'm' | 'M' => -- millisecond 10^-3
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 's') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'S')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- millisecond unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar-3 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
elsif (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "in")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "iN")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "In")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "IN"))))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- minute unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+10 downto 0), \60\);
elsif (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- megahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 6 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 's' | 'S' =>
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar) -- and
--((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "ec")) or
-- (seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "eC")) or
-- (seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Ec")) or
-- (seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "EC"))))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- second unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'h' | 'H' =>
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'r') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'R')))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- hour unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+4 downto 0), \3600\);
elsif (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'z') or
(stringVar(loopVar+1) = 'Z')))
freqUnitFndVar := true;
end if;
when 'd' | 'D' =>
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "ay")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "aY")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Ay")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "AY"))))
timeUnitFndVar := true; -- day unit found
for loopVar in 1 to baseVar loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE-1 downto 0), \86400\);
end if;
when 'g' | 'G' =>
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- gigahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 9 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 'k' | 'K' =>
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- kilohertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 3 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when 't' | 'T' =>
if (not freqUnitFndVar and not timeUnitFndVar and
((seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "hZ")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "Hz")) or
(seq(stringVar(loopVar+1 to loopVar+2), "HZ"))))
freqUnitFndVar := true; -- terahertz unit found
for loopVar in 1 to 12 loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end loop;
if (expVar >= 0) then -- if it's a positive exponent then perform a multiplication loop
for loopVar in 1 to expVar loop
resultVar := mult_us(resultVar(MAX_VECT_SIZE+12 downto 0), \10\);
end loop;
else -- if it's a negative exponent then perform a division loop
for loopVar in 1 to (-expVar) loop
resultVar := resultVar / \10\;
end loop;
end if;
if (decPntFndVar) then -- if a decimal point was present in the value then
for loopVar in 1 to decPlacesVar loop -- scale the output accordingly
resultVar := resultVar / \10\;
end loop;
end if;
resultVar := resultVar + result2Var; -- add on any secondary value
if (freqUnitFndVar) then -- the the string is a frequency value then
resultVar := timeBaseVar / resultVar; -- invert it to convert it to a period value before returning
end if;
if (negVar and not timeUnitFndVar) then -- the the string is a negative value and its not a time value then
resultVar := neg(resultVar); -- negate the result
end if;
return reduce(resultVar);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : strval_to_slv
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an integer value (in string form)
-- of any length to a std_logic_vector
-- NOTES :
function strval_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector is
return strval_to_slv(stringVal,-15); -- default to 1fs time base
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : strval_to_slv_high
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an integer value string
-- of any length to a std_logic_vector
function strval_to_slv_high(stringVal : string) return integer is
return reduce_high(strval_to_slv(stringVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : strval_to_slv_var_base_high
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an integer value string
-- of any length to a std_logic_vector
function strval_to_slv_var_base_high(stringVal : string;
timeBaseVal : integer) return integer is
return reduce_high(strval_to_slv(stringVal,timeBaseVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : sxt2 (sign extend)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a standard logic vector,
-- padded with zeros, to the length specified by intVal
-- NOTES :
function sxt2(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable zeroVar : std_logic_vector(natVal - vectorVal'length - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
variable oneVar : std_logic_vector(natVal - vectorVal'length - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length - 1 downto 0);
vectorVar := vectorVal;
if (vectorVar(vectorVar'high) = '1') then
if (vectorVar'length >= natVal) then
return vectorVar;
return oneVar & vectorVar;
end if;
if (vectorVar'length >= natVal) then
return vectorVar;
return zeroVar & vectorVar;
end if;
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_int
-- DESCRIPTION : conv_integer function repackaged
function to_int(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer is
return conv_integer(vectorVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_period
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a one cycle period value for
-- a given frequency
-- NOTES timeVar must be larger than the simulator resolution
-- and is limited by the integer that can be created from
-- time'pos of it's value
---- synopsys translate_off
--function to_period(freqVal : frequency) return time is
-- variable resultVar : time;
-- variable timeVar : time := 1 ms;
-- variable divVar : real := real(1 sec/timeVar);
-- resultVar := divVar/real(frequency'pos(freqVal)) * timeVar; -- see "NOTES"
-- return resultVar;
--end function;
---- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_period
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a one cycle period value for
-- a given frequency in string form
-- synopsys translate_off
function to_period(freqStrVal : string) return time is
variable resultVar : time := (strval_to_real(freqStrVal,sim_res_exp)*sim_res_val_real) * 1 sec;
return resultVar;
end function;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_string (boolean)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string value representing the
-- boolean value passed to it.
function to_string(boolVal : boolean) return string is
if (boolVal) then
return "TRUE";
return "FALSE";
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_string (integer)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string value representing the
-- integer value passed to it.
------ synopsys translate_off
--function to_string(intVal : integer) return string is
-- variable lineVar : line;
-- variable resultVar : string(1 to cfi(intVal));
-- --Std.TextIO.Write(lineVar, intVal);
-- Write(lineVar, integer'Image(intVal));
-- resultVar(lineVar.all'range) := lineVar.all;
-- deallocate(lineVar);
-- return resultVar;
--end function;
------ synopsys translate_on

function to_string(intVal : integer) return string is
return integer'Image(intVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_string (real)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string value representing the
-- integer value passed to it.
---- synopsys translate_off
--function to_string(realVal : real) return string is
-- variable lengthVar : natural;
-- variable lineVar : line;
-- variable resultVar : string(1 to real'Image(realVal)'length);
-- --Std.TextIO.Write(lineVar, intVal);
-- Write(lineVar, real'Image(realVal));
-- lengthVar := lineVar.all'length;
-- resultVar(lineVar.all'range) := lineVar.all;
-- deallocate(lineVar);
-- return resultVar;
--end function;
---- synopsys translate_on

function to_string(realVal : real) return string is
return real'Image(realVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_string (time)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string value representing the
-- time value passed to it.
-- NOTES :
---- synopsys translate_off
--function to_string(timeVal : time) return string is
-- variable lineVar : line;
-- variable resultVar : string(1 to time'image(timeVal)'length);
-- --Std.TextIO.Write(lineVar, vectorVal);
-- Write(lineVar, time'image(timeVal));
-- resultVar(lineVar.all'range) := lineVar.all;
-- deallocate(lineVar);
-- return resultVar;
--end function;
---- synopsys translate_on

function to_string(timeVal : time) return string is
return time'image(timeVal);
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : to_string (vector)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a string value representing the
-- vector value passed to it.
-- 'U', -- Uninitialized
-- 'X', -- Forcing Unknown
-- '0', -- Forcing 0
-- '1', -- Forcing 1
-- 'Z', -- High Impedance
-- 'W', -- Weak Unknown
-- 'L', -- Weak 0
-- 'H', -- Weak 1
-- '-' -- Don't care
-- synthesis tool un-friendly version
---- synopsys translate_off
--function to_string(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string is
-- variable lineVar : line;
-- variable resultVar : string(1 to vectorVal'length);
-- --Std.TextIO.Write(lineVar, vectorVal);
-- Write(lineVar, vectorVal);
-- resultVar(lineVar.all'range) := lineVar.all;
-- deallocate(lineVar);
-- return resultVar;
--end function;
---- synopsys translate_on

-- synthesis tool friendly version
function to_string(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable lineVar : line;
variable resultVar : string(1 to vectorVal'length);
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector(1 to vectorVal'length);
vectorVar := vectorVal;
for loopVar in vectorVar'range loop
if (vectorVar(loopVar) = 'U') then -- 'U', -- Uninitialized
resultVar(loopVar) := 'U';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = 'X') then -- 'X', -- Forcing Unknown
resultVar(loopVar) := 'X';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = '0') then -- '0', -- Forcing 0
resultVar(loopVar) := '0';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = '1') then -- '1', -- Forcing 1
resultVar(loopVar) := '1';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = 'Z') then -- 'Z', -- High Impedance
resultVar(loopVar) := 'Z';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = 'W') then -- 'W', -- Weak Unknown
resultVar(loopVar) := 'W';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = 'L') then -- 'L', -- Weak 0
resultVar(loopVar) := 'L';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = 'H') then -- 'H', -- Weak 1
resultVar(loopVar) := 'H';
elsif (vectorVar(loopVar) = '-') then -- '-' -- Don't care
resultVar(loopVar) := '-';
end if;
end loop;
return resultVar;
end function;

---- PROCEDURE NAME : transpose
---- DESCRIPTION : This procedure returns the transpose of an array
---- NOTES : column 1 -> row 1
---- column 2 -> row 2
--procedure( transpose(arrayVal : array_type) return array_type is
-- variable resultVar : std_ulogic_vector(vectorVal'range);
-- for loopVar in vectorVal'low to vectorVal'high loop
-- resultVar(resultVar'high-loopVar) := vectorVal(loopVar);
-- end loop;
-- return resultVar;
--end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : vhfi (vector high for integer)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the 'high value to be used
-- in the range declaration of a vector used to
-- represent the integer value passed to it.
-- WARNING: This function assumes the rest of the
-- range declaration of the vector
-- will be "downto 0"
-- NOTES : see vlfi for more information
function vhfi(intVal : integer) return natural is
return vlfi(intVal) - 1;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : vhfn (vector high for natural)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns the 'high value to be used
-- in the range declaration of a vector used to
-- represent the natural value passed to it.
-- WARNING: This function assumes the rest of the
-- range declaration of the vector
-- will be "downto 0"
-- NOTES : see vlfn for more information
function vhfn(natVal : natural) return natural is
return vlfn(natVal) - 1;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : vlfi (vector length for integer)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an integer representing the
-- length of the vector required to represent
-- the integer value passed to it. This includes
-- the sign bit; hence the "resultVar := loopVar + 1;"
-- NOTES : type integer is range -2147483648 to 2147483647;
-- This function can be used in code intended for synthesis
-- Using a 31 bit variable strips off the sign bit that
-- the conversion function generates. This allows us
-- to place the sign bit in the new location at the top
-- of the vector.
-- EXAMPLE : -2147483648 passed, convertion to logic vector gives
-- 0000000000000000000000000000000. Bit 31 is '0' and
-- a sign bit is needed so 31 + 1 = 32 bits are needed to
-- represent this value
-- given intVal = 32
-- slvVar is assigned 0000000000000000000000000100000
-- "if" condition becomes true for loopVar = 6
-- result is 7 (6 bits to represent 32, plus the sign bit)
function vlfi(intVal : integer) return natural is
variable resultVar : natural;
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(31 downto 1); -- range of 31 downto 1 used because the numbering is correct for the positional location of the bits
slvVar := conv_std_logic_vector(intVal,slvVar'length); -- convert the integer passed to the function to a 31 bit logic vector
if (intVal > 0) then -- if the integer is positive then
for loopVar in slvVar'range loop -- start at the top of the vector and index down
if (slvVar(loopVar) = '1') then -- and if a bit is asserted then
return loopVar + 1; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value. And then add one for the sign bit
end if;
end loop;
elsif (intVal = 0) then -- '0' has no value and, therefore, needs no sign bit
return 1;
elsif (intVal = -1) then -- '-1' is a special case which contains no zeros so the following algorithm would fail.
return 2;
elsif (intVal < -1) then -- if the integer is negative then
for loopVar in slvVar'range loop -- start at the top of the vector and index down
if (slvVar(loopVar) = '0') then -- and if a bit is asserted then
return loopVar + 1; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value. And then add one for the sign bit
end if;
end loop;
end if;
return resultVar;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : vlfn (vector length for natural)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an integer representing the
-- length of the vector required to represent
-- the natural value passed to it. There is no
-- sign bit needed so "resultVar := loopVar;"
-- NOTES : subtype natural is integer range 0 to 2_147_483_647;
-- This function can be used in code intended for synthesis
-- EXAMPLE : given natVal = 32
-- slvVar is assigned 0000000000000000000000000100000
-- "if" condition becomes true for loopVar = 6
-- result is 6 (6 bits to represent 32, no sign bit needed)
function vlfn(natVal : natural) return natural is
variable resultVar : natural;
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(31 downto 1);
slvVar := conv_std_logic_vector(natVal,slvVar'length);
if (natVal > 2_147_483_647) then
assert false
report "value exceeds 2,147,483,647"
severity warning;
return 0;
elsif (natVal > 0) then
for loopVar in slvVar'range loop
if (slvVar(loopVar) = '1') then
return loopVar;
end if;
end loop;
return 1;
end if;
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : vrfi (vector range for integer)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a std_logic_vector of the same range
-- required to represent the integer value passed to it.
-- This includes the sign bit;
-- NOTES : subtype natural is integer range 0 to 2_147_483_647;
-- This function can be used in code intended for synthesis
function vrfi(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(vhfi(intVal) downto 0);
attribute slv_high : natural;
attribute slv_low : natural;
attribute slv_range : natural;
attribute slv_high of slvVar : variable is slvVar'high;
attribute slv_low of slvVar : variable is slvVar'low;
--attribute slv_range of slvVar : variable is slvVar'range;
return slvVar;
end function;

---- FUNCTION NAME : vrfi (vector range for integer)
---- DESCRIPTION : This function returns a std_logic_vector of the same range
---- required to represent the integer value passed to it.
---- This includes the sign bit;
---- hence the "resultVar := loopVar + 1;"
---- NOTES : subtype natural is integer range 0 to 2_147_483_647;
---- This function cannot be used in code intended for synthesis
---- synopsys translate_off
--function vrfi(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector is
-- type slv_ptr is access std_logic_vector;
-- variable size : slv_ptr;
-- variable resultVar : natural;
-- variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(31 downto 1);
-- slvVar := conv_std_logic_vector(intVal,slvVar'length); -- convert the integer passed to the function to a 31 bit logic vector
-- if (intVal > 0) then -- if the integer is positive then
-- for loopVar in slvVar'range loop -- start at the top of the vector and index down
-- if (slvVar(loopVar) = '1') then -- and if a bit is asserted then
-- resultVar := loopVar + 1; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value. And then add one for the sign bit
-- exit;
-- end if;
-- end loop;
-- elsif (intVal = 0) then -- '0' has no value and, therefore, needs no sign bit
-- resultVar := 1;
-- elsif (intVal = -1) then -- '-1' is a special case which contains no zeros so the following algorithm would fail.
-- resultVar := 2;
-- elsif (intVal < -1) then -- if the integer is negative then
-- for loopVar in slvVar'range loop -- start at the top of the vector and index down
-- if (slvVar(loopVar) = '0') then -- and if a bit is asserted then
-- resultVar := loopVar + 1; -- this is the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value. And then add one for the sign bit
-- exit;
-- end if;
-- end loop;
-- end if;
-- size := new std_logic_vector(resultVar-1 downto 0);
---- return size.all'range;
-- return size.all;
-- deallocate(size);
--end function;
---- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : vrfn (vector range for natural)
-- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an std_logic_vector representing the
-- length of the vector required to represent
-- the natural value passed to it.
-- NOTES : subtype natural is integer range 0 to 2_147_483_647;
-- This function can be used in code intended for synthesis
function vrfn(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(vhfn(natVal) downto 0);
attribute slv_high : natural;
attribute slv_low : natural;
attribute slv_range : natural;
attribute slv_high of slvVar : variable is slvVar'high;
attribute slv_low of slvVar : variable is slvVar'low;
--attribute slv_range of slvVar : variable is slvVar'range;
return slvVar;
end function;

---- FUNCTION NAME : vrfn (vector range for natural)
---- DESCRIPTION : This function returns an std_logic_vector representing the
---- length of the vector required to represent
---- the natural value passed to it.
---- NOTES : subtype natural is integer range 0 to 2_147_483_647;
---- This function cannot be used in code intended for synthesis
---- synopsys translate_off
--function vrfn(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector is
-- type slv_ptr is access std_logic_vector;
-- variable size : slv_ptr;
-- variable resultVar : natural;
-- variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(31 downto 1);
-- slvVar := conv_std_logic_vector(natVal,slvVar'length);
-- if (natVal > 0) then
-- for loopVar in slvVar'range loop
-- if (slvVar(loopVar) = '1') then
-- resultVar := loopVar;
-- exit;
-- end if;
-- end loop;
-- else
-- resultVar := 1;
-- end if;
-- size := new std_logic_vector(resultVar-1 downto 0);
-- return size.all;
-- deallocate(size);
--end function;
---- synopsys translate_on

-- FUNCTION NAME : xnor_reduce (multiple input xnor gate)
-- NOTES :
function xnor_reduce (vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
return not(xor_reduce(vectorVal));
end function;

-- FUNCTION NAME : xor_reduce (multiple input xor gate)
-- NOTES :
function xor_reduce (vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable MSB, LSB : std_logic;
variable halfway : integer;
variable vectorVar : std_logic_vector(vectorVal'length-1 downto 0);
variable result : std_logic := '0';
vectorVar := vectorVal;
if (vectorVar'length >= 1) then
if (vectorVar'length = 1) then
result := vectorVar(vectorVar'high);
elsif (vectorVar'length = 2) then
result := "xor"(vectorVar(vectorVar'high),vectorVar(vectorVar'low));
halfway := (vectorVar'length + 1) / 2; -- determine the halfway point
MSB := xor_reduce(vectorVar(vectorVar'high downto halfway)); -- call the function recursively
LSB := xor_reduce(vectorVar(halfway - 1 downto vectorVar'low)); -- call the function recursively
result := "xor"(MSB, LSB);
end if;
end if;
return result;
end function;

-- Procedures

-- PROCEDURE NAME : clock_gen
-- DESCRIPTION : generate a 50% duty cycle clock with the specified
-- synopsys translate_off
procedure clkgen(
constant clkFreqSig : in string;
signal clkSig : out std_logic) is
variable posPeriodVar : time := (to_period(clkFreqSig) * 50.0) / 100;
variable negPeriodVar : time := to_period(clkFreqSig) - posPeriodVar;
while true loop
clkSig <= '1';
wait for posPeriodVar;
clkSig <= '0';
wait for negPeriodVar;
end loop;
end procedure;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- PROCEDURE NAME : clock_gen
-- DESCRIPTION : generate a 50% duty cycle clock with the specified
-- synopsys translate_off
procedure clkgen(
signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
signal clkFreqSig : in string;
signal clkSig : out std_logic) is
variable posPeriodVar : time := (to_period(clkFreqSig) * 50.0) / 100;
variable negPeriodVar : time := to_period(clkFreqSig) - posPeriodVar;
while clkEnSig loop
clkSig <= '1';
wait for posPeriodVar;
clkSig <= '0';
wait for negPeriodVar;
end loop;
end procedure;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- PROCEDURE NAME : clock_gen
-- DESCRIPTION : generate a clock
-- synopsys translate_off
procedure clkgen(
signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
signal clkPeriodSig : in time;
constant clkDutySig : in real;
signal clkResetSig : in boolean;
signal clkSig : inout std_logic) is
variable posPeriodVar : time;
variable negPeriodVar : time;
posPeriodVar := (clkPeriodSig * clkDutySig) / 100;
negPeriodVar := clkPeriodSig - posPeriodVar;
if (clkResetSig)
clkSig <= '1';
elsif (clkEnSig)
if (clkSig = '1')
clkSig <= '0' after posPeriodVar;
clkSig <= '1' after negPeriodVar;
end if;
end if;
end procedure;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- PROCEDURE NAME : clock_gen
-- DESCRIPTION : generate a clock
-- synopsys translate_off
procedure clkgen(
signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
signal clkFreqSig : in string;
constant clkDutySig : in real;
signal clkResetSig : in boolean;
signal clkSig : inout std_logic) is
variable posPeriodVar : time;
variable negPeriodVar : time;
posPeriodVar := (to_period(clkFreqSig) * clkDutySig) / 100;
negPeriodVar := to_period(clkFreqSig) - posPeriodVar;
if (clkResetSig)
clkSig <= '1';
elsif (clkEnSig)
if (clkSig = '1')
clkSig <= '0' after posPeriodVar;
clkSig <= '1' after negPeriodVar;
end if;
end if;
end procedure;
-- synopsys translate_on

-- DESCRIPTION : simple flip flop procedure
-- NOTES : synthesizeable
procedure FF
signal Clk : in std_logic;
signal Rst : in std_logic;
signal D : in std_logic_vector;
signal Q : out std_logic_vector) is
variable zeros : std_logic_vector(Q'range) := (others => '0');
if (Rst = '1') then
Q <= zeros;
elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then
Q <= D;
end if;
end procedure;

-- FUNCTION NAME : slv_to_bcd
-- DESCRIPTION : This function converts an unsigned, decending range,
-- binary value into a packed binary coded decimal (BCD)
-- standard logic vector and returns the result in
-- the number BCD digits required to represent the maximum
-- unsigned value possible in the vector passed to it.
-- it is for use in pipelined implementations where
-- the binary coded decimal output is registered
-- and passed back to the function along with the binary
-- vector input to be shifted out of its MSB
-- register and into the function as a new bit.
-- BCD_DigitsVal -> dpfslvr(vectorVal)
procedure slv_to_bcd(
signal BCD_RIn : in std_logic_vector;
signal BinIn : in std_logic_vector;
signal BinFBIn : in std_logic_vector;
signal ClkIn : in std_logic;
constant BCD_DigitsVal : in integer;
signal EnIn : in std_logic;
signal RstLowIn : in std_logic;
signal BCD_ROut : out std_logic_vector;
signal Bin_ROut : out std_logic_vector; -- registed, shifted version of BinIn
signal DoneOut : out std_logic) is
constant BCD_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(BCD_ROut'range) := (others => '0');
constant BIN_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(BinIn'range) := (others => '0');
variable BCD_Var : std_logic_vector(BCD_ROut'range);
variable BCD_RVar : std_logic_vector(BCD_ROut'range);
if (RstLowIn = '0' or EnIn = '0') then
Bin_ROut <= BinIn;
DoneOut <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(ClkIn) then
Bin_ROut <= BinFBIn(BinFBIn'high-1 downto BinFBIn'low) & '0';
if (BinFBIn = BIN_ZEROS) then
BCD_ROut <= BCD_RIn;
DoneOut <= '1';
BCD_ROut <= slv_to_bcd_pipe(BCD_RIn,BinFBIn(BinFBIn'high),BCD_DigitsVal);
DoneOut <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end procedure;

end extension_pack;

-- end of extension pack
-- test bench starts below

-- synopsys translate_off

-- Extension Pack test bench

library ieee, extension_lib;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use extension_lib.extension_pack.all;
--use extension_lib.extension_pack_constants.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use std.textio.all;

entity extension_pack_tb is
end extension_pack_tb;

architecture behavioral of extension_pack_tb is

-- Signal declarations


star_operator_test1 : process
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111";

assert (eq(7*slvVar,"0110001")) -- 7*7 = 49
report "*1 error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0110001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(7*slvVar) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

star_operator_test2 : process
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111";

assert (eq(slvVar*7,"0110001")) -- 7*7 = 49
report "*2 error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0110001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(slvVar*7) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function "/"(DividendVal : std_logic_vector;
-- DivisorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
slash1_operator_test : process
constant slvVar : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0110001";
constant \7\ : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000111";

assert (eq("0110001"/"111",\7\)) -- 49/7 = 7
report "slash1_operator_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string("0110001"/"111") & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function "/"(DividendVal : std_logic_vector;
-- DivisorVal : integer) return std_logic_vector;
slash2_operator_test : process
constant slvVar : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0110001";

assert (eq(slvVar/7,"0000111")) -- 49/7 = 7
report "slash2_operator_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(slvVar/7) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function "/"(DividendVal : string;
-- DivisorVal : integer) return std_logic_vector;
slash3_operator_test : process
constant var : string := "49";

assert (eq(var/7,"0000111")) -- 49/7 = 7
report "slash3_operator_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(var/7) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function bcd_to_led(slvVal : std_logic_vector ;
-- CAVal : boolean) return std_logic_vector; -- binary coded decimal to seven segment LED conversion
bcd_to_led1_test : process
constant slv1Var : std_logic_vector := x"0123456789ABCDEF";
variable slv2Var : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);

assert (bcd_to_led(slv1Var,true) = "0000001100111100100100000110100110001001000100000000110100000000001100111011100111111001110011110110011111000111") -- 123456789ABCDEF =
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0000001100111100100100000110100110001001000100000000110100000000001100111011100111111001110011110110011111000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bcd_to_led(slv1Var,true)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (bcd_to_led(slv1Var,false) = "1111110011000011011011111001011001110110111011111111001011111111110011000100011000000110001100001001100000111000") -- 123456789ABCDEF =
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("1111110011000011011011111001011001110110111011111111001011111111110011000100011000000110001100001001100000111000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bcd_to_led(slv1Var,false)) & " : actual"
severity error;

slv2Var := bcd_to_led(x"3210",False); -- 3210
assert (slv2Var = "1111001110110101100001111110")
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 1 "
severity error;
slv2Var := bcd_to_led(x"7654",False); -- 7654
assert (slv2Var = "1110010101111110110110110011")
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 2 "
severity error;
slv2Var := bcd_to_led(x"1098",False); -- 1098
assert (slv2Var = "0110000111111011100111111111")
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 3 "
severity error;
slv2Var := bcd_to_led(x"3210",True); -- 3210
assert (slv2Var = "0000110001001010011110000001")
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 4 "
severity error;
slv2Var := bcd_to_led(x"7654",True); -- 7654
assert (slv2Var = "0001101010000001001001001100")
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 5 "
severity error;
slv2Var := bcd_to_led(x"1098",True); -- 1098
assert (slv2Var = "1001111000000100011000000000")
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 6 "
severity error;
end process;

--function bcd_to_slv(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using enough BCD digits to represent the largest value possible in the range of the vector passed
bcd_to_slv_test : process
constant slvVar : std_logic_vector := x"0123456789ABCDEF";

assert (bcd_to_slv(slvVar) = "011100000100100010000110000111101101001110111111") -- 123456789ABCDEF = 123456790123455
report "bcd_to_slv_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("011100000100100010000110000111101101001110111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bcd_to_slv(slvVar)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (bcd_to_slv(x"1234567890") = "01001001100101100000001011010010") -- 1234567890 =
report "bcd_to_slv_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("01001001100101100000001011010010") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bcd_to_slv(slvVar)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (bcd_to_slv(x"ABCDEF") = "100010010010001111111") -- ABCDEF (1123455)
report "bcd_to_slv_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string("100010010010001111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bcd_to_slv(x"ABCDEF")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function bcd_to_slv_pipe(BCD_RVal : std_logic_vector;
-- BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using the number of BCD digits specified. For pipelined operation. function must be called N times where N is the number of bits in the passed value

--function bv_to_slv(bitVectVal : bit_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "To_StdLogicVector" function
bv_to_slv_test : process
constant bvVar : bit_vector := x"0123456789ABCDEF";

assert (bv_to_slv(bvVar) = x"0123456789ABCDEF") -- 123456789ABCDEF = 123456790123455
report "bv_to_slv_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(x"0123456789ABCDEF") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bv_to_slv(bvVar)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (bv_to_slv(x"123456789ABCDEF") = x"0123456789ABCDEF") -- 123456789ABCDEF = 123456790123455
report "bv_to_slv_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string(x"0123456789ABCDEF") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(bv_to_slv(x"123456789ABCDEF")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cdft(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_down_for_time2_test : process
variable CNTTIME : string(1 to 6) := "10 sec";
variable SYSCLKFREQ : string(1 to 5) := "66MHz";
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110"; -- 8 - 2 = 6

assert (cdft("8 ms ","1 kHz") = slvVar)
report "count_down_for_time2_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cdft("8 ms ","1 kHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cdft("8 ms ","1 kHz",cdfth("8 ms ","1 kHz")) = "0110")
report "count_down_for_time2_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("0110") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cdft("8 ms ","1 kHz",cdfth("8 ms ","1 kHz"))) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cdft("8 ms ","1 kHz",cdfth("8 ms ","1 kHz"))'length = 4)
report "count_down_for_time2_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string(4) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cdft("8 ms ","1 kHz",cdfth("8 ms ","1 kHz"))'length) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cdft(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string;
-- natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified (minus a count of 2 for latency) using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference and the natural value passed as a length for the vector (if it will fit in a vector that size)

--function cdfth(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_down_for_time_high_test : process
variable CNTTIME : string(1 to 6) := "10 sec";
variable SYSCLKFREQ : string(1 to 5) := "66MHz";
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110"; -- 8 - 2 = 6

assert (cdfth("1 us ","1E-15 yHz") = 10)
report "count_down_for_time_high_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(10) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cdfth("1 us ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cdfth("8 ms ","1 kHz") = 3)
report "count_down_for_time_high_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string(3) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cdfth("8 ms ","1 kHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function ceil(RealVal : in real ) return real; -- rounds a real value up the the next highest real integer
ceil_test : process

assert (ceil(-9.999999) = -9.0)
report "ceil_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(-9.0) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ceil(-9.999999)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (ceil(9.999999) = 10.0)
report "ceil_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string(10.0) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ceil(9.999999)) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cfi(intVal : integer) return natural;
cfi_test : process

assert (cfi(-1000) = 5)
report "cfi_test error # 1 " & LF &
"5 : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(-1000)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cfi(-10000) = 6)
report "cfi_test error # 2 " & LF &
"6 : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(-10000)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cfi(1000) = 4)
report "cfi_test error # 3 " & LF &
"4 : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(1000)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cfi(-100_000) = 7)
report "cfi_test error # 4 " & LF &
"7 : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(-100_000)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cfi(100_000) = 6)
report "cfi_test error # 5 " & LF &
"6 : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(100_000)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cfi(-9999999) = 8)
report "cfi_test error # 6 " & LF &
to_string(8) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(-9999999)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cfi(9999999) = 7)
report "cfi_test error # 7 " & LF &
to_string(7) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfi(9999999)) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cft(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_for_time_test : process
variable CNTTIME : string(1 to 6) := "10 sec";
variable SYSCLKFREQ : string(1 to 5) := "66MHz";
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);

assert (cft(CNTTIME,SYSCLKFREQ) = "100111010101101100110100000000")
report "count_for_time_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("100111010101101100110100000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft(CNTTIME,SYSCLKFREQ)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 min","66MHz") = "11101100000010001100111000000000")
report "count_for_time_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("11101100000010001100111000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 min","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 hr","66MHz") = "11011101010010000100000100100000000000")
report "count_for_time_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string("11011101010010000100000100100000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 hr","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 day","66MHz") = "01010010111110110001100001101100000000000000")
report "count_for_time_test error # 4 " & LF &
to_string("01010010111110110001100001101100000000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 day","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 day","66MHz")+cft("1 hr","66MHz")+cft("1 min","66MHz")+cft("1 sec","66MHz")+cft("1 ms","66MHz")+cft("1 us","66MHz")+cft("1 ns","66MHz")+cft("1 ps","66MHz")+cft("1 fs","66MHz") = "01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010")
report "count_for_time_test error # 5 " & LF &
to_string("01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 day","66MHz")+cft("1 hr","66MHz")+cft("1 min","66MHz")+cft("1 sec","66MHz")+cft("1 ms","66MHz")+cft("1 us","66MHz")+cft("1 ns","66MHz")+cft("1 ps","66MHz")+cft("1 fs","66MHz")) & " : actual" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs","66MHz") = "01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010")
report "count_for_time_test error # 6 " & LF &
to_string("01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 day","66MHz")+cft("1 hr","66MHz")+cft("1 min","66MHz")+cft("1 sec","66MHz")+cft("1 ms","66MHz")+cft("1 us","66MHz")+cft("1 ns","66MHz")+cft("1 ps","66MHz")+cft("1 fs","66MHz")+cft("1 as","66MHz")+cft("1 zs","66MHz")+cft("1 ys","66MHz")) & " : actual" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","66MHz") = "01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010")
report "count_for_time_test error # 7 " & LF &
to_string("01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","1YHz") = "011100011100110011110110101000101011010000000101001")
report "count_for_time_test error # 8 " & LF &
to_string("01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","1YHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 sec","1E-3 kHz") = "01")
report "count_for_time_test error # 9 " & LF &
to_string("01") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 sec","1E-3 kHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 sec","1E-18 eHz") = "01")
report "count_for_time_test error # 10 " & LF &
to_string("01") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 sec","1E-18 eHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 ns ","1E-15 yHz") = "01")
report "count_for_time_test error # 11 " & LF &
to_string("01010110011111110011100011111110110010010010") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 ns ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cft("1 us ","1E-15 yHz") = "01111101000")
report "count_for_time_test error # 12 " & LF &
to_string("01111101000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cft("1 us ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

slvVar := ext(cft("20 ms ","50 MHz"),21);

assert (ext(cft("20 ms ","50 MHz"),21) = "011110100001001000000")
report "count_for_time_test error # 13 " & LF &
to_string("01111101000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ext(cft("20 ms ","50 MHz"),21)) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cfth(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_for_time_high_test : process

assert (cfth("1 us ","1E-15 yHz") = 10)
report "count_for_time_high_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(10) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfth("1 us ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cfth(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_for_time_high_test2 : process
variable CNTTIME : string(1 to 6) := "10 sec";
variable SYSCLKFREQ : string(1 to 5) := "66MHz";
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110"; -- 8 - 2 = 6

assert (cfth("8 ms ","1 kHz") = 4)
report "count_for_time_high_test2 error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(4) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cfth("8 ms ","1 kHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function clkcnt(freq1StrVal : string;
-- freq2StrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
clock_count_test : process

assert (clkcnt("1 kHz","50 MHz") = "110000110100111")
report "clock_count_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("110000110100111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(clkcnt("1 kHz","50 MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : bit_vector) return string; -- bit_vector to hexadecimal conversion
conv_to_hex_test1 : process
variable testVar : bit_vector(63 downto 0) := x"0123456789ABCDEF";

assert (conv_to_hex(testVar) = "0123456789ABCDEF")
report "conv_to_hex_test1 error # 1 " & LF &
"0123456789ABCDEF" & " : expected" & LF &
conv_to_hex(testVar) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string; -- std_logic_vector to hexadecimal conversion
conv_to_hex_test2 : process
variable testVar : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := x"0123456789ABCDEF";

assert (conv_to_hex(testVar) = "0123456789ABCDEF")
report "conv_to_hex_test2 error # 1 " & LF &
"0123456789ABCDEF" & " : expected" & LF &
conv_to_hex(testVar) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function conv_to_hex(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return string; -- std_ulogic_vector to hexadecimal conversion
conv_to_hex_test3 : process
variable testVar : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := x"0123456789ABCDEF";

assert (conv_to_hex(testVar) = "0123456789ABCDEF")
report "conv_to_hex_test3 error # 1 " & LF &
"0123456789ABCDEF" & " : expected" & LF &
conv_to_hex(testVar) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cslv(int1Val : integer;
-- int2Val : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "conv_std_logic_vector"
-- repackaged functions not tested

--function cslv(sigVal : signed;
-- intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "conv_std_logic_vector"
-- repackaged functions not tested

--function cslv(usgVal : unsigned;
-- intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- repackaging of "conv_std_logic_vector"
-- repackaged functions not tested

--function cuft(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- count for the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_up_for_time_test : process
variable CNTTIME : string(1 to 6) := "10 sec";
variable SYSCLKFREQ : string(1 to 5) := "66MHz";
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);

assert (cuft(CNTTIME,SYSCLKFREQ) = "100111010101101100110011111111")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("100111010101101100110011111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft(CNTTIME,SYSCLKFREQ)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 min","66MHz") = "11101100000010001100110111111111")
report "count_for_time_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("11101100000010001100110111111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 min","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 hr","66MHz") = "11011101010010000100000100011111111111")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string("11011101010010000100000100011111111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 hr","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 day","66MHz") = "1010010111110110001100001101011111111111111")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 4 " & LF &
to_string("1010010111110110001100001101011111111111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 day","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs","66MHz") = "1010110011111110011100011111110110010010001")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 6 " & LF &
to_string("1010110011111110011100011111110110010010001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 day","66MHz")+cuft("1 hr","66MHz")+cuft("1 min","66MHz")+cuft("1 sec","66MHz")+cuft("1 ms","66MHz")+cuft("1 us","66MHz")+cuft("1 ns","66MHz")+cuft("1 ps","66MHz")+cuft("1 fs","66MHz")+cuft("1 as","66MHz")+cuft("1 zs","66MHz")+cuft("1 ys","66MHz")) & " : actual" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","66MHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","1YHz") = "11100011100110011110110101000101011010000000101000")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 8 " & LF &
to_string("11100011100110011110110101000101011010000000101000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 ns 1 ps 1 fs 1as 1zs 1ys","1YHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 sec","1E-3 kHz") = "0")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 9 " & LF &
to_string("00") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 sec","1E-3 kHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 sec","1E-18 eHz") = "0")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 10 " & LF &
to_string("00") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 sec","1E-18 eHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 ns ","1E-15 yHz") = "0")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 11 " & LF &
to_string("0") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 ns ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cuft("1 us ","1E-15 yHz") = "1111100111")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 12 " & LF &
to_string("1111100111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cuft("1 us ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

slvVar := ext(cuft("20 ms ","50 MHz"),21);

assert (ext(cuft("20 ms ","50 MHz"),25) = "0000011110100001000111111")
report "count_up_for_time_test error # 13 " & LF &
to_string("0000011110100001000111111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ext(cuft("20 ms ","50 MHz"),25)) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function cufth(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return integer; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference
count_up_for_time_high_test : process
variable CNTTIME : string(1 to 6) := "10 sec";
variable SYSCLKFREQ : string(1 to 5) := "66MHz";
variable slvVar : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110"; -- 8 - 2 = 6

assert (cufth("1 us ","1E-15 yHz") = 9)
report "count_up_for_time_high_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(9) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cufth("1 us ","1E-15 yHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (cufth("8 ms ","1 kHz") = 2)
report "count_up_for_time_high_test2 error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(2) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(cufth("8 ms ","1 kHz")) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function dpfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places for an integer value

--function dpfi_syn(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places for an integer value

--function dpfr(realVal : real) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places to the left of the decimal point for a real value

--function dpfslvr(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places needed to represent the full range of the std_logic_vector passed

--function dpfslvv(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return natural; -- returns the number of decimal places needed to represent the value of the std_logic_vector passed

--function eq(vector1Val : std_logic_vector;
-- vector2Val : std_logic_vector) return boolean; -- equality check function that is sensitive to vector length

--function ext2(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
-- natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a standard logic vector, padded with zeros, to the length specified by intVal unless the vector is already longer than that
ext_test : process
constant slvVar : std_logic_vector := "0111";
variable slv1Var : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
variable slv2Var : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
variable slv3Var : std_logic_vector(slv1Var'range);


slv1Var := ext2(int_to_slv(1000),slv1Var'length);
slv2Var := ext2(int_to_slv(6),slv2Var'length);

assert (ext2(slvVar,7) = "0000111") -- 7 bits
report "ext_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ext2(slvVar,7)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (ext2(slvVar,4) = "0111") -- 4 bits
report "ext_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ext2(slvVar,4)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (ext2(slvVar,4)'length = 4) -- 4 bits
report "ext_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string(4) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(ext2(slvVar,4)'length) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function flip(vectorVal : bit_vector) return bit_vector; -- returns a bit_vector with all the bits in the reverse order

--function flip(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector with all the bits in the reverse order

--function flip(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector; -- returns a std_ulogic_vector with all the bits in the reverse order

--function floor(RealVal : in real ) return real; -- rounds a real value down the the next lowest real integer
floor_test : process

assert (floor(-9.999999) = -10.0)
report "floor_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(-10.0) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(floor(-9.999999)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (floor(9.999999) = 9.0)
report "floor_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string(9.0) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(floor(9.999999)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (integer(floor(real(4)/real(2)))-1 = 1)
report "floor_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string(1) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(integer(floor(real(4)/real(2)))-1) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function hex_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- converts a Hexadeximal string to a standard logic vector

--function int_to_slv(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the integer value passed
int_to_slv_test : process

assert (int_to_slv(1) = "01")
report "int_to_slv_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string(01) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(int_to_slv(1)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (int_to_slv(0) = "0")
report "int_to_slv_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string(0) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(int_to_slv(0)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (int_to_slv(0)'high = 0)
report "int_to_slv_test error # 2a " & LF &
to_string(0) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(int_to_slv(0)'high) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (int_to_slv(-1) = "11")
report "int_to_slv_test error # 3 " & LF &
"11" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(int_to_slv(-1)) & " : actual"
severity error;

end process;

--function itoa(intVal : integer) return string; -- common integer to string conversion function

--function lfsr(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return std_logic; -- returns the input to a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) using x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 as the primitive feedback polynomial
lfsr_test : process
constant OUTPUT_FILE : string := LOG_PATH & "lfsr_test_logfile" & LOG_EXT;
variable LogFileLine : line;
file LogFile : text; --open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
variable FileStatus : file_open_status;
type LFSRAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
type SeedAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
variable LFSRVar : LFSRAccessType;
variable SeedVar : SeedAccessType;
variable LFSRTestVar : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

file_open(LogFile, external_name => OUTPUT_FILE, open_kind => write_mode);
write(logFileLine, string'("LFSR Maximal repeats"));
write(logFileLine, string'("length length? after"));
write(logFileLine, string'("__________________________________"));
for outrLoopVar in 2 to 15 loop
LFSRVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
LFSRVar.all(loopVar) := '1';
end loop;
SeedVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
SeedVar.all(loopVar) := '1';
end loop;
for loopVar in 1 to (2**LFSRVar'length)+2 loop
--write(logFileLine, "LFSR Value : " & to_string(LFSRVar.all));
LFSRVar.all := lfsr(LFSRVar.all,"Type 2 xor");
if (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all and loopVar < (2**LFSRVar.all'length)-1 and loopVar /= 1) then
write(logFileLine, to_string(LFSRVar.all'length) & " " & "No " & to_string(loopVar));
elsif (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all) then
write(logFileLine, to_string(LFSRVar.all'length) & " " & "Yes " & to_string(loopVar));
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end process;

--function lfsr(vectorVal : std_ulogic_vector) return std_logic; -- returns the input to a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) using x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 as the primitive feedback polynomial
lfsr_test2 : process
constant OUTPUT_FILE : string := LOG_PATH & "lfsr_xnor_test_logfile" & LOG_EXT;
variable LogFileLine : line;
file LogFile : text; --open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
variable FileStatus : file_open_status;
type LFSRAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
type SeedAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
variable LFSRVar : LFSRAccessType;
variable SeedVar : SeedAccessType;
variable LFSRTestVar : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

file_open(LogFile, external_name => OUTPUT_FILE, open_kind => write_mode);
write(logFileLine, string'("LFSR Maximal repeats"));
write(logFileLine, string'("length length? after"));
write(logFileLine, string'("__________________________________"));
for outrLoopVar in 2 to 15 loop
LFSRVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
LFSRVar.all(loopVar) := '0';
end loop;
SeedVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
SeedVar.all(loopVar) := '0';
end loop;
for loopVar in 1 to (2**LFSRVar'length)+2 loop
--write(logFileLine, "LFSR Value : " & to_string(LFSRVar.all));
LFSRVar.all := lfsr(LFSRVar.all,"Type 2 xnor");
if (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all and loopVar < (2**LFSRVar.all'length)-1 and loopVar /= 1) then
write(logFileLine, to_string(LFSRVar.all'length) & " " & "No " & to_string(loopVar));
elsif (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all) then
write(logFileLine, to_string(LFSRVar.all'length) & " " & "Yes " & to_string(loopVar));
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end process;

--function lfsr_cft(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string;
-- seedVal : std_logic_vector;
-- lfsrTypeVal : string;
-- fudgeStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector is

lfsr_cft_test : process

constant OUTPUT_FILE : string := LOG_PATH & "lfsr_cft_test_logfile" & LOG_EXT;
variable LogFileLine : line;
--file LogFile : text;-- open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
constant timeVar : string := "17 ns";
constant freqVar : string := "1 GHz";
variable XNORtype : boolean := TRUE; -- TRUE if XNOR feedback FALSE if XOR
variable T2FBType : boolean := TRUE; -- TRUE if Type2 feedback FALSE if Type1
variable FBtypeStr : string(1 to 10) := "type2 XNOR";
variable LFSRVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeVar,freqVar) downto 0);
variable LFSRCompleteVar : std_logic_vector(LFSRVar'range);
variable LFSRCountTime : time;
variable LFSRCount : integer;
variable LFSRCountPeriod : time;
variable outrLoopCounter : integer := 1;
variable seedVar : std_logic_vector(LFSRVar'range) := (others => '0');


if (XNORtype and T2FBType) then
FBtypeStr := "Type2 XNOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '0');
seedVar := (others => '0');
elsif (XNORtype and not T2FBType) then
FBtypeStr := "Type1 XNOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '0');
seedVar := (others => '0');
elsif (not XNORtype and T2FBType) then
FBtypeStr := "Type2 XOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '1');
seedVar := (others => '1');
FBtypeStr := "Type1 XOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '1');
seedVar := (others => '1');
end if;

for outrLoopVar in 1 to 4 loop
if (outrLoopCounter = 1) then
FBtypeStr := "Type2 XNOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '0');
seedVar := (others => '0');
elsif (outrLoopCounter = 2) then
FBtypeStr := "Type1 XNOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '0');
seedVar := (others => '0');
elsif (outrLoopCounter = 3) then
FBtypeStr := "Type2 XOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '1');
seedVar := (others => '1');
FBtypeStr := "Type1 XOR";
LFSRVar := (others => '1');
seedVar := (others => '1');
end if;

LFSRCompleteVar := lfsr_cft(timeVar,freqVar,seedVar,FBtypeStr & "quiet","0");
LFSRCountTime := 0 ns;
LFSRCount := 0;
LFSRCountPeriod := to_period(freqVar);

for innrLoopVar in 1 to to_int(cft(timeVar,freqVar))+5 loop
if (LFSRVar = LFSRCompleteVar and LFSRCountTime < str_to_time(timeVar)) then
assert FALSE
report "lfsr_cft_test error #1" & LF &
"LFSRVar hit stop value too early" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCompleteVar) & " : expected (LFSRCompleteVar)" & LF &
to_string(LFSRVar) & " : actual LFSRVar value" & LF &
timeVar & " : expected stop time" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCountTime) & " : actual stop time" & LF &
FBtypeStr & " : FBtypeStr" & LF
severity error;
end if;
if (LFSRVar = LFSRCompleteVar and LFSRCountTime > str_to_time(timeVar)) then
assert FALSE
report "lfsr_cft_test error #2" & LF &
"LFSRVar hit stop value too late" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCompleteVar) & " : expected (LFSRCompleteVar)" & LF &
to_string(LFSRVar) & " : actual LFSRVar value" & LF &
timeVar & " : expected stop time" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCountTime) & " : actual stop time" & LF &
FBtypeStr & " : FBtypeStr" & LF
severity error;
end if;
if (LFSRCount = to_int(cft(timeVar,freqVar))) then
assert (LFSRVar = LFSRCompleteVar)
report "lfsr_cft_test error #3" & LF &
"LFSRVar /= LFSRCompleteVar at the end of the count" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCompleteVar) & " : expected (LFSRCompleteVar)" & LF &
to_string(LFSRVar) & " : actual (LFSRVar)" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCountTime) & " : stop time" & LF &
FBtypeStr & " : FBtypeStr" & LF
severity error;
end if;
if (lfsr_cft(timeVar,freqVar,seedVar,FBtypeStr & "quiet","0") /= lfsr_cft(timeVar,freqVar,seedVar,FBtypeStr & "quiet" & "syn","0")) then
assert FALSE
report "lfsr_cft_test error #4" & LF &
"simulation and synthesis versions of lfsr_cft do not match" & LF &
to_string(lfsr_cft(timeVar,freqVar,seedVar,FBtypeStr & "quiet","0")) & " : simulation version" & LF &
to_string(lfsr_cft(timeVar,freqVar,seedVar,FBtypeStr & "quiet" & "syn","0")) & " : synthesis version" & LF &
FBtypeStr & " : FBtypeStr" & LF
severity error;
end if;

LFSRVar := lfsr(LFSRVar,FBtypeStr);
LFSRCountTime := LFSRCountTime + LFSRCountPeriod;
LFSRCount := LFSRCount + 1;
end loop;
outrLoopCounter := outrLoopCounter + 1;
end loop;


end process;

--function lfsr_cft_piped(timeStrVal : string;
-- freqStrVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the value that the LFSR will contain after the amount of time specified using the frequency (or period) value passed as a reference and the seed value passed as a starting point
lfsr_cft_piped_test : process

constant OUTPUT_FILE : string := LOG_PATH & "lfsr_cft_piped_test_logfile" & LOG_EXT;
variable LogFileLine : line;
--file LogFile : text;-- open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
constant timeVar : string := "17 ns";
constant freqVar : string := "1 GHz";
variable LFSRVar : std_logic_vector(lfsr_cfth(timeVar,freqVar) downto 0);
variable LFSRCompleteVar : std_logic_vector(LFSRVar'range);
variable LFSRCountTime : time;
variable LFSRCount : integer;
variable LFSRCountPeriod : time;

LFSRCompleteVar := lfsr_cft_piped(timeVar & "quiet",freqVar);

LFSRCountTime := 0 ns;
LFSRCount := 0;
LFSRCountPeriod := to_period(freqVar);
LFSRVar := (others => '0');
for loopVar in 1 to 25 loop

if (LFSRVar = LFSRCompleteVar and LFSRCountTime /= (str_to_time(timeVar) - ((-1) * str_to_int(pipelined_comparator_latency(timeVar,freqVar)) * 1 ns))) then
assert FALSE
report "lfsr_cft_piped_test error " & LF &
to_string((str_to_time(timeVar) - ((-1) * str_to_int(pipelined_comparator_latency(timeVar,freqVar)) * 1 ns))) & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCountTime) & " : actual" & LF &
to_string(LFSRCompleteVar) & " : stop value" & LF &
to_string(LFSRVar) & " : lfsr value" & LF
severity error;
end if;

LFSRVar := lfsr(LFSRVar);
LFSRCountTime := LFSRCountTime + LFSRCountPeriod;
LFSRCount := LFSRCount + 1;

end loop;


end process;

extension_pack_lfsr_constants_generator : process
constant PACKAGE_NAME : string := "extension_pack_lfsr_constants";
constant CONSTANT_NAME : string := "lfsr_constants";
constant LowerBound : natural := LFSRLowerBound; -- lower vector width to generate the LFSR constants for (minimum of 2)
constant UpperBound : natural := LFSRUpperBound; -- upper vector width to generate the LFSR constants for
constant XNORtype : boolean := TRUE; -- TRUE if XNOR feedback FALSE if XOR
constant T2FBType : boolean := TRUE; -- TRUE if Type2 feedback FALSE if Type1
variable FBtypeStr : string(1 to 10) := "type2 XNOR";
variable fileStatusVar : file_open_status := open_ok;
variable LogFileLine : line;
file LogFile : text; --open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
type LFSRAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
type SeedAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
variable LFSRVar : LFSRAccessType;
variable SeedVar : SeedAccessType;
variable LFSRTestVar : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
file_open(fileStatusVar, LogFile, OUTPUT_FILE, write_mode);

if (fileStatusVar = open_ok) then

write(logFileLine, string'("library ieee;"));
write(logFileLine, "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;" & LF);
write(logFileLine, "package " & PACKAGE_NAME & " is" & LF);

if (XNORtype and T2FBType) then
FBtypeStr := "Type2 XNOR";
elsif (XNORtype and not T2FBType) then
FBtypeStr := "Type1 XNOR";
elsif (not XNORtype and T2FBType) then
FBtypeStr := "Type2 XOR";
FBtypeStr := "Type1 XOR";
end if;

for outrLoopVar in LowerBound to UpperBound loop
LFSRVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
if XNORtype then
LFSRVar.all(loopVar) := '0';
LFSRVar.all(loopVar) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
SeedVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
if XNORtype then
SeedVar.all(loopVar) := '0';
SeedVar.all(loopVar) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
write(logFileLine, "type " & CONSTANT_NAME & "_type" & to_string(outrLoopVar) & " is array(1 to " & to_string(2**outrLoopVar-1) & ") of std_logic_vector(" & to_string(LFSRVar.all'high) & " downto " & to_string(LFSRVar.all'low) & ");");
write(logFileLine, "constant " & CONSTANT_NAME & to_string(outrLoopVar) & " : " & CONSTANT_NAME & "_type" & to_string(outrLoopVar) &" :=(");
for loopVar in 1 to (2**LFSRVar'length)+2 loop
write(logFileLine, """" & to_string(LFSRVar.all) & """");
if (loopVar = (2**LFSRVar'length)-1) then
write(logFileLine, ");" & LF);
write(logFileLine, string'(","));
end if;
LFSRVar.all := lfsr(LFSRVar.all, FBtypeStr);
if (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all and loopVar < (2**LFSRVar.all'length)-1 and loopVar /= 1) then
elsif (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all) then
end if;
end loop;
end loop;

write(logFileLine, string'("attribute lfsrArrayLength : integer;"));
for loopVar in LowerBound to UpperBound loop
write(logFileLine, "attribute lfsrArrayLength of " & CONSTANT_NAME & to_string(loopVar) & " : constant is " & to_string(loopVar) & ";");
end loop;

write(logFileLine, LF & string'("type LFSRRecType is record"));
for loopVar in LowerBound to UpperBound loop
write(logFileLine, " \" & to_string(loopVar) & "\ : " & CONSTANT_NAME & "_type" & to_string(loopVar) & ";");
end loop;
write(logFileLine, string'("end record LFSRRecType;") & LF);

write(logFileLine, string'("constant lfsrRec : LFSRRecType :=("));
for loopVar in LowerBound to UpperBound loop
write(logFileLine, CONSTANT_NAME & to_string(loopVar));
if (loopVar = UpperBound) then
write(logFileLine, string'(");") & LF);
write(logFileLine, string'(","));
end if;
end loop;

write(logFileLine, string'("end " & PACKAGE_NAME & ";") & LF);
write(logFileLine, string'("package body " & PACKAGE_NAME & " is"));
write(logFileLine, string'("end " & PACKAGE_NAME & ";"));


elsif (fileStatusVar = status_error) then
assert FALSE
report PACKAGE_NAME & LF &
"fileStatusVar = status_error" & LF
severity error;
elsif (fileStatusVar = name_error) then
assert FALSE
report PACKAGE_NAME & LF &
"fileStatusVar = name_error" & LF
severity error;
elsif (fileStatusVar = mode_error) then
assert FALSE
report PACKAGE_NAME & LF &
"fileStatusVar = mode_error" & LF
severity error;
end if;

end process;

extension_pack_lfsr_str_generator : process
type LFSRAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
type SeedAccessType is access std_logic_vector;
file LogFile : text; --open write_mode is OUTPUT_FILE;
constant PACKAGE_NAME : string := "extension_pack_lfsr_str_constants";
constant CONSTANT_NAME : string := "lfsr_str";
constant LowerBound : natural := LFSRLowerBound; -- lower vector width to generate the LFSR constants for (minimum of 2)
constant UpperBound : natural := LFSRUpperBound; -- upper vector width to generate the LFSR constants for
constant XNORtype : boolean := TRUE; -- TRUE if XNOR feedback FALSE if XOR
variable arrayDepth : integer := 0;
variable FBtypeStr : string(1 to 4) := "XNOR";
variable fileStatusVar : file_open_status := open_ok;
variable LFSRTestVar : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable LFSRVar : LFSRAccessType;
variable LogFileLine : line;
variable SeedVar : SeedAccessType;

file_open(fileStatusVar, LogFile, OUTPUT_FILE, write_mode);

if (XNORtype) then
FBtypeStr := "XNOR";
FBtypeStr := " XOR";
end if;

if (fileStatusVar = open_ok) then

for loopVar in LowerBound to UpperBound loop
arrayDepth := 2**loopVar-1 + arrayDepth;
end loop;

write(logFileLine, string'("library ieee;"));
write(logFileLine, "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;" & LF);
write(logFileLine, "package " & PACKAGE_NAME & " is" & LF);

write(logFileLine, "type " & CONSTANT_NAME & "_type" & " is array(1 to " & to_string(arrayDepth) & ") of string(1" & " to " & to_string(UpperBound) & ");");
write(logFileLine, "constant " & CONSTANT_NAME & " : " & CONSTANT_NAME & "_type :=(");

for outrLoopVar in LowerBound to UpperBound loop
LFSRVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
if XNORtype then
LFSRVar.all(loopVar) := '0';
LFSRVar.all(loopVar) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
SeedVar := new std_logic_vector(outrLoopVar-1 downto 0);
for loopVar in outrLoopVar-1 downto 0 loop
if XNORtype then
SeedVar.all(loopVar) := '0';
SeedVar.all(loopVar) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
for loopVar in 1 to (2**LFSRVar'length)-1 loop
write(logFileLine, " " & """" & ext(to_string(LFSRVar.all),UpperBound) & """");
if (outrLoopVar = UpperBound and loopVar = (2**LFSRVar'length)-1) then
write(logFileLine, string'(");") & LF);
write(logFileLine, string'(","));
end if;
LFSRVar.all := lfsr(LFSRVar.all, FBtypeStr);
if (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all and loopVar < (2**LFSRVar.all'length)-1 and loopVar /= 1) then
elsif (LFSRVar.all = SeedVar.all) then
end if;
end loop;
end loop;

write(logFileLine, string'("attribute lfsr_str_length_low : integer;"));
write(logFileLine, "attribute lfsr_str_length_low of " & CONSTANT_NAME & " : constant is " & to_string(LowerBound) & ";" & LF);

write(logFileLine, string'("attribute lfsr_str_length_high : integer;"));
write(logFileLine, "attribute lfsr_str_length_high of " & CONSTANT_NAME & " : constant is " & to_string(UpperBound) & ";" & LF);

write(logFileLine, string'("end " & PACKAGE_NAME & ";") & LF);
write(logFileLine, string'("package body " & PACKAGE_NAME & " is"));
write(logFileLine, string'("end " & PACKAGE_NAME & ";"));


elsif (fileStatusVar = status_error) then
assert FALSE
report PACKAGE_NAME & LF &
"fileStatusVar = status_error" & LF
severity error;
elsif (fileStatusVar = name_error) then
assert FALSE
report PACKAGE_NAME & LF &
"fileStatusVar = name_error" & LF
severity error;
elsif (fileStatusVar = mode_error) then
assert FALSE
report PACKAGE_NAME & LF &
"fileStatusVar = mode_error" & LF
severity error;
end if;

end process;

--function mult_s(Multiplier : std_logic_vector;
-- Multiplicand : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- signed multiply
signed_mult_test : process


assert (mult_s("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("000","011") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 3 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("000","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("011","000") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 4 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","000")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("000","101") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 5 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("000","101")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("101","000") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 6 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("101","000")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("011","101") = "110111") -- 3 * (-3) = -9
report "mult_s error # 7 " & LF &
to_string("110111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","101")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("011","100") = "110100") -- 3 * (-4) = -12
report "mult_s error # 8 " & LF &
to_string("110100") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","100")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("101","101") = "001001") -- (-3) * (-3) = 9
report "mult_s error # 9 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("101","101")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 10 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult_s error # 11 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_s("100","100") = "010000") -- -4 * -4 = 16
report "mult_s error # 11 " & LF &
to_string("010000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("100","100")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;


end process;

--function mult_us(Multiplier : std_logic_vector;
-- Multiplicand : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- unsigned multiply
unsigned_mult_test : process


assert (mult_us("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_s("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_us("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_us("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_us("000","011") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult error # 3 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_us("000","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_us("011","000") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult error # 4 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_us("011","000")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_us("000","101") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult error # 5 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_us("000","101")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_us("101","000") = "000000") -- 0
report "mult error # 6 " & LF &
to_string("000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_us("101","000")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (mult_us("011","011") = "001001") -- 0
report "mult error # 7 " & LF &
to_string("001001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(mult_us("011","011")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;


end process;

--function nat_to_slv(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the natural value passed

--function neg(VectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns the negated value
neg_test : process

assert (neg("010") = "110")
report "neg_test error # 1 " & LF &
"110 : expected" & LF &
to_string(neg("010")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_int(neg("010")) = to_int("110"))
report "neg_test error # 2 " & LF &
"-2 : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_int(neg("010"))) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_int(neg("010000")) = to_int("110000"))
report "neg_test error # 2 " & LF &
"-16 : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_int(neg("010000"))) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function now return string; -- returns a string representation of the current simulation time
now_test : process


wait for 3 sec;

assert (now = time'image(now))
report "now_test error # 1 " & LF &
time'image(now) & " : expected" & LF &
now & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function reduce(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed
reduce_test : process


assert (reduce("00000") = "00") -- 0
report "reduce error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("11") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(reduce("00000")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (reduce("00001") = "01") -- 1
report "reduce error # 2 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(reduce("00001")) & LF
severity error;

assert (reduce("11111") = "11") -- -1
report "reduce error # 3 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("11") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(reduce("11111")) & LF
severity error;

assert (reduce("10000") = "10000") -- -16
report "reduce error # 4 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("10000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(reduce("10000")) & LF
severity error;


end process;

--function reduce_high(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

--function reduce_high_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'high value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

--function reduce_length(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'length value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed (including a sign bit)

--function reduce_length_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- returns an integer value that represents the vector'length value of a vector just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

--function reduce_unsigned(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector value just large enough to represent the standard logic vector value passed

--function seq(str1Val : string;
-- str2Val : string) return boolean;

--function shl(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
-- natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector;

--function sim_res return time; -- returns the current simulator time resolution
sim_res_test : process
assert (sim_res = 1 ns)
report "sim_res_test error # 1 " & LF &
"expected : 1 ns" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(sim_res) & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function sim_res_exp return integer; -- returns the current simulator time resolution
sim_res_exp_test : process
assert (sim_res_exp = -9)
report "sim_res_exp_test error # 1 " & LF &
"expected : -9" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(sim_res_exp) & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function slv_to_bcd(vectorVal : std_logic_vector;
-- BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using the number of BCD digits specified

--function slv_to_bcd(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using enough BCD digits to represent the largest value possible in the range of the vector passed

--function slv_to_bcd_pipe(BCD_RVal : std_logic_vector;
-- MSB_Val : std_logic;
-- BCD_DigitsVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a packed BCD number in std_logic_vector form from the std_logic_vector passed to it using the number of BCD digits specified. For pipelined operation. function must be called N times where N is the number of bits in the passed value

--function slv_to_real_s(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return real; -- converts a signed std_logic vector value to a real value

slv_to_real_s_test : process
variable intVar : integer;
assert (slv_to_real_s("010000") = 16.0)
report "slv_to_real_s_test error # 1 " & LF &
"expected : 16.0" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(slv_to_real_s("010000")) & LF
severity error;

assert (slv_to_real_s(neg("010000")) = -16.0)
report "slv_to_real_s_test error # 2 " & LF &
"expected : -16.0" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(slv_to_real_s(neg("010000"))) & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function slv_to_real_us(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return real; -- converts an unsigned std_logic vector value to a real value

--function str_to_int(stringVal : string) return integer; -- converts an Integer string to an integer
str_to_int_test : process
variable intVar : integer;
intVar := str_to_int("10"); -- 3210
assert (intVar = 10)
report "str_to_int_test error # 1 " & LF &
"expected : 10" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(intVar) & LF
severity error;

intVar := str_to_int("E-10 sec"); -- 3210
assert (intVar = -10)
report "str_to_int_test error # 2 " & LF &
"expected : -10" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(intVar) & LF
severity error;

intVar := str_to_int("E-6 sec"); -- 3210
assert (intVar = -6)
report "str_to_int_test error # 3 " & LF &
"expected : -6" & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(intVar) & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function str_to_led(stringVal : string;
-- CAVal : boolean) return std_logic_vector; -- converts a Hexadecimal string of any length to a std_logic_vector for seven segment LEDs

--function str_to_time(stringVal : string) return time;
str_to_time_test : process

--assert (str_to_time("1 ps") = 1 ps) -- 0
--report "str_to_time error # 1 " & LF &
--"1 ps : expected" & LF &
--to_string(str_to_time("1 ps")) & " : actual"
--severity error;

assert (str_to_time("1 ns") = 1 ns) -- 0
report "str_to_time error # 2 " & LF &
"1 ns : expected" & LF &
to_string(str_to_time("1 ns")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (str_to_time("50 ns") = 50 ns) -- 0
report "str_to_time error # 3 " & LF &
"50 ns : expected" & LF &
to_string(str_to_time("50 ns")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (str_to_time("50 us") = 50 us) -- 0
report "str_to_time error # 4 " & LF &
"50 us : expected" & LF &
to_string(str_to_time("50 us")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (str_to_time("50 ms") = 50 ms) -- 0
report "str_to_time error # 5 " & LF &
"50 ms : expected" & LF &
to_string(str_to_time("50 ms")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function strval_to_real(stringVal : string;
-- timeBaseVal : integer) return real; -- converts an Integer, Real, Time (or period), or Frequency value, in string form, of any length to a real using the integer time base exponent value passed as a reference

strval_to_real_test : process

--assert (strval_to_real("1 s",sim_res) = 1.0E9) -- 0
--report "strval_to_real_test error # 1 " & LF &
--"1.0E9 : expected" & LF &
--to_string(strval_to_real("1 s",sim_res)) & " : actual" & LF
--severity error;

end process;

--function strval_to_real(stringVal : string) return real; -- converts an Integer, Real, Time (or period), or Frequency value, in string form, of any length to a real using the VHDL default of 1 fs as a time base

strval_to_real2_test : process

assert (strval_to_real("1 s") = 1.0E15)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 1 " & LF &
"1.0E15 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 s")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 ms") = 1.0E12)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 2 " & LF &
"1.0E12 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 ms")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 us") = 1.0E9)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 3 " & LF &
"1.0E9 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 us")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 ns") = 1.0E6)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 4 " & LF &
"1.0E6 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 ns")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 Hz") = 1.0E15)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 5 " & LF &
"1.0E15 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 Hz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 kHz") = 1.0E12)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 6 " & LF &
"1.0E12 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 kHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 MHz") = 1.0E9)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 7 " & LF &
"1.0E9 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 MHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_real("1 GHz") = 1.0E6)
report "strval_to_real2_test error # 8 " & LF &
"1.0E6 : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_real("1 GHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function strval_to_slv(stringVal : string) return std_logic_vector; -- converts an Integer, in string form, of any length to a std_logic_vector
strval_to_slv_test : process

assert (strval_to_slv("1") = "01") -- 0
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("01") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("0") = "0") -- 0
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("00") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("0")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("-1") = "11") -- -1
report "bcd_to_led_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("11") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("-1")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("10 us") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 1 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("10 us")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10 us") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 2 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10 us")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10 us ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 3 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10 us ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10.0 us ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 4 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10.0 us ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 0.0100 ms ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 5 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 0.0100 ms ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 0.0000100sec ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 6 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 0.0000100sec ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10E-6 sec ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 6a " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10E-6 sec ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10,000,000,000 ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 7 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10,000,000,000 ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 100,000Hz ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 8 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 100,000Hz ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 100kHz ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 9 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 100kHz ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 0.1MHz ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 9a " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 0.1MHz ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" .1 MHz ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 9b " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" .1 MHz ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 0.0001GHz ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 10 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 0.0001GHz ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10E 9 ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 11 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10E 9 ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10E+9 ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 12 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10E+9 ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10.0000000E+9 ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 13 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10.0000000E+9 ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 10.0000000E+9.000 ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 13b " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 10.0000000E+9.000 ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 14 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 1") = "01")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 15a " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 1")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" -1") = "11")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 15b " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("11") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" -1")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1") = "01")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 16 " & LF &
to_string("01") & " : expected"
& LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("10") = "01010")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 17 " & LF &
to_string("01010") & " : expected"
& LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("10")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ ps ns MHz") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 18 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ Hz") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 19 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv(" 100,000 HZ 234sec") = "01001010100000010111110010000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 20 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01001010100000010111110010000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv(" 100E+3 HZ 234sec")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 day") = "01001010111100001010011101100011101110110001110000000000000000000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 21 " & LF &
to_string("01001010111100001010011101100011101110110001110000000000000000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 day")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 hr") = "011000111110101110001001110110100100111011010000000000000000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 22 " & LF &
to_string("011000111110101110001001110110100100111011010000000000000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 hr")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 min") = "011010101001010011010111010011110100001100000000000000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 23 " & LF &
to_string("011010101001010011010111010011110100001100000000000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 min")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 sec") = "011100011010111111010100100110001101000000000000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 24 " & LF &
to_string("011100011010111111010100100110001101000000000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 sec")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 ms") = "01110100011010100101001010001000000000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 25 " & LF &
to_string("01110100011010100101001010001000000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 ms")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 us") = "0111011100110101100101000000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 26 " & LF &
to_string("0111011100110101100101000000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 us")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 ns") = "011110100001001000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 27 " & LF &
to_string("011110100001001000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 ns")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 ps") = "01111101000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 28 " & LF &
to_string("01111101000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 ps")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 fs") = "01") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 29 " & LF &
to_string("01") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 fs")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 as",-24) = "011110100001001000000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 30 " & LF &
to_string("011110100001001000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 as",-24)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 zs",-24) = "01111101000") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 31 " & LF &
to_string("01111101000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 zs",-24)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 ys",-24) = "01") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 32 " & LF &
to_string("01") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 ys",-24)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs") = "01001110000111011000111100110011111100101100110000111010000000101001") -- 0
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 33 " & LF &
to_string("01001110000111011000111100110011111100101100110000111010000000101001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(strval_to_slv("1 day 1 hr 1 min 1 sec 1 ms 1 us 1 ns 1 ps 1 fs")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 Hz") = "011100011010111111010100100110001101000000000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 34 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("011100011010111111010100100110001101000000000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("1 Hz")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 kHz") = "01110100011010100101001010001000000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 35 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01110100011010100101001010001000000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("1 kHz")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 MHz") = "0111011100110101100101000000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 36 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("0111011100110101100101000000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("1 MHz")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 GHz") = "011110100001001000000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 37 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("011110100001001000000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("1 GHz")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 THz") = "01111101000")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 38 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01111101000") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("1 THz")) & LF
severity error;

assert (strval_to_slv("1 PHz") = "01")
report "strval_to_slv_test error # 39 " & LF &
"expected : " & to_string("01") & LF &
"actual : " & to_string(strval_to_slv("1 PHz")) & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function strval_to_slv_high(stringVal : string) return integer; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the intever value (in string form) passed

--function strval_to_slv_var_base(stringVal : string;
-- intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- converts an Integer, in string form, of any length to a std_logic_vector using the time base passed

--function strval_to_slv_var_base_high(stringVal : string;
-- intVal : integer) return integer; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the intever value (in string form) passed using the timebase value

--function strh(stringVal : string) return integer;

sxt_test : process
constant slvVar : std_logic_vector := "0111";
variable slv1Var : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
variable slv2Var : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
variable slv3Var : std_logic_vector(slv1Var'range);


slv1Var := sxt2(int_to_slv(-1000),slv1Var'length);
slv2Var := sxt2(int_to_slv(-6),slv2Var'length);

assert (sxt2(slvVar,7) = "0000111") -- 7 bits
report "sxt2_test error # 1 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(sxt2(slvVar,7)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (sxt2(slvVar,4) = "0111") -- 4 bits
report "sxt2_test error # 2 " & LF &
to_string("0000111") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(sxt2(slvVar,4)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (sxt2("1001",7) = "1111001") -- 7 bits
report "sxt2_test error # 3 " & LF &
to_string("1111001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(sxt2("1001",7)) & " : actual"
severity error;

assert (sxt2("00",7) = "0000000") -- 4 bits
report "sxt2_test error # 4 " & LF &
to_string("0000000") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(sxt2("00",7)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (sxt2("1001",4) = "1001") -- 7 bits
report "sxt2_test error # 5 " & LF &
to_string("1001") & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(sxt2("1001",7)) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function to_int(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- repackaging of "conv_integer" function

----function to_period(freqVal : frequency) return time; -- returns a one cycle period value for a given frequency
--to_period_test : process
--assert (to_period(1 Hz) = 1 sec)
--report "to_period_test error # 1 " & LF &
-- "1 sec" & " : expected" & LF &
-- to_string(to_period(1 Hz)) & " : actual" & LF
--severity error;
--assert (to_period(1 kHz) = 1 ms)
--report "to_period_test error # 2 " & LF &
-- "1 ms" & " : expected" & LF &
-- to_string(to_period(1 kHz)) & " : actual" & LF
--severity error;
--assert (to_period(1 MHz) = 1 us)
--report "to_period_test error # 3 " & LF &
-- "1 us" & " : expected" & LF &
-- to_string(to_period(1 MHz)) & " : actual" & LF
--severity error;
--assert (to_period(1 GHz) = 1 ns)
--report "to_period_test error # 4 " & LF &
-- "1 ns" & " : expected" & LF &
-- to_string(to_period(1 GHz)) & " : actual" & LF
--severity error;
--end process;

--function to_period(freqStrVal : string) return time; -- returns a one cycle period value for a given frequency
to_period2_test : process

assert (to_period("1 Hz") = 1 sec)
report "to_period2_test error # 1 " & LF &
"1 sec" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 Hz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 kHz") = 1 ms)
report "to_period2_test error # 2 " & LF &
"1 ms" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 kHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 MHz") = 1 us)
report "to_period2_test error # 3 " & LF &
"1 us" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 MHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("33 MHz") = 30.303030303030303030 ns)
report "to_period2_test error # 3a " & LF &
"30.303030303030303030 ns" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("33 MHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 GHz") = 1 ns)
report "to_period2_test error # 4 " & LF &
"1 ns" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 GHz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 THz") = 1 ps)
report "to_period2_test error # 5 " & LF &
"1 ps" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 THz")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 ns") = 1 ns)
report "to_period2_test error # 6 " & LF &
"1 ns" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 ns")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 us") = 1 us)
report "to_period2_test error # 7 " & LF &
"1 us" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 us")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 ms") = 1 ms)
report "to_period2_test error # 8 " & LF &
"1 us" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 ms")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("123.4568 ms") = 123.4568 ms)
report "to_period2_test error # 8a " & LF &
"123.4568 ms" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("123.4568 ms")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_period("1 sec") = 1 sec)
report "to_period2_test error # 9 " & LF &
"1 sec" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(to_period("1 sec")) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function to_string(intVal : integer) return string; -- returns a string value for an integer value passed
to_string_test1 : process

assert (to_string(2147000000) = "2147000000")
report "to_string_test1 error # 1 " & LF &
"2147000000" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(2147000000) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_string(-2147000000) = "-2147000000")
report "to_string_test1 error # 2 " & LF &
"-2147000000" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(-2147000000) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function to_string(realVal : real) return string; -- returns a string value for an real value passed
to_string_test2 : process

assert (to_string(1.000000e+308) = "1.000000e+308")
report "to_string_test2 error # 1 " & LF &
"1.000000e+308" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(1.000000e+308) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_string(1.000000e-308) = "1.000000e-308")
report "to_string_test2 error # 2 " & LF &
"1.000000e-308" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(1.000000e-308) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_string(-1.000000e-308) = "-1.000000e-308")
report "to_string_test2 error # 3 " & LF &
"-1.000000e-308" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(-1.000000e-308) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function to_string(timeVal : time) return string;
to_string_test3 : process

assert (to_string(3 ns) = "3 ns")
report "to_string_test3 error # 1 " & LF &
"3 ns" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(3 ns) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

assert (to_string(2040 ns) = "2040 ns")
report "to_string_test3 error # 2 " & LF &
"2040 ns" & " : expected" & LF &
to_string(2040 ns) & " : actual" & LF
severity error;

end process;

--function to_string(vectorVal : std_logic_vector) return string;

--function vhfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the integer value passed. This assumes the rest of the range declaration of the vector will be "downto 0"

--function vhfn(natVal : natural) return natural; -- returns the high value to be used in the range declaration of a vector used to represent the natural value passed. This assumes the rest of the range declaration of the vector will be "downto 0"

--function vlfi(intVal : integer) return natural; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the integer value passed

--function vlfn(natVal : natural) return natural; -- returns an integer representing the length of a vector needed to represent the natural value passed

--function vrfi(intVal : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector with a range just large enough to represent the integer value passed

--function vrfn(natVal : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- returns a std_logic_vector with a range just large enough to represent the natural value passed

---- Procedure Declarations
--procedure clkgen(
-- constant clkFreqSig : in frequency;
-- signal clkSig : out std_logic);
--procedure clkgen(
-- signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
-- signal clkFreqSig : in frequency;
-- signal clkSig : out std_logic);
--procedure clkgen(
-- signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
-- signal clkPeriodSig : in time;
-- constant clkDutySig : in real;
-- signal clkResetSig : in boolean;
-- signal clkSig : inout std_logic);
--procedure clkgen(
-- signal clkEnSig : in boolean;
-- signal clkFreqSig : in frequency;
-- constant clkDutySig : in real;
-- signal clkResetSig : in boolean;
-- signal clkSig : inout std_logic);
--procedure FF(
-- signal Clk : in std_logic;
-- signal Rst : in std_logic;
-- signal D : in std_logic_vector;
-- signal Q : out std_logic_vector);
--procedure slv_to_bcd(
-- signal BCD_RIn : in std_logic_vector;
-- signal BinIn : in std_logic_vector;
-- signal BinFBIn : in std_logic_vector;
-- signal ClkIn : in std_logic;
-- constant BCD_DigitsVal : in integer;
-- signal EnIn : in std_logic;
-- signal RstLowIn : in std_logic;
-- signal BCD_ROut : out std_logic_vector;
-- signal Bin_ROut : out std_logic_vector;
-- signal DoneOut : out std_logic);

--exp_test : process
--variable timeBaseVar : std_logic_vector(500 downto 0);
--variable lineVar : line;
-- timeBaseVar := ext("01",timeBaseVar'length);
-- for loopVar in 1 to 50 loop
-- timeBaseVar := timeBaseVar(timeBaseVar'high-4 downto 0) * "1010";
---- write(lineVar,to_string(real(reduce_high(timeBaseVar))/real(loopVar)));
---- write(lineVar,LF);
-- assert FALSE
-- report
-- to_string(real(reduce_high(timeBaseVar))/real(loopVar)) & LF
-- severity note;
-- end loop;
-- wait;
--end process;

--assert FALSE
--severity failure;

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