Extracting functions from C/C++ using Perl, would like Code Review Help if possible



First installment.
This was inspired by some other post on here.
I was wondering if I could get a review of my preliminary.
I need constructive critque's.

Thank you!
- sln

## ===============================================
## C_FunctionParser_v1.pl
## -------------------------------
## C/C++ Style Function Parser
## Idea - To parse out C/C++ style functions
## that have parenthetical closures (some don't).
## (Could be a package some day, dunno, maybe ..)
## - sln *** @ 2/6/09
## ===============================================
my $VERSION = 1.0;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Prototype's
sub Find_Function(\$\@);

# File-scoped variables
my ($FxParse,$FName,$Preamble);

# Set default function name

## ----------------------
## Main (user play area)
## ----------------------

# Source file
my $Source = join '', <DATA>;

# Extended, possibly non-compliant, function name - pattern examples:
# SetFunctionName(qr/_T/);
# SetFunctionName(qr/\(\s*void\s*\)\s*function/);
# SetFunctionName("\\(\\s*void\\s*\\)\\s*function");

# Parse some functions
# func ...
my @Funct = ();
Find_Function($Source, @Funct);
# func2 ...
my @Funct2 = ();
Find_Function($Source, @Funct2);

# Print @Funct functions found
# Note that segments can be modified and collated.
if (!@Funct) {
print "Function name pattern: '$FName' not found!\n";
} else {
print "\nFound ".@Funct." matches.\nFunction pattern: '$FName' \n";
for my $ref (@Funct) {
printf "\n\@: %6d - %s\n", $$ref[3], substr($Source, $$ref[0], $$ref[2] - $$ref[0]);

## ----------
## End Main
## ----------

# ---------------------------------------------------------

# Set the parser's function regex pattern
sub SetFunctionName
if (!@_) {
$FName = "_*[a-zA-Z][\\w]*"; # Matches all compliant function names (default)
} else {
$FName = shift;
$Preamble = "\\s*\\(";

# Compile function parser regular expression
# Regex condensed:
# $FxParse = qr!/{2}.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/|\\.|'["()]'|(")|($FName$Preamble)|(\()|(\))!s;
# | | |1 1|2 2|3 3|4 4
# Note - Non-Captured, matching items, are meant to consume!
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Regex /xpanded (with commentary):
$FxParse = # Regex Precedence (items MUST be in this order):
qr! # -----------------------------------------------
/{2}.*?\n | # comment - // + anything + end of line
/\*.*?\*/ | # comment - /* + anything + */
\\. | # escaped char - backslash + ANY character
'["()]' | # single quote char - quote then one of ", (, or ), then quote
(") | # capture $1 - double quote as a flag
($FName$Preamble) | # capture $2 - $FName + $Preamble
(\() | # capture $3 - ( as a flag
(\)) # capture $4 - ) as a flag

# Recursive procedure that finds C/C++ style functions
# (the engine)
# Notes:
# - This is not a syntax checker !!!
# - Nested functions are found recursively, but the search is still streamed and single pass.
# - Parenthetical closures are determined via counter that persists in recursion.
# - This precedence avoids all ambigous paranthetical open/close conditions:
# 1. Dual comment styles.
# 2. Escapes.
# 3. Single quoted characters.
# 4. Double quotes, fip-flopped to determine closure.
# - Improper closures are reported, index removed from the stack and processing continues
# (this would be a syntax error, ie: the code won't complie, but it is reported as a closure error).
sub Find_Function(\$\@)
my ($src,$Funct,$offset,$pos,$Ndx,$Lines) = @_;

my ($closure,$dquotes,$aref,$misc) = (1,0,[],1);
$pos = 0 if (!defined $pos);
$offset = 0 if (!defined $offset);
$Ndx = $aref if (!defined $Ndx);
$Lines = \$misc if (!defined $Lines);
pos($$src) = $pos;

while ($$src =~ /$FxParse/gc)
if (defined $1) # double quote "
$dquotes = !$dquotes;
next if ($dquotes);

if (defined $2) # 'function name'
# ------------------------------------
# Placeholder for exclusions......
# ------------------------------------

# Cache the current function index
push @$Ndx, scalar(@$Funct);
my ($funcpos, $parampos) = ( $-[0], pos($$src) );

# Get newlines since last function
$$Lines += substr ($$src, $offset, $funcpos - $offset) =~ tr/\n//;
# print $$Lines,"\n";

# Save positions: function( parms )
push @$Funct , [$funcpos, $parampos, 0, $$Lines];

# Recurse this procedure
($offset, pos($$src)) = &Find_Function ( $src, $Funct, $funcpos, $parampos, $Ndx, $Lines );
elsif (defined $3) # '('
elsif (defined $4) # ')'
if ($closure <= 0)
$closure = 0;
if (@$Ndx)
# Pop index stack, assign closure, return function/closure positions
$$Funct[pop @$Ndx][2] = pos($$src);
return ($offset, pos($$src));

# To test an error, either take off the closure of a function in its source,
# or force it this way (but is pseudo error, make sure you have data in @$Funct):
# push @$Ndx, 1;

# Should only get here once.
# Its an error if index stack has elements
if (@$Ndx)
## BAD RETURN ... take this one off, try to recover
my $func_index = pop @$Ndx;
my $ref = $$Funct[$func_index];
$$ref[2] = $$ref[1];
print STDERR "** Bad return, index = $func_index\n";
print "** Error! Unclosed function [$func_index], line ".
$$ref[3].": '".substr ($$src, $$ref[0], $$ref[2] - $$ref[0] )."'\n";
return ($offset, pos($$src));



First installment.
This was inspired by some other post on here.
I was wondering if I could get a review of my preliminary.
I need constructive critque's.

Thank you!
- sln

## ===============================================
## C_FunctionParser_v1.pl
## -------------------------------

Version 2 - same as v1 except the recursion was taken out of
Find_Function(). This speeds it up and was not really needed.

Don't worry I won't be posting meanial fixes, this should have
been the initial post and just trying to correct the base.

So version 3 will have significant modifications.
Mods like exclusions for language intrinsics (for,if,while,case,etc..),
distinctions for typedefs, macros, prototypes, class declarations, methods,
and expanding the parametric position data like pre/post line feeds and nesting

I won't post any more of this unless it turns out to be a bit more usefull then
it is right now. If anything it will be a couple of weeks, if it doesen't pan out
then none at all. There is probably modules that do it all and this is a waste of time.
But, any helpfull comments on the code or what its doing are welcome.

- sln

## ===============================================
## C_FunctionParser_v2.pl @ 2/7/09
## -------------------------------
## C/C++ Style Function Parser
## Idea - To parse out C/C++ style functions
## that have parenthetical closures (some don't).
## (Could be a package some day, dunno, maybe ..)
## - sln
## ===============================================
my $VERSION = 2.0;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Prototype's
sub Find_Function(\$\@);

# File-scoped variables
my ($FxParse,$FName,$Preamble);

# Set default function name

## --------
## Main
## --------

# Source file
my $Source = join '', <DATA>;

# Extended, possibly non-compliant, function name - pattern examples:
# SetFunctionName(qr/_T/);
# SetFunctionName(qr/\(\s*void\s*\)\s*function/);
# SetFunctionName("\\(\\s*void\\s*\\)\\s*function");

# Parse some functions
# func ...
my @Funct = ();
Find_Function($Source, @Funct);
# func2 ...
my @Funct2 = ();
Find_Function($Source, @Funct2);

# Print @Funct functions found
# Note that segments can be modified and collated.
if (!@Funct) {
print "Function name pattern: '$FName' not found!\n";
} else {
print "\nFound ".@Funct." matches.\nFunction pattern: '$FName' \n";
for my $ref (@Funct) {
printf "\n\@: %6d - %s\n", $$ref[3], substr($Source, $$ref[0], $$ref[2] - $$ref[0]);

## ----------
## End
## ----------

# ---------------------------------------------------------

# Set the parser's function regex pattern
sub SetFunctionName
if (!@_) {
$FName = "_*[a-zA-Z][\\w]*"; # Matches all compliant function names (default)
} else {
$FName = shift;
$Preamble = "\\s*\\(";

# Compile function parser regular expression
# Regex condensed:
# $FxParse = qr!/{2}.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/|\\.|'["()]'|(")|($FName$Preamble)|(\()|(\))!s;
# | | |1 1|2 2|3 3|4 4
# Note - Non-Captured, matching items, are meant to consume!
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Regex /xpanded (with commentary):
$FxParse = # Regex Precedence (items MUST be in this order):
qr! # -----------------------------------------------
/{2}.*?\n | # comment - // + anything + end of line
/\*.*?\*/ | # comment - /* + anything + */
\\. | # escaped char - backslash + ANY character
'["()]' | # single quote char - quote then one of ", (, or ), then quote
(") | # capture $1 - double quote as a flag
($FName$Preamble) | # capture $2 - $FName + $Preamble
(\() | # capture $3 - ( as a flag
(\)) # capture $4 - ) as a flag

# Procedure that finds C/C++ style functions
# (the engine)
# Notes:
# - This is not a syntax checker !!!
# - Nested functions index and closure are cached. The search is single pass.
# - Parenthetical closures are determined via cached counter.
# - This precedence avoids all ambigous paranthetical open/close conditions:
# 1. Dual comment styles.
# 2. Escapes.
# 3. Single quoted characters.
# 4. Double quotes, fip-flopped to determine closure.
# - Improper closures are reported, with the last one reliably being the likely culprit
# (this would be a syntax error, ie: the code won't complie, but it is reported as a closure error).
sub Find_Function(\$\@)
my ($src,$Funct) = @_;
my @Ndx = ();
my @Closure = ();
my ($Lines,$offset,$closure,$dquotes) = (1,0,0,0);

while ($$src =~ /$FxParse/g)
if (defined $1) # double quote "
$dquotes = !$dquotes;
next if ($dquotes);

if (defined $2) # 'function name'
# ------------------------------------
# Placeholder for exclusions......
# ------------------------------------

# Cache the current function index and current closure
push @Ndx, scalar(@$Funct);
push @Closure, $closure;

my ($funcpos, $parampos) = ( $-[0], pos($$src) );

# Get newlines since last function
$Lines += substr ($$src, $offset, $funcpos - $offset) =~ tr/\n//;
# print $Lines,"\n";

# Save positions: function( parms )
push @$Funct , [$funcpos, $parampos, 0, $Lines];

# Asign new offset
$offset = $funcpos;
# Closure is now 1 because of preamble '('
$closure = 1;
elsif (defined $3) # '('
elsif (defined $4) # ')'
if ($closure <= 0)
$closure = 0;
if (@Ndx)
# Pop index and closure, store position
$$Funct[pop @Ndx][2] = pos($$src);
$closure = pop @Closure;

# To test an error, either take off the closure of a function in its source,
# or force it this way (pseudo error, make sure you have data in @$Funct):
# push @Ndx, 1;

# Its an error if index stack has elements.
# The last one reported is the likely culprit.
if (@Ndx)
## All elements in stack have to be fixed up
while (@Ndx) {
my $func_index = shift @Ndx;
my $ref = $$Funct[$func_index];
$$ref[2] = $$ref[1];
print STDERR "** Bad return, index = $func_index\n";
print "** Error! Unclosed function [$func_index], line ".
$$ref[3].": '".substr ($$src, $$ref[0], $$ref[2] - $$ref[0] )."'\n";
return 0;
return 1


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