FAQ Proposed Anchor Names


Randy Webb

The list below has the current section number, proposed anchor name, and
then the current title of that section. Some make sense, some don't.
There are a few that don't have proposed anchor names yet as I couldn't
come up with a decent anchor name. Some anchor names are duplicated
(#ajax is one), where the idea would be to combine those entries into
one entry.

Any proposed anchor name changes, thoughts, or ideas are welcome.

The major problem with changing from numbers to word anchors are the
links in the archives. Three possible solutions that I have come up with
so far are:

1) A script in the FAQ to redirect from number anchors to word anchors.
It would be a simple array that maps from old to new anchors and uses
location.replace to redirect. The problem would be alerting users to
change bookmarks to reflect the new anchors.

2) Double anchors. Adding multiple anchors to an entry so that old
anchors and new anchors still work. The problem with this approach is
that it almost defeats the purpose of changing to word anchors. It could
also lead to 3/4/5 anchors in one spot.

3) A server solution to redirect to the new anchor with a note to the
user to re-bookmark with the new anchor.

If anybody has a different solution, feel free to post it.

1 #meta
meta-FAQ meta-questions
2 #tips
comp.lang.javascript tips
2.1 #newsgroups
Which newsgroup deals with javascript?
2.2 #offtopic
What questions are off-topic for clj?
2.3 #homework <g>
What do I have to do before posting to clj?
2.4 #notAnswered
Why was my post not answered?
2.5 #direct
How do I direct someone to this FAQ?
2.6 #ecmascript
What is ECMAScript?
2.7 #jscript
What is JScript?
2.8 #objectmodel
What are object models?
2.9 #dom
What is the document object model?
2.10 #international
Internationalisation in javascript.
2.11 #archives
.. Where are the clj archives located?
2.12 #future
What does the future hold for ECMAScript?
3 #resources
javascript resources
3.1 #books
What books cover javascript?
3.2 #onlineresources
What online resources are available?
4 #quickAnswers
Quick Answers
4.1 #protect
How do I protect my javascript code?
4.2 #disable
How can I disable the back button in a web browser?
4.3 #clientFile
How can I access the client-side filesystem?
4.4 #cookies
How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?
4.5 #protect
How can I protect a webpage in javascript?
4.6 #rounding
How do I convert a Number into a String with exactly 2 decimal places?
4.7 #rounding
Why does 5 * 1.015 != 5.075 or 0.06+0.01 != 0.07?
4.8 #frameCommunications
How do I communicate between frames in a web browser?
4.9 #windowSize
How do I find the size of the window/browser canvas area?
4.10 #childWindow
How do I check to see if a childwindow is open, before opening
4.11 #framePrint
Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE?
4.12 #parseInt
Why does parseInt('09') give an error?
4.13 #formAccess
How do I get the value of a form control?
4.14 #windowClose
How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one?
4.15 #dynWrite
How do I modify the current page in a browser?
4.16 #trimSpace
How do I trim whitespace - LTRIM/RTRIM/TRIM?
4.17 #cache
How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching?
How do I get a perl/asp/php variable into client-side js?

A search of the archives turns up zero references to 4.18 and/or 4_18
other than FAQ postings.

4.19 #security
Why do I get permission denied when accessing a frame/window?
4.20 #setTimeout
How do I make a 10 second delay?
4.21 #convert
Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?
4.22 #random
How do I generate a random integer in [1..N]?
4.23 #print
How do I change print settings with window.print()?
I have <a href="javascript:somefunction()"> what ... ?
4.25 #formAccess
My element is named myselect[] , how do I access it?
4.26 #browserDetect
How do I detect Opera/Netscape/IE?
4.27 #disableMouse
How do I disable the right mouse button?
4.28 #confirmBox
How do I change the confirm box to say yes/no or default to cancel?
4.29 #logout
How do I log-out a user when they leave my site?
4.30 #lastModified
How do I format Last Modified date with javascript
4.31 #rollovers
Why are my Rollovers so slow?
How do I change the text in the url/location bar?

A search of the archives for 4.32 returns 19 hits
Of those 19:
15 are FAQ postings
1 is a legitimate answer to a question.

A search of the archives for 4_32 returns 1 hit

4.33 #saveAs
How do I prompt a "Save As" dialog for an accepted mime type?
4.34 #serverScript
How do I run a server side script?
4.35 #status
I have window.status="Moomin"; why doesn't the statusbar change?
4.36 #changeChrome
How do I modify the current browser window?
How do I POST a form to a new window?
4.38 #ajax
How do I download a page to a variable?
4.39 #bracketNotation
How do I access a property of an object using a string?
4.40 #eval
When should I use eval?
4.41 #globalVariables
Why doesn't the global variable "divId" always refer to the
element with id="divId"?
4.42 #newWindow although #popups might be better
How do I open a new window with javascript?
4.43 #errorReport
How do I get my browser to report javascript errors?
4.44 #ajax
What is AJAX?
5 #comments
Comments and Suggestions
5.1 #faqentry
Why do some posts have <FAQENTRY> in them ?
5.2 #suggestion
How do I make a suggestion?

Michael Winter

Randy said:
Any proposed anchor name changes, thoughts, or ideas are welcome.

I'm happy so long as acronyms - especially those formed from the topic
titles - aren't used.
The major problem with changing from numbers to word anchors are the
links in the archives. Three possible solutions that I have come up with
so far are:

1) A script in the FAQ to redirect from number anchors to word anchors.
It would be a simple array that maps from old to new anchors and uses
location.replace to redirect. The problem would be alerting users to
change bookmarks to reflect the new anchors.

2) Double anchors. Adding multiple anchors to an entry so that old
anchors and new anchors still work. The problem with this approach is
that it almost defeats the purpose of changing to word anchors. It could
also lead to 3/4/5 anchors in one spot.

This could be modified to display a message that the destination anchor
has changed. For a transitional period - say, a year - a notice could be
added advertising the changes, and the notice could be moved if the user
arrives using an old fragment. It wouldn't work for everyone, but for many.

The end of the transitional period would be awkward, though, as URIs in
the archives would only lead to the FAQ, rather than the intended part.

Just another alternative.
3) A server solution to redirect to the new anchor with a note to the
user to re-bookmark with the new anchor.

A request doesn't include the fragment identifier, so the server will
never know if it's old or not. Relocation to a part of the document is
performed by the client.




Michael Winter wrote on 19 dec 2006 in comp.lang.javascript:
This could be modified to display a message that the destination
anchor has changed. For a transitional period - say, a year - a notice
could be added advertising the changes, and the notice could be moved
if the user arrives using an old fragment. It wouldn't work for
everyone, but for many.

The end of the transitional period would be awkward, though, as URIs
in the archives would only lead to the FAQ, rather than the intended

Why not keep dual anchors for a few years,
while showing the value of the new ones only?

<a name='old123'></a><a name='new456' title='new456'><hr></a>

Dr J R Stockton

In comp.lang.javascript message <[email protected]>,
4.6 #rounding
How do I convert a Number into a String with exactly 2 decimal places?
4.7 #rounding
Why does 5 * 1.015 != 5.075 or 0.06+0.01 != 0.07?

Those sections should not be combined, and #rounding is not
appropriate for 4.7. Maybe #accuracy ?

4.7 Subject : suggest change from/to
4.7 Why does 5 * 1.015 != 5.075 or 0.06+0.01 != 0.07?
4.7 Why do 5 * 1.015 != 5.075 and 0.06+0.01 != 0.07 ?

Randy Webb

Evertjan. said the following on 12/19/2006 4:23 PM:
Michael Winter wrote on 19 dec 2006 in comp.lang.javascript:

Why not keep dual anchors for a few years,
while showing the value of the new ones only?

<a name='old123'></a><a name='new456' title='new456'><hr></a>

It would be trivial to do, but, it doesn't alert the user to change
bookmarks or even let them know that the anchors have been changed. And
the whole idea was to get away from the numbered anchors and go to word

In the end, in order to maintain the URL's in the archives, it may be
the only way to do it.

Randy Webb

Dr J R Stockton said the following on 12/19/2006 5:38 PM:
In comp.lang.javascript message <[email protected]>,

Those sections should not be combined, and #rounding is not
appropriate for 4.7. Maybe #accuracy ?

Yes, accuracy would be a better anchor name for 4.7. I considering
combining them because they are so closely associated as both deal with
modifying numbers.
4.7 Subject : suggest change from/to
4.7 Why does 5 * 1.015 != 5.075 or 0.06+0.01 != 0.07?
4.7 Why do 5 * 1.015 != 5.075 and 0.06+0.01 != 0.07 ?

I think the way it is worded implies you can have either situation where
using "and", to me, implies you are looking for an answer to both, not
one or the other.

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