hi all.
whenever I change the VHDL code(only a little change like replacing a<=b with a<=not(b) ), ISE starts to do all sequencess(synthesize,translate,map,Place&Route) from first for all design and so takes several minuits to make bit file,while i have changed only a little portion of hardware(VHDL code).
is there any solution to accelerate this process when changes in the code are very little?
I mean is there any way to force ISE to only Place&Route the changed section?
whenever I change the VHDL code(only a little change like replacing a<=b with a<=not(b) ), ISE starts to do all sequencess(synthesize,translate,map,Place&Route) from first for all design and so takes several minuits to make bit file,while i have changed only a little portion of hardware(VHDL code).
is there any solution to accelerate this process when changes in the code are very little?
I mean is there any way to force ISE to only Place&Route the changed section?