In message said:
I *suspect* that this has something to do with the browser keeping the
connection to WEBrick alive. Perhaps WEBrick can't shut down as long as
there is an active connection, and it has to wait for that connection to
time out? Can anyone comment on how feasible this might be?
The attached patch adds a hook to wait till a request
arrives. But I don't know whether "io/wait" is usable on
every platform.
BTW, the keep-alive feature is disabled when the following
parameter is given.
:HTTPVersion => WEBrick::HTTPVersion.new("1.0")
Index: lib/webrick/httpserver.rb
RCS file: /var/cvs/src/ruby/lib/webrick/httpserver.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -p -F^[^A-Za-z0-9_+-]*\(class\|module\|def\)[^A-Za-z0-9_+-] -r1.8 httpserver.rb
--- lib/webrick/httpserver.rb 21 Mar 2004 13:17:24 -0000 1.8
+++ lib/webrick/httpserver.rb 22 Nov 2004 23:47:05 -0000
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ require 'webrick/httprequest'
require 'webrick/httpresponse'
require 'webrick/httpservlet'
require 'webrick/accesslog'
+require 'io/wait'
module WEBrick
class HTTPServerError < ServerError; end
@@ -46,6 +47,13 @@ def run(sock)
req = HTTPRequest.new(@config)
server = self
+ timeout = @config[:RequestTimeout]
+ while timeout > 0
+ break if sock.wait(0.5)
+ timeout = 0 if @status != :Running
+ timeout -= 0.5
+ end
+ raise HTTPStatus::EOFError if timeout <= 0
res.request_method = req.request_method
res.request_uri = req.request_uri