FasterCSV (faster_csv) and Question of understanding


Dot Baiki

Dear Experts,

I got a question for you: I need to produce a Ruby code which does the

1. I get a CSV file (more or less like this:
2. I need to remove some columns (like the x1..x3)
3. I need to group them per user (in this case either name or id)
4. I need to add columns like salary (which I have to calculate first)
5. I need to add a row with the monthly salary
6. and... a PDF to print this correctly

And now? Ruby + FasterCSV + ???PDF???

Please, do not come up with Ruport because I tried this for 7 days now.
success = 0

Are there better solutions (please no Jasper, OpenRPT etc.)


James Edward Gray II

I got a question for you: I need to produce a Ruby code which does the

1. I get a CSV file (more or less like this:
2. I need to remove some columns (like the x1..x3)
3. I need to group them per user (in this case either name or id)
4. I need to add columns like salary (which I have to calculate first)
5. I need to add a row with the monthly salary
6. and... a PDF to print this correctly

And now? Ruby + FasterCSV + ???PDF???

FasterCSV can definitely help you read an manipulate the data as you
have described.
Please, do not come up with Ruport because I tried this for 7 days
success = 0

Have your tried handling the PDF generation using Prawn (
)? Hopefully it can do what you need.

James Edward Gray II

Ralf Mueller

Dot said:
Dear Experts,

I got a question for you: I need to produce a Ruby code which does the

1. I get a CSV file (more or less like this:
2. I need to remove some columns (like the x1..x3)
3. I need to group them per user (in this case either name or id)
4. I need to add columns like salary (which I have to calculate first)
5. I need to add a row with the monthly salary
6. and... a PDF to print this correctly

And now? Ruby + FasterCSV + ???PDF???

Please, do not come up with Ruport because I tried this for 7 days now.
success = 0

Are there better solutions (please no Jasper, OpenRPT etc.)

I wrote a CSV-handling library for similar purposes (e.g. grouping, Maybe it's helpfull.
In case you use it and run into problems, drop me a line.


Dot Baiki

James said:
FasterCSV can definitely help you read an manipulate the data as you
have described.

Have your tried handling the PDF generation using Prawn
)? Hopefully it can do what you need.

James Edward Gray II

OK, seems like I don't have to buy Crystal Reports (hi hi hi hi). I have
downloaded Prawn and will start to play around (or mess around?) with
today :)

However, thanks for this nice piece of software and advice! Brilliant!

Greetings from West Africa

Dot Baiki

Ralf said:
I wrote a CSV-handling library for similar purposes (e.g. grouping, Maybe it's helpfull.
In case you use it and run into problems, drop me a line.


Hallöchen and hello Ralf

Great, thanks a lot! Just visited your page and I definitely have to
consider your solution as well. Since I am a bloody beginner, it'll take
a decade to really understand everything but it's worth it :)

Thanks so much!

Greetings from West Africa

Dot Baiki

Dot said:
OK, seems like I don't have to buy Crystal Reports (hi hi hi hi). I have
downloaded Prawn and will start to play around (or mess around?) with
today :)

However, thanks for this nice piece of software and advice! Brilliant!

Greetings from West Africa

Hello Sir James Edward Gray II,

Well, now I know who I am talking to :) Respect! However, I checked all
the suggestions: Ruport, Ruby, CSV, fastercsv, prawn, extcvs.

All so beautiful. However, right now I have at least three lines in my
require 'rubygems'
require 'ruport'

Hope I go in the right direction. Let you know when I have success (or


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