Daniel Berger
FastRI 0.2.1
Ruby 1.8.5
Windows XP
With FastRI (or rather, fri) how do you distinguish a lookup on classes
with identical names and methods (and no namespace to distinguish them)?
For example, I have the Pathname class from the stdlib and my own
Pathname class from the 'pathname2' package. If I do 'fri
Pathname#descend' I get the documentation from the Pathname class in the
stdlib instead of my own. Is there a way to force the issue?
I tried using the -S and -F options, but I received the following error
(with -S):
Couldn't open the full-text index:
C:\Documents and Settings\djberge/.fastri-fulltext/full_text.dat
C:\Documents and Settings\djberge/.fastri-fulltext/suffixes.dat
The index needs to be rebuilt with fastri-server -B
Since I'm runnng FastRI as a service, rebuilding the index may be
problematic at the moment. But, even if that did work, I presume it
would give me all the results instead of just the one I'm looking for.
FastRI 0.2.1
Ruby 1.8.5
Windows XP
With FastRI (or rather, fri) how do you distinguish a lookup on classes
with identical names and methods (and no namespace to distinguish them)?
For example, I have the Pathname class from the stdlib and my own
Pathname class from the 'pathname2' package. If I do 'fri
Pathname#descend' I get the documentation from the Pathname class in the
stdlib instead of my own. Is there a way to force the issue?
I tried using the -S and -F options, but I received the following error
(with -S):
Couldn't open the full-text index:
C:\Documents and Settings\djberge/.fastri-fulltext/full_text.dat
C:\Documents and Settings\djberge/.fastri-fulltext/suffixes.dat
The index needs to be rebuilt with fastri-server -B
Since I'm runnng FastRI as a service, rebuilding the index may be
problematic at the moment. But, even if that did work, I presume it
would give me all the results instead of just the one I'm looking for.