Password is kept within the EXE in an encrypted format hidden from the
Look folks, my goal is to distribute Ruby code in a manner that hides
the source code from the end-user and encryption makes this useful.
Some of you might not mind giving away your source code but I rather
like making people dig real hard to get my source code when I distro
my apps. Call me strange if you must but I am not a huge fan of Open
Source for the sake of open source. I prefer closed source that
allows people to handle EXE's that contain no source or as in the case
of Ruby encrypted source.
As Charles (of JRuby fame and fortune) mentioned earlier, JRuby can in many=
cases 'compile' ruby code down to Java .class files, which are hard to=20
reverse to anything resembling ruby (or even java, for that matter). You=20
should be able to make this work for your little problem.
Konrad Meyer <
[email protected]>
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