Thomas Leitner
for all who are not interested in webgen: you can safely skip the rest
or get interested http://webgen.rubyforge.org
I'm currently gathering ideas for new features for the next big webgen
release (0.4.0). Some of the planned features are:
* RSS feed generation (proposed by Friz Heinrichmeyer)
* blog module (proposed by Fritz Heinrichmeyer)
* Google Sitemap Generator (proposed by Diwaker Gupta)
* optional static menus (proposed by Diwaker Gupta)
* template inheritance (page uses template 1 which uses template 2...)
* template files get same structure as page files
* multiple file handler for one source file
* GUI application for managing a Web site
* XML::Builder intergration for generating HTML output
Are there any other features you would like to see in the 0.4.0 release?
for all who are not interested in webgen: you can safely skip the rest
or get interested http://webgen.rubyforge.org
I'm currently gathering ideas for new features for the next big webgen
release (0.4.0). Some of the planned features are:
* RSS feed generation (proposed by Friz Heinrichmeyer)
* blog module (proposed by Fritz Heinrichmeyer)
* Google Sitemap Generator (proposed by Diwaker Gupta)
* optional static menus (proposed by Diwaker Gupta)
* template inheritance (page uses template 1 which uses template 2...)
* template files get same structure as page files
* multiple file handler for one source file
* GUI application for managing a Web site
* XML::Builder intergration for generating HTML output
Are there any other features you would like to see in the 0.4.0 release?