Fedora 1 and Eric3



Has anyone here managed to install Eric (Python GUI) on Fedora Core 1?
I have had no end of sh*t from qscintilla right on up. It seems I have to
jump through an endless series of hoops in a certain order to get to the

Any step-by-step kinda help?



Bats had this to say:
Has anyone here managed to install Eric (Python GUI) on Fedora Core 1?
I have had no end of sh*t from qscintilla right on up. It seems I have to
jump through an endless series of hoops in a certain order to get to the

Any step-by-step kinda help?

Ah well.... no feedback.

Markus Wankus

Bats said:
Bats had this to say:

Ah well.... no feedback.

Well.. I can give you feedback but it is kind of useless. I have found
that no matter what distro I used - Fedora 1 or otherwise - getting that
program to work (along with all of its seemingly circular dependencies)
was a very unpleasant experience and one I never succeeded at. There is
something to be said for the simplicity of Windows installers...

All I can say is keep trying, and Google this newsgroup. This has come
up here before - you are not alone...


Cliff Wells

Well.. I can give you feedback but it is kind of useless. I have found
that no matter what distro I used - Fedora 1 or otherwise - getting that
program to work (along with all of its seemingly circular dependencies)
was a very unpleasant experience and one I never succeeded at. There is
something to be said for the simplicity of Windows installers...

All I can say is keep trying, and Google this newsgroup. This has come
up here before - you are not alone...

Download and install the appropriate rpms for these two packages:


You'll also need sip and qt, but these are most likely already
installed. If not, Googling for, say 'sip rpm' will be left as an
excercise ;)

python install.py (as root)

Total time: about 5 minutes



Bats said:
Bats had this to say:

Ah well.... no feedback.
I know there are eric deb packages out there that pull everything down
in one fell swoop, so maybe it's time to get apt/yumming or whatever fc
calls it :)

apt-get install eric

Personally I only discovered that as a matter of curiosity when I saw
eric in a repository and tried it to see the difference - having
installed it (and every dependency) from tarballs previously, used it
for a while, and sadly removed it. It's clearly an excellent piece of
software, but I just had something else that did each task I wanted -
usually better.

Besides which, once you've got your IDE/debugger sorted out, if you're
working in the python/Qt that eric offers, even the GUI form design for
python/Qt can be done in a *much* better, easier way using plain old
Qt-designer, then piping the .ui files it creates through pyuic.


Given that using qt designer to make your forms is easier - do you have an
IDE you like, or do you just stick to text editors?


Markus Wankus had this to say:
Well.. I can give you feedback but it is kind of useless. I have found
that no matter what distro I used - Fedora 1 or otherwise - getting that
program to work (along with all of its seemingly circular dependencies)
was a very unpleasant experience and one I never succeeded at. There is
something to be said for the simplicity of Windows installers...

All I can say is keep trying, and Google this newsgroup. This has come
up here before - you are not alone...

Ah - I wondered about that... :)
I have tried Eric three times. RH9, Fedora 1 (twice, between formats) and I
still cannot get it going.

I won't even get into my WxWindows/Python woes at the moment. Suffice to say
that I am in another version hell-loop.



Cliff Wells had this to say:

You'll also need sip and qt, but these are most likely already
installed. If not, Googling for, say 'sip rpm' will be left as an
excercise ;)

python install.py (as root)

Total time: about 5 minutes

Am looking for a yum repos for the Eric rpms. I will go all "apt-get" mad
when I have no option left!
Thanks for the links, I recall having all these rpms and it still did not
work - are you on Fedora 1 ?

Cliff Wells

Cliff Wells had this to say:

Am looking for a yum repos for the Eric rpms. I will go all "apt-get" mad
when I have no option left!
Thanks for the links, I recall having all these rpms and it still did not
work - are you on Fedora 1 ?

Fedora 2, but that shouldn't make much difference. If the versions of
those rpms for FC1 aren't as new as the FC2 ones the you can just get
the .src rpm and rebuild it.

I'm guessing the source of your past problems is that the PyQt rpms you
tried to use didn't have qtext built in, which is required for eric but
apparently optional in the build. The ones I pointed you to have that
built in.



Cliff Wells had this to say:
Fedora 2, but that shouldn't make much difference.  If the versions of
those rpms for FC1 aren't as new as the FC2 ones the you can just get
the .src rpm and rebuild it.

I'm guessing the source of your past problems is that the PyQt rpms you
tried to use didn't have qtext built in, which is required for eric but
apparently optional in the build.  The ones I pointed you to have that
built in.
Ah. Does Fedora use Python 2.33 by default? I have two versions running and
that causes such conflicts and stress.
I think the changes to Fedora 2 make quite a difference.

I tried monkeybone's repository, but yum complains that it can't resolve all
the deps for Eric3! Go figure, it's in the repository, and even yum can't
solve the puzzle.

I really want one location where I can get all the rpms' in one go. Could
you let me know the URL of the apt-repository that you used?

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