I am trying to traverse the file system on a remote computer from a
Windows machine to report on specific extensions. Here is the source
#! C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
# This program was generated by 'find2perl' and is slightly tweaked to
suit our needs (on Windows).
# usage is: findext.pl directory extension
# eg. findext.pl \\cluster\itshome doc
eval 'exec C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #
use strict;
use File::Find ();
# Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS,
# since AFS cheats.
# for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name = *File::Find::name;
*dir = *File::Find::dir;
*prune = *File::Find:rune;
sub wanted;
if ($#ARGV+1 != 2){
die "Proper usage:\n\t$0 directory ext\n\tdirectory=$ARGV[0] and
if (!(-d $ARGV[0])){
die "$ARGV[0] is not a valid directory\n";
# Traverse desired filesystems
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, "$ARGV[0]");
sub wanted {
#Replace \\cluster.../folder/something.mp3 with \\cluster...\folder
$name =~ s/\//\\/g;
if (/^.*\.$ARGV[1]\z/s){
print "$name\n";
The program works great except when I run into a directory which is
too long. In windows explorer, I can't CD to a path like \\compname
\sharename\directory\{many subdirectories}\directory because I get:
"Can't access this folder Path too long". When I use the above program
it crashes at that point and I get:
Can't opendir(\\compname\sharename\directory\{many subdirectories}
\directory): No such file or directory
at D:\Scripts\dev\Send Reports\MP3 Reports\findext.pl line 30
Can't cd to \\compname\sharename\directory\{many subdirectories}
\directory../.. at C:/Perl/lib/File/Find.pm line 896.
My question is, how would I get around this problematic directory and
just let my program continue on to all the other directories in that
Windows machine to report on specific extensions. Here is the source
#! C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
# This program was generated by 'find2perl' and is slightly tweaked to
suit our needs (on Windows).
# usage is: findext.pl directory extension
# eg. findext.pl \\cluster\itshome doc
eval 'exec C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #
use strict;
use File::Find ();
# Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS,
# since AFS cheats.
# for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name = *File::Find::name;
*dir = *File::Find::dir;
*prune = *File::Find:rune;
sub wanted;
if ($#ARGV+1 != 2){
die "Proper usage:\n\t$0 directory ext\n\tdirectory=$ARGV[0] and
if (!(-d $ARGV[0])){
die "$ARGV[0] is not a valid directory\n";
# Traverse desired filesystems
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, "$ARGV[0]");
sub wanted {
#Replace \\cluster.../folder/something.mp3 with \\cluster...\folder
$name =~ s/\//\\/g;
if (/^.*\.$ARGV[1]\z/s){
print "$name\n";
The program works great except when I run into a directory which is
too long. In windows explorer, I can't CD to a path like \\compname
\sharename\directory\{many subdirectories}\directory because I get:
"Can't access this folder Path too long". When I use the above program
it crashes at that point and I get:
Can't opendir(\\compname\sharename\directory\{many subdirectories}
\directory): No such file or directory
at D:\Scripts\dev\Send Reports\MP3 Reports\findext.pl line 30
Can't cd to \\compname\sharename\directory\{many subdirectories}
\directory../.. at C:/Perl/lib/File/Find.pm line 896.
My question is, how would I get around this problematic directory and
just let my program continue on to all the other directories in that