* ClassFinder.java
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.JarURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.*;
import java.util.zip.*;
* This utility class was based originally on <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Daniel Le Berre</a>'s
* <code>RTSI</code> class. This class can be called in different modes, but the principal use
* is to determine what subclasses/implementations of a given class/interface exist in the current
* runtime environment.
* @author Daniel Le Berre, Elliott Wade
public class ClassFinder
private Class<?> searchClass = null;
private Map<URL, String> classpathLocations = new HashMap<URL, String> ();
private Map<Class<?>, URL> results = new HashMap<Class<?>, URL> ();
private List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable> ();
private boolean working = false;
public ClassFinder ()
refreshLocations ();
* Rescan the classpath, cacheing all possible file locations.
public final void refreshLocations ()
synchronized (classpathLocations)
classpathLocations = getClasspathLocations ();
* @param fqcn Name of superclass/interface on which to search
public final Vector<Class<?>> findSubclasses (String fqcn)
synchronized (classpathLocations)
synchronized (results)
working = true;
searchClass = null;
errors = new ArrayList<Throwable> ();
results = new TreeMap<Class<?>, URL> (CLASS_COMPARATOR);
// filter malformed FQCN
if (fqcn.startsWith (".") || fqcn.endsWith ("."))
return new Vector<Class<?>> ();
// Determine search class from fqcn
searchClass = Class.forName (fqcn);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
// if class not found, let empty vector return...
errors.add (ex);
return new Vector<Class<?>> ();
return findSubclasses (searchClass, classpathLocations);
working = false;
public final List<Throwable> getErrors ()
return new ArrayList<Throwable> (errors);
* The result of the last search is cached in this object, along
* with the URL that corresponds to each class returned. This
* method may be called to query the cache for the location at
* which the given class was found. <code>null</code> will be
* returned if the given class was not found during the last
* search, or if the result cache has been cleared.
public final URL getLocationOf (Class<?> cls)
if (results != null) return results.get (cls);
else return null;
* Determine every URL location defined by the current classpath, and
* it's associated package name.
public final Map<URL, String> getClasspathLocations ()
Map<URL, String> map = new TreeMap<URL, String> (URL_COMPARATOR);
File file = null;
String pathSep = System.getProperty ("path.separator");
String classpath = System.getProperty ("java.class.path");
//System.out.println ("classpath=" + classpath);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (classpath, pathSep);
while (st.hasMoreTokens ())
String path = st.nextToken ();
file = new File (path);
include (null, file, map);
Iterator<URL> it = map.keySet ().iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ())
URL url = it.next ();
//System.out.println (url + "-->" + map.get (url));
return map;
private final static FileFilter DIRECTORIES_ONLY = new FileFilter ()
public boolean accept (File f)
if (f.exists () && f.isDirectory ()) return true;
else return false;
private final static Comparator<URL> URL_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<URL> ()
public int compare (URL u1, URL u2)
return String.valueOf (u1).compareTo (String.valueOf (u2));
private final static Comparator<Class<?>> CLASS_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Class<?>> ()
public int compare (Class<?> c1, Class<?> c2)
return String.valueOf (c1).compareTo (String.valueOf (c2));
private final void include (String name, File file, Map<URL, String> map)
if (!file.exists ()) return;
if (!file.isDirectory ())
// could be a JAR file
includeJar (file, map);
if (name == null)
name = "";
name += ".";
// add subpackages
File [] dirs = file.listFiles (DIRECTORIES_ONLY);
for (int i=0; i<dirs.length; i++)
// add the present package
new URL ("file://" + dirs[i].getCanonicalPath ()),
name + dirs[i].getName ()
catch (IOException ioe)
include (name + dirs[i].getName (), dirs[i], map);
private void includeJar (File file, Map<URL, String> map)
if (file.isDirectory ()) return;
URL jarURL = null;
JarFile jar = null;
jarURL = new URL ("file:/" + file.getCanonicalPath ());
jarURL = new URL ("jar:" + jarURL.toExternalForm () + "!/");
JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) jarURL.openConnection ();
jar = conn.getJarFile();
catch (Exception e)
// not a JAR or disk I/O error
// either way, just skip
if (jar == null || jarURL == null) return;
// include the jar's "default" package (i.e. jar's root)
map.put (jarURL, "");
Enumeration<JarEntry> e = jar.entries();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
JarEntry entry = e.nextElement ();
if (entry.isDirectory ())
if (entry.getName ().toUpperCase ().equals ("META-INF/")) continue;
new URL (jarURL.toExternalForm () + entry.getName ()),
packageNameFor (entry)
catch (MalformedURLException murl)
// whacky entry?
private static String packageNameFor (JarEntry entry)
if (entry == null) return "";
String s = entry.getName ();
if (s == null) return "";
if (s.length () == 0) return s;
if (s.startsWith ("/")) s = s.substring (1, s.length ());
if (s.endsWith ("/")) s = s.substring (0, s.length ()-1);
return s.replace ('/', '.');
private final void includeResourceLocations (String packageName, Map<URL, String> map)
Enumeration<URL> resourceLocations =
ClassFinder.class.getClassLoader ().getResources (getPackagePath (packageName));
while (resourceLocations.hasMoreElements ())
resourceLocations.nextElement (),
catch (Exception e)
// well, we tried
errors.add (e);