Hi. I'm a perl newbie trying to write a 'scraping' function that can
call, and have it return a tiny value from a web page.
I'd like to pass it a URL, a startPoint string, and a endPoint string.
I'd like it to socket to the web page, read in the source html to the
FIRST occurence of startPoint, then read from there to the first (next)
occurence of endPoint that follows that startPoint. I'd like the result
returned as a string of text, too, which I can process more later.
Better still if startPoint and endPoint can contain wildcards or
somesuch. I guess a fancier version could keep going and return an
array of each matching glob, but I don't really need that now.
Can someone shove me in the right direction? Alternately, if someone
wants to write a fancy rich library of similar routines, I can pay
small money for the time savings.
Seymore R Seiswhittle, UCPS
call, and have it return a tiny value from a web page.
I'd like to pass it a URL, a startPoint string, and a endPoint string.
I'd like it to socket to the web page, read in the source html to the
FIRST occurence of startPoint, then read from there to the first (next)
occurence of endPoint that follows that startPoint. I'd like the result
returned as a string of text, too, which I can process more later.
Better still if startPoint and endPoint can contain wildcards or
somesuch. I guess a fancier version could keep going and return an
array of each matching glob, but I don't really need that now.
Can someone shove me in the right direction? Alternately, if someone
wants to write a fancy rich library of similar routines, I can pay
small money for the time savings.
Seymore R Seiswhittle, UCPS