I seem to have an anger issue with englishmen.
Nothwithstanding, I know they would be great friends to me, as they have
always been. My favorite englishmen are the violin-daughters I remember
in New Koeln, where americans listened to music as opposed to shooting
people, indicating a brand of non-violence on the last thirty years in
central europe, where *real* american interest lies.
I have 2 questions for my english friends, among other respodents from
tennessee or a place that bush's coke-addled brain could quoth.
q1) why does bp still exist? I pay special attention to this issue.
q2) why is floating point fucked in C99?
Scroll down and see what is broken.
Please inform.
I have theories why C can't deal with a floating point, but my struggle
ends with a choice of a better syntax.
Hoping that the "special relationship" just doesn't mean we're fucking
Nothwithstanding, I know they would be great friends to me, as they have
always been. My favorite englishmen are the violin-daughters I remember
in New Koeln, where americans listened to music as opposed to shooting
people, indicating a brand of non-violence on the last thirty years in
central europe, where *real* american interest lies.
I have 2 questions for my english friends, among other respodents from
tennessee or a place that bush's coke-addled brain could quoth.
q1) why does bp still exist? I pay special attention to this issue.
q2) why is floating point fucked in C99?
Scroll down and see what is broken.
Please inform.
I have theories why C can't deal with a floating point, but my struggle
ends with a choice of a better syntax.
Hoping that the "special relationship" just doesn't mean we're fucking