If anyone's interested ...
Below is a script that displays a character string (numbers and letters) in
every font that is on my PC.
I extracted the list of fonts from an export of the Windows registry via
"find" -- your fonts may differ.
Fonts that contain " Bold" or " Italic" or " Oblique"are skipped.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var s = 0;
var font = new Array();
font[s++] = "Abadi MT Condensed Light";
font[s++] = "Agency FB";
font[s++] = "Agency FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Algerian";
font[s++] = "Almanac MT";
font[s++] = "Andale Mono";
font[s++] = "Andale Mono IPA";
font[s++] = "Arial";
font[s++] = "Arial Black";
font[s++] = "Arial Black Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Rounded MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Unicode MS";
font[s++] = "Baskerville Old Face";
font[s++] = "Bauhaus 93";
font[s++] = "Beesknees ITC";
font[s++] = "Bell MT";
font[s++] = "Bell MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Bell MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold";
font[s++] = "Bernard MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Blackadder ITC";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Bold";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Italic";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Bold";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Italic";
font[s++] = "Bradley Hand ITC";
font[s++] = "Britannic Bold";
font[s++] = "Broadway";
font[s++] = "Brush Script MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Californian FB";
font[s++] = "Californian FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Californian FB Italic";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Castellar";
font[s++] = "Centaur";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Bold";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Bold";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Italic";
font[s++] = "Chiller";
font[s++] = "Colonna MT";
font[s++] = "Comic Sans MS";
font[s++] = "Comic Sans MS Bold";
font[s++] = "Cooper Black";
font[s++] = "Copperplate Gothic Bold";
font[s++] = "Copperplate Gothic Light";
font[s++] = "Courier New";
font[s++] = "Courier New Bold";
font[s++] = "Courier New Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Courier New Italic";
font[s++] = "Curlz MT";
font[s++] = "DataGlyph SP";
font[s++] = "Edwardian Script ITC";
font[s++] = "Elephant";
font[s++] = "Elephant Italic";
font[s++] = "Engravers MT";
font[s++] = "Eras Bold ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Demi ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Light ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Medium ITC";
font[s++] = "Felix Titling";
font[s++] = "Footlight MT Light";
font[s++] = "Forte";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Book";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Book Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi Cond";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Heavy";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic";
font[s++] = "Free 3 of 9 Regular";
font[s++] = "Freestyle Script";
font[s++] = "French Script MT";
font[s++] = "Garamond";
font[s++] = "Garamond Bold";
font[s++] = "Garamond Italic";
font[s++] = "GarmdITC LtCn BT Light";
font[s++] = "GarmdITC LtCn BT Light Italic";
font[s++] = "Georgia";
font[s++] = "Georgia Bold";
font[s++] = "Georgia Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Georgia Italic";
font[s++] = "Gigi";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans Ultra Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed";
font[s++] = "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style Bold";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style Italic";
font[s++] = "Goudy Stout";
font[s++] = "Haettenschweiler";
font[s++] = "Harlow Solid Italic";
font[s++] = "Harlow Solid Italic Italic";
font[s++] = "Harrington";
font[s++] = "High Tower Text";
font[s++] = "High Tower Text Italic";
font[s++] = "Holidays MT";
font[s++] = "Impact";
font[s++] = "Imprint MT Shadow";
font[s++] = "Informal Roman";
font[s++] = "Jokerman";
font[s++] = "Juice ITC";
font[s++] = "Kristen ITC";
font[s++] = "Kunstler Script";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Demibold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Calligraphy Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Console";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Demibold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Handwriting Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Demibold Roman";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Unicode";
font[s++] = "Magneto Bold";
font[s++] = "Maiandra GD";
font[s++] = "Marlett";
font[s++] = "Matisse ITC";
font[s++] = "Matura MT Script Capitals";
font[s++] = "Mistral";
font[s++] = "Modern No. 20";
font[s++] = "Monotype Corsiva";
font[s++] = "Monotype Sorts";
font[s++] = "Monotype Sorts2";
font[s++] = "MS Outlook";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT Bold";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Niagara Engraved";
font[s++] = "Niagara Solid";
font[s++] = "OCR A Extended";
font[s++] = "OCR B MT";
font[s++] = "OCR-A II";
font[s++] = "Old English Text MT";
font[s++] = "Onyx";
font[s++] = "Palace Script MT";
font[s++] = "Papyrus";
font[s++] = "Parchment";
font[s++] = "Pepita MT";
font[s++] = "Perpetua";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Bold";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Italic";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Titling MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Titling MT Light";
font[s++] = "Playbill";
font[s++] = "Poor Richard";
font[s++] = "Pristina";
font[s++] = "QuickType";
font[s++] = "QuickType Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Mono";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Pi";
font[s++] = "QuickType Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType Mono";
font[s++] = "QuickType Pi";
font[s++] = "Rage Italic";
font[s++] = "Ravie";
font[s++] = "Rockwell";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Condensed";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Extra Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Italic";
font[s++] = "Script MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Showcard Gothic";
font[s++] = "Snap ITC";
font[s++] = "Stencil";
font[s++] = "Symbol";
font[s++] = "Tahoma";
font[s++] = "Tahoma Bold";
font[s++] = "Tahoma";
font[s++] = "Tempus Sans ITC";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Bold";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Italic";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Bold";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Medium";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Medium";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Medium Italic";
font[s++] = "Vacation MT";
font[s++] = "Verdana";
font[s++] = "Verdana Bold";
font[s++] = "Verdana Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Verdana Italic";
font[s++] = "Verdana Ref";
font[s++] = "Viner Hand ITC";
font[s++] = "Vivaldi Italic";
font[s++] = "Vladimir Script";
font[s++] = "Webdings";
font[s++] = "Westminster";
font[s++] = "Wide Latin";
font[s++] = "Wingdings";
font[s++] = "Wingdings 2";
font[s++] = "Wingdings 3";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Italic";
var html = "";
for (s=0; s<font.length; s++) {
var skip = 0;
if (font.indexOf(" Bold") > 0) skip++;
if (font.indexOf(" Italic") > 0) skip++;
if (font.indexOf(" Oblique") > 0) skip++;
if (skip == 0) {
html += "<br><br><u>" + (s+1) + ". <b>" + font +
html += "<br><font face='" + font + "'>" + char.replace(/
/g,"<br>") + "</font>";
// -->
Below is a script that displays a character string (numbers and letters) in
every font that is on my PC.
I extracted the list of fonts from an export of the Windows registry via
"find" -- your fonts may differ.
Fonts that contain " Bold" or " Italic" or " Oblique"are skipped.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var s = 0;
var font = new Array();
font[s++] = "Abadi MT Condensed Light";
font[s++] = "Agency FB";
font[s++] = "Agency FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Algerian";
font[s++] = "Almanac MT";
font[s++] = "Andale Mono";
font[s++] = "Andale Mono IPA";
font[s++] = "Arial";
font[s++] = "Arial Black";
font[s++] = "Arial Black Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Rounded MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Unicode MS";
font[s++] = "Baskerville Old Face";
font[s++] = "Bauhaus 93";
font[s++] = "Beesknees ITC";
font[s++] = "Bell MT";
font[s++] = "Bell MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Bell MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold";
font[s++] = "Bernard MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Blackadder ITC";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Bold";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Italic";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Bold";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Italic";
font[s++] = "Bradley Hand ITC";
font[s++] = "Britannic Bold";
font[s++] = "Broadway";
font[s++] = "Brush Script MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Californian FB";
font[s++] = "Californian FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Californian FB Italic";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Castellar";
font[s++] = "Centaur";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Bold";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Bold";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Italic";
font[s++] = "Chiller";
font[s++] = "Colonna MT";
font[s++] = "Comic Sans MS";
font[s++] = "Comic Sans MS Bold";
font[s++] = "Cooper Black";
font[s++] = "Copperplate Gothic Bold";
font[s++] = "Copperplate Gothic Light";
font[s++] = "Courier New";
font[s++] = "Courier New Bold";
font[s++] = "Courier New Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Courier New Italic";
font[s++] = "Curlz MT";
font[s++] = "DataGlyph SP";
font[s++] = "Edwardian Script ITC";
font[s++] = "Elephant";
font[s++] = "Elephant Italic";
font[s++] = "Engravers MT";
font[s++] = "Eras Bold ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Demi ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Light ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Medium ITC";
font[s++] = "Felix Titling";
font[s++] = "Footlight MT Light";
font[s++] = "Forte";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Book";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Book Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi Cond";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Heavy";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic";
font[s++] = "Free 3 of 9 Regular";
font[s++] = "Freestyle Script";
font[s++] = "French Script MT";
font[s++] = "Garamond";
font[s++] = "Garamond Bold";
font[s++] = "Garamond Italic";
font[s++] = "GarmdITC LtCn BT Light";
font[s++] = "GarmdITC LtCn BT Light Italic";
font[s++] = "Georgia";
font[s++] = "Georgia Bold";
font[s++] = "Georgia Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Georgia Italic";
font[s++] = "Gigi";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans Ultra Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed";
font[s++] = "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style Bold";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style Italic";
font[s++] = "Goudy Stout";
font[s++] = "Haettenschweiler";
font[s++] = "Harlow Solid Italic";
font[s++] = "Harlow Solid Italic Italic";
font[s++] = "Harrington";
font[s++] = "High Tower Text";
font[s++] = "High Tower Text Italic";
font[s++] = "Holidays MT";
font[s++] = "Impact";
font[s++] = "Imprint MT Shadow";
font[s++] = "Informal Roman";
font[s++] = "Jokerman";
font[s++] = "Juice ITC";
font[s++] = "Kristen ITC";
font[s++] = "Kunstler Script";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Demibold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Calligraphy Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Console";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Demibold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Handwriting Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Demibold Roman";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Unicode";
font[s++] = "Magneto Bold";
font[s++] = "Maiandra GD";
font[s++] = "Marlett";
font[s++] = "Matisse ITC";
font[s++] = "Matura MT Script Capitals";
font[s++] = "Mistral";
font[s++] = "Modern No. 20";
font[s++] = "Monotype Corsiva";
font[s++] = "Monotype Sorts";
font[s++] = "Monotype Sorts2";
font[s++] = "MS Outlook";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT Bold";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Niagara Engraved";
font[s++] = "Niagara Solid";
font[s++] = "OCR A Extended";
font[s++] = "OCR B MT";
font[s++] = "OCR-A II";
font[s++] = "Old English Text MT";
font[s++] = "Onyx";
font[s++] = "Palace Script MT";
font[s++] = "Papyrus";
font[s++] = "Parchment";
font[s++] = "Pepita MT";
font[s++] = "Perpetua";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Bold";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Italic";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Titling MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Titling MT Light";
font[s++] = "Playbill";
font[s++] = "Poor Richard";
font[s++] = "Pristina";
font[s++] = "QuickType";
font[s++] = "QuickType Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Mono";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Pi";
font[s++] = "QuickType Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType Mono";
font[s++] = "QuickType Pi";
font[s++] = "Rage Italic";
font[s++] = "Ravie";
font[s++] = "Rockwell";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Condensed";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Extra Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Italic";
font[s++] = "Script MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Showcard Gothic";
font[s++] = "Snap ITC";
font[s++] = "Stencil";
font[s++] = "Symbol";
font[s++] = "Tahoma";
font[s++] = "Tahoma Bold";
font[s++] = "Tahoma";
font[s++] = "Tempus Sans ITC";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Bold";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Italic";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Bold";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Medium";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Medium";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Medium Italic";
font[s++] = "Vacation MT";
font[s++] = "Verdana";
font[s++] = "Verdana Bold";
font[s++] = "Verdana Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Verdana Italic";
font[s++] = "Verdana Ref";
font[s++] = "Viner Hand ITC";
font[s++] = "Vivaldi Italic";
font[s++] = "Vladimir Script";
font[s++] = "Webdings";
font[s++] = "Westminster";
font[s++] = "Wide Latin";
font[s++] = "Wingdings";
font[s++] = "Wingdings 2";
font[s++] = "Wingdings 3";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Italic";
var html = "";
for (s=0; s<font.length; s++) {
var skip = 0;
if (font
if (font
if (font
if (skip == 0) {
html += "<br><br><u>" + (s+1) + ". <b>" + font
html += "<br><font face='" + font
/g,"<br>") + "</font>";
// -->