format of URL with asp variables - works in Firefox, not IE


Tom Petersen

I must have the format of the below line wrong for IE:

click <a href="cal.asp?sdate=<% =strDate1 %>&location=<% =strLocation
%>&eTime=<% =strDate2 %>">here</a> to add this information to your

When I hover my mouse over the link, the status bar at the bottom of the
page for IE says: shortcut to 2006 11:00 AM
With Firefox I get: http://sd-school/forms/cal.asp?sdate=10/18/2006 10:00
AM&location=Library&eTime=10/18/2006 11:00 AM

The form works in Firefox, which is what I use for testing. So either the
format is wrong, or IE doesn't like the spaces or something. It doesn't
matter which dates I use, I get the same results.

Any ideas?

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Tom said:
I must have the format of the below line wrong for IE:

click <a href="cal.asp?sdate=<% =strDate1 %>&location=<% =strLocation
%>&eTime=<% =strDate2 %>">here</a> to add this information to your

When I hover my mouse over the link, the status bar at the bottom of
the page for IE says: shortcut to 2006 11:00 AM
With Firefox I get: http://sd-school/forms/cal.asp?sdate=10/18/2006
10:00 AM&location=Library&eTime=10/18/2006 11:00 AM

The form works in Firefox, which is what I use for testing. So
either the format is wrong, or IE doesn't like the spaces or
something. It doesn't matter which dates I use, I get the same

Any ideas?
Use Server.urlencode to fix the querystring part of the url.

Tom Petersen

That sounds like what I need, but I am having problems with the syntax of
this too. My IDE doesn't like the format, I think the <% %> are throwing it

I think I am close with this:
strURL = "<% =strDate1 %>&location=<% =strLocation %>&eTime=<% =strDate2 %>"
strEncodedURL = Server.URLencode(strURL)
click <a href="cal.asp?sdate=& strEncodedURL">here</a> to add this
information to your Calendar<br>

or maybe this:
strURL = "cal.asp?sdate=<% =strDate1 %>&location=<% =strLocation %>&eTime=<%
=strDate2 %>"
strEncodedURL = Server.URLencode(strURL)
click <a href="& strEncodedURL">here</a> to add this information to your

It seems with the <% commands it doesn't know where asp ends and html
begins, neither do I! :)

Bob Barrows [MVP]

All server-side functions need to be inside the server-side script block
markers. Anything inside <%%> happens at the server. Here is an example:

<a href="cal.asp?sdate=<%= Server.UrlEncode(strDate1) %>&location=

To see where server-side ends and client-side begins, run the page and View

Mark Schupp

strEncodedURL = "cal.asp?sdate=" & Server.URLencode(strDate1) & _
"&location=" & Server.URLencode(strLocation) & _
"&eTime=" & Server.URLencode(strDate2)
click <a href="<%=strEncodedURL%>">here</a> to add this

Tom Petersen

Thanks! That corrects my syntax problem but IE still doesn't like
something. I may rethink how I am passing the variables to avoid 'special
characters' and format the date and time and not include spaces...

Response.Write strEncodedURL output:


IE: hyperlink value
Firefox: hyperlink value

The error with IE is:
Internet Explorer cannot download 00+AM from SD-school, where as Firefox
opens the outlook ready appointment screen where I just have to hit save and
close to add it to my calendar.

Mark Schupp

I think you are confusing hyperlink problems with content type problems.

What does cal.asp do? It appears that the browser is expected to open a
helper app (as you would expect Excel to open for an XLS file). This can be
dependant on the helper function being configured properly under IE.

Tom Petersen

It's not pretty, but it creates a calendar file for Outlook:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D"
NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" -->

'server.execute "../header.htm"

od = Request.QueryString("sdate")
et = Request.QueryString("eTime")
set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
atb = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\" &_
offsetMin = oShell.RegRead(atb)
nd = dateadd("n", offsetMin, od)
ed = dateadd("n", offsetMin, et)
' Response.Write("Current = " & od & "<br>UTC = " & ed)

strLocation = Request.QueryString("location")
strSubject = "I-request"
strDescription = "test"

' -- Format it properly as YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ

if Month(nd) < 10 Then
strMonth = "0" & Right(Month(nd), 1)
Else strMonth = Month(nd)
End if
if Day(nd) < 10 Then
strDay = "0" & Right(Day(nd), 1)
Else strDay = Day(nd)
End if

if Hour(nd) < 10 Then
strHour = "0" & Right(Hour(nd), 1)
Else strHour = Hour(nd)
End if

if Minute(nd) < 10 Then
strMinute = "0" & Right(Minute(nd), 1)
Else strMinute = Minute(nd)
End if

if Month(ed) < 10 Then
streMonth = "0" & Right(Month(ed), 1)
Else streMonth = Month(ed)
End if

if Day(ed) < 10 Then
streDay = "0" & Right(Day(ed), 1)
Else streDay = Day(ed)
End if
if Hour(ed) < 10 Then
streHour = "0" & Right(Hour(ed), 1)
Else streHour = Hour(ed)
End if

if Minute(ed) < 10 Then
streMinute = "0" & Right(Minute(ed), 1)
Else streMinute = Minute(ed)
End if
' response.write streMinute

If StrMonth = "01" Then
dts = 1
Elseif StrMonth = "02" Then
dts = 1
Elseif StrMonth = "03" Then
dts = 1
Elseif StrMonth = "04" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "05" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "06" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "07" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "08" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "09" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "10" Then
dts = 0
Elseif StrMonth = "11" Then
dts = 1
Elseif StrMonth = "12" Then
dts = 1
End if

strHour = strHour + dts
streHour = streHour + dts

if strHour < 10 Then
strHour = "0" & Right(strHour, 1)
End if
if streHour < 10 Then
streHour = "0" & Right(streHour, 1)
End if

dtStart = Right(Year(nd),4) & strMonth & strDay & "T" & strHour &
strMinute & "00" & "Z"
dtEnd = Right(Year(ed),4) & streMonth & streDay & "T" & streHour &
streMinute & "00" & "Z"

' Response.Write dtStart & vbCrLf & dtEnd & vbCrLf

strvCalendar = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" & vbCrLf & _
"VERSION:1.0" & vbCrLf & _
"BEGIN:VEVENT" & vbCrLf & _
"DTSTART:" & dtStart & vbCrLf & _
"DTEND:" & dtEnd & vbCrLf & _
"UID:" & strStart & strSubject & vbCrLf & _
"PRIORITY:3" & vbCrLf & _
"END:VEVENT" & vbCrLf & _

Response.ContentType = "text/x-vCalendar"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", _
"filename=Event" & "cal.vcs"
Response.Write strvCalendar

' Response.Write dtStart


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