Tom Cunningham
Hello, all,
I have done my homework, but I can not get my webrequest to access a
page which is protected by forms authentication. As other posters
have suffered, so have I retrieved only the log in page.
My problem is that I have tried to set the credentials with the
username and password that are in the user node of the web.config
file. I have tried also to use the FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie
method. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I am developing
locally: is it possible that using localhost is the problem? I have
also tried to use
Below is a code snippet:
Dim lcUrl As String = "http://localhost/sitename/page.aspx?userid=27"
Dim loHttp2 As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(lcUrl)
loHttp2.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("username", "password")
Dim loWebResponse2 As HttpWebResponse = loHttp2.GetResponse()
Dim enc2 As Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252) 'Windows default
Code Page
Dim loResponseStream2 As StreamReader = New
StreamReader(loWebResponse2.GetResponseStream(), enc2)
Dim lcHtml2 As String = loResponseStream2.ReadToEnd()
Label1.Text = lcHtml2
I am sticking the pulled HTML into a label, just to see if it works.
I get the log in page every time.
Any insights? Help would be much appreciated.
I have done my homework, but I can not get my webrequest to access a
page which is protected by forms authentication. As other posters
have suffered, so have I retrieved only the log in page.
My problem is that I have tried to set the credentials with the
username and password that are in the user node of the web.config
file. I have tried also to use the FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie
method. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I am developing
locally: is it possible that using localhost is the problem? I have
also tried to use
Below is a code snippet:
Dim lcUrl As String = "http://localhost/sitename/page.aspx?userid=27"
Dim loHttp2 As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(lcUrl)
loHttp2.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("username", "password")
Dim loWebResponse2 As HttpWebResponse = loHttp2.GetResponse()
Dim enc2 As Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252) 'Windows default
Code Page
Dim loResponseStream2 As StreamReader = New
StreamReader(loWebResponse2.GetResponseStream(), enc2)
Dim lcHtml2 As String = loResponseStream2.ReadToEnd()
Label1.Text = lcHtml2
I am sticking the pulled HTML into a label, just to see if it works.
I get the log in page every time.
Any insights? Help would be much appreciated.