Hello MATT,
just compare the code in my sample and yours for setting the auth cookie.
there must be a difference. maybe the expiration time is the problem. Also
- try using a tool like Fiddler (
www.fiddlertool.com) to inspect the behavior
and if the cookie is really set in IE.
Dominick Baier - DevelopMentor
Thanks Dominick, theres a lot to digest there, and no doubt I'll be
tweaking my application for some time based on what you've shown me. -
When I understand what it all does
But it doesnt explain why my code doesnt work, it definitely writes
and creates a cookie, and tries to redirect. But instead of
redirecting it is bouncing straight back to the login page. So if the
decryption of my ticket is hapening automajically, then what on earth
is causing this problem?
(all the sample code I have is straight of the MS website, and usually
I find that works)
Is there anyway I can catch the redirect, to see why it is sending me
back to the login page?
"Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]"
Hello MATT,
look at that code -
8d0-bc 8cfbec4c3a
the decryption is done be the FormsAuthenticationModule and is
transparent to your application.
Dominick Baier - DevelopMentor
Sorry, here it is.
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new
//Encrypt the ticket
string eT = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
//Create a Cookie and store the data
HttpCookie authCookie = new
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
authCookie.Expires = dt.AddHours(1);
//Redirect to Originally Requested Page
Label2.Text = (FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl
I guess I dont understand the forms security model, but if there is
ticket encrypt method, I assume that there needs to be a
ticket.decrypt method call hapenning somewhere.
But then that may be bad thinking on my part!
"Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]"
Hello MATT,
can you post the code, where you set the Auth Cookie?
Dominick Baier - DevelopMentor
Hi I have the MSDN forms security example in my .net code, tweaked
to suit my application.
When I log in, and step through my code, I see everything get
created correctly, and if I look in the cookies folder, the cookie
myname@localhost gets created
But the page then redirects, and the security doesnt see the
and so I
end up back at the login page.
What have I missed?
I assume that the .net framework handles the rest, so it looks to
that it
is not finding the correct cookie name in the web.config file
The only thing I have done is encrypted the ticket, so I can see I
need to add in a function somewhere to decrypt it and check it?
Any advice / help greatfully recieved, as Im goign round and round
in circles